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Recht, Politik
Zur Problematik der Heiligkeit der Veträge : eine Studie über die clausula rebus sic stantibus im Völkerrecht.- (Schriften des Instituts für Sozialforschung in den Alpenländern an der Universität Innsbruck ; 7)
Seite 10 von 205
Autor: Reut ; Nicolussi, Eduard / Eduard Reut ; Nicolussi
Ort: Innsbruck
Verlag: Wagner
Umfang: 200 S.
Sprache: Deutsch
Schlagwort: s.Völkerrechtlicher Vertrag
Signatur: II 7.875 ; II 58.593
Intern-ID: 233974
. 2. In englischer Sprache. Amos (Sheldon), Lectures on International Law, London 1874, Armstrong S. W., The Doctrine of the Equality of Nations in International Law and the Relation of the Doctrine to the Treaty of Versailles, A. J. I. L. XIV. 1920. Baker P. J., The Doctrine of Legal Equality of States in British Year Book of International Law 1923/1924. Barker (Ernest), A Confederation of the Nations, Oxford, Clarendon Press 1918 [Confe deration], Bentham's (Jeremy), Plan for an Universal and Perpetual Peace

, (The Grotius Society Publications) London 1927. Berkeley (Reginald), The Work of the League of Nations in British Year Book of Int. Law, 1921/22. Bisschop W. R., Sovereignty in British Year Book of Int. Law. 1921/1922. Bower (Sir Graham), Peace versus The League of Nations in Transactions of the Grotius Society, London Sweet & Maxwell Ltd 1922. [Peace]. Briexly J. L., The Law of Nations, Oxford 1929 [Law]. — The Shortcomings of International Law in British Year Book 1924 [Shortcomings]. — Some

Considerations as to Obsolescence of Treaties in Transactions of the Grotius Society, London 1926. Brown (Philip Marshall), Self-determination in Central Europe, A. J. I. L, XIV. 1920. — From Sèvres to Lausanne, A. J. I. L. XVIII, 1924, [Lausanne], — International Society its nature and interest, New York 1923 Butler (Geoffrey), Sovereignty and the League of Nations in British Year Book of Inter national Law 1920/1921 [Sovereignty], Butler (Geoffrey) and Maccoby (Simon), The Development of International Law

, London, Longmans, Green & Co. 1928. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Report of the International Commission, Washington 1914. — Treaties and Agreements with and concerning China, 1919—1929 Washington, 1929. — The Recommendations of Habana concerning international organization. New York, Oxford University Press 1917.