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Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 474 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
-east, over Primiero, the Castrozza Dolomites must he grandly displavecl. The ascent to the coi should be made while thè flocks are yet on the alp, and night quarters can be found at the huts ; the final climh is tben taken before daylight. Another pass, lower and more practi cable, over this ehain, lies farther to the east, at Monte Fenestra, but is said to he much inferior in view, Immediately behind Primiero, on the north, but con- cealed feom view by a lower ränge—the same that has been spoken

of as picturesquely diversified with groves of chestnut and steep slopes of grass—behind this ränge of hills, rises thè panoramic mountain of the entire region, Monte Arzon ( 8,700 feet above the sea). It was not spoken of as such to us ; but baving, on a second visit to Primiero, climh ed one day one of thè peaks of Monte Scanaiol, more to the north, we saw at once that it must be so, and regretted greatly that we had lost the opportunity of verifying our belief. In the depression between Monte Arzon and the

ridge that overlooks Primiero, lies a small lake—the Calaita See —a bare Alpine spot. This depression, the Val di Luzen, eontaining a vìllage and severa! hamlefs, circles round Monte Arzon towards thè west, in a curve parallel to that made by thè Primiero basin, but at a much higher level, ani sinks iato a valley, thè Canale St. Bove, ineluded in