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Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 444 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
ter ms, he would ha ve left that matter to va. r rau ge itself ; trat his old mother strack in with a stout refusai to let the rifle go without a definite understanding, which it cost some trouble to arri ve at with thè strong-fisted dame. Plan is at the foot of a pass—the Evas Joch—leading to Cam piteli o, between the Sella Spitze and Lang’ Kofel, and likely to partake of the grandeur of both moun- tains. The Lang Kofel cannot he seen well, tili lower down the Groden Thal than we were able

affair was no joke, gravely followed with bis load. At the village of Sta. Maria, half an hour down the valley, whose ehnrch is celebrated for a piignmage-pictnre of the Madonna,,we tumed up the Lang Thal, a delicious green giade, flat and lawny, guarded on both sides by singulär towers of rock, or, rather, an a venne of towers, 2,000 fe'et in height— their summits steeped in sunshine, their bases in cool shade, The effect was quite novel, for again thè contour of rock differed from thè usuai

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 131 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
, Stretching east-ward. Then come thè gigantic masses of thè Platt Kogel and Lang Kofel ; thè first, slieed off, as thè malice of a Titan, at a single hlow ; thè second, an array of splintered spires, ashy-tinted or pale yellow. A con- fusion of cindery peaks and precipices succeed, hearing northward ; a green elevation of thè Seisser itself hides more of them from view, as it has already hidden thè Oertler and bis fellows. But a sudden dip shows a portion . of thè Norie chain, clear, this day, with its

delicate snows. The Lang Kofel nndoubtedly centres in itself thè chief interest of thè view. 4 Murray ’ gives a slight outline of this mountain, as seen edgeways from thè Gröden Thal. There its aspect is more remarkable, but its construction and vast proporfcions are better appredated from thè Seisser Alp. Yet it is vast more as a rock than a mountain. It is a eitadel of thè giants, walled, bastioned, batti e- mented, turreted, all in fit proportion ; conceived in this light, it will not disappoint

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 147 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
mand not only thè best portiòn of thè Fassa valley, but thè entrance to thè Duron Thal on thè west, and that of thè Fedaia pass, skirting thè precipices of thè Marmolata, on thè east ; white northward a fine pass leads into thè Groden and Grader Thais, at thè back of thè Lang Kofel. It is, therefore, mach to he regretted that Bernardi small inn offers but one tolerable bedroom, and cannot raise either a cutlet or a potatoe for dinner. That remained tke diffi- culty ; fowls and lettuce were

towards thè Marmolata, and I explored thè bases of some extraordinary Dolomites overhanging Campitello, on the north. The Marmolata is best seen from the gorge of the Duron Thal, and by far the most striking effect about Campitello is due to these crags of Dolomites, which are, in fact, por- tions of the Lang Kofel. Their really vast proportions are concealed by an intervening bill, but nothing can be more sìngular tlia.11 their appearance, and in certain lights, such as snnset or moonlight, they look