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Geographie, Reiseführer
¬A¬ Midsummer Ramble in the Dolomites : [untrodden peaks and unfrequented valleys]
Seite 285 von 361
Autor: Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford / by Amelia B. Edwards
Ort: London
Verlag: Routledge
Umfang: XXIV, 389 S. : Ill., Kt.. - 2. ed.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1872
Signatur: II 98.318
Intern-ID: 171127
which thè Sasso Bianco holds in reference to thè scenery by which it is encompassed. I am not acquainted with thè view from thè Bella Tola in thè Valley of thè Rhone ; but, judgìng from its Situation on thè map, it seems just possible that it may supply exactly thè parallel of which I am in search. The mass of Monte Pezza is of considerable extent. Counting from thè points locally known as Monte Alto on thè West, and Monte Forca on thè East, and from thè Val Pettorina on thè North to thè valley

of thè Biois on thè South, it must cover a space of nearly three and a half miles in length by two and a half in breadth. These, of course, are only rough measurements derived partly from personal observation, and partly based upon thè Austrian Ordnance Map. In superficial extent as well as in height, thè Sasso Bianco (or, more properly, thè Monte Pezza) much exceeds thè Monte Migion, thè Monte Frìsolet, and thè Monte Fernazza.* Of thè geology of thè mountain I am not competent to form an opinion

; but according to BalFs geological map, it is composed in part of Porphyry, and in part of Triassic. The light-coloured cliffs of thè summit, facing North, (being thè part especially designated as thè Sasso Bianco) are probably Dolomite. Both in colour and texture thè rock appears, at all events, to be of one piece with that of which thè great Primiero and Ampezzo peaks are composed. * It is curious that thè Monte Fernazza (also known as thè Monte Tos) should have been ascended thè previous summer