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Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Seite 307 von 491
Autor: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Ort: London
Verlag: Longmans Green
Umfang: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Signatur: II A-4.091
Intern-ID: 155537
diality. An instancc of this was tho magnili conce witli wMeli he celebratoci thè marriage of her nopliow, Johann von. Kolourat, witli hoi* maid-of-honour, Kata rina von Boimont, in 1580: thc * NevHt-wU * or princi- pal strcct afforded space 'for toiirnaincnts and raeos which lasted many days, and attracted ilio reumining votaries of chivalry frora all parta of Europe. The fcstivities'were closed by a splendid pageant, in which Ferdinand took part an s Qlympian dove.* In 1582 Ferdinand inarried

.Anna Katliarina Gon zaga, datigli ter of thè Duke of Mant.ua, wlm was no lesa plotts tirali Philippine. The marriage was cclcbratcd at Innsbruck witli great pomp. Hhe 'was the first to introduce the Capuchin Order into (»ermany. Some fiiscnssion .in the general chapter of the Order pro cederi the decision which allowed the monks to acccpt, the consequences of being oxposcd to a colder climate tban that fco whicli, they lind been used. The first itone of their monastery was laici by Ferdinand and

Anna Katharina in August 1593, at the intersecfcion of the Universitäts-gasse and thc Sdl-gasse. Ferdinand dieci the following year, regretted by all the people, but by none more than by Anna Katharina, who passed the remainder of her days in a convelli she had fbunded at Innsbruck, She died in 1621, and desi red the following inscription to be put on her tomb :— 4 Mimrem mei .Domine dum veneris in novimkm die' Tire warning of the disastrali» years 1572-4 was further tnnied to practica] account

by Ferdinand in

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Seite 29 von 491
Autor: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Ort: London
Verlag: Longmans Green
Umfang: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Signatur: II A-4.091
Intern-ID: 155537
dosH. Anton: Fürstenchor; abjuration of Queen Christina—Introduc ti on of Jesuits ; resulta—The ‘ Fromme Siechin’—'Ferdinand II. • J his peaceful tastes ; romautic attachmcnt; Philippine Welser; ménage at Schloss Ambras ; collectione ; curiosities ; portraits ; Philippine's end page 225 CHARTER IX. NORTH TIROL—THE INNTHAL, inksbbttck (coniinmd), Wallenstein's yqw—T heophrastus Paracelsus ; Ms mystcrious dealings —The Tummelplatz—The Silberne Kapelle — Earthquake and dearth ; their lesson

s —Ferdinand ’ s devotion to thè Blessed Sacra meli t ; analogen» legend of Rudolf of Hapsburg —Ferdinand’s second marriage—The Capiichin Church— Maximilian tlio Deutsch meister ; introduces thè Servitos—Paul Lederer— Marmili an’s bermi tage — S. Lorenzo of Brindisi—Dreiheiligkeitskirche — Pro vision« against ravages of thè Thirfcy Years’ War—The Siechenhaus —Leopold V. ; dispensed from his episcopal Jurisdiction and vows; Marries Claudia de’ Medici— Friedrich v. Tiefenbach—F estiviti es at Innsbruck —The

Hofgarten — Kranaeh’s Madonna, Mariähiilfs- kirehe built to rnceivo it ; trans! ation to thè Pfarr-kirehc under Ferdinand Karl—Ferdinand Karl—Regency of Claudia de* Medici; administrative ability; Italien influences —Sigismund Franz— Claudia Felicita—Charles of Lotharingia—Wo r of successi on ; Bavarian inroadof 1703 ; thè Poutlatzerbriicke ; Bai erische-Rumpel —Sf. Annensäule— Joseph I.—Karl Philipp ; builds thè Land-haus and gymnasium, restores thè Pfarrkirche ; stucco and marble deeorations

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Seite 318 von 491
Autor: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Ort: London
Verlag: Longmans Green
Umfang: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Signatur: II A-4.091
Intern-ID: 155537
Ferdinand IL being consumed, and tìie body of Leopold, lier husband. wiiich was lying tliere at thè timo, rescued witli difficulty. After tbis, Claudia speli t some little time at Bolzen, and also visite*! Florence, It mav he questioned whether t-he introdnetion of thè nnmerous Italians about her court'was altogether for thè benefit of Tirol, Thev brought with t:bem certain ways and principies which were not altogether in aeeordanee with thè German character ; and we bave seen thè effcci of thè

jealousies of race in t-he t-rcuric fate of her cium- cellor Biener., 1 Ferdinand Karl having att.ained bis majority in 1646, Claudia withdrew from public affuirs, and dieci otily two yeurs later. In bis reign thè introduction of t-he Italian element at court was apparent in thè grcater luxitry of it» arrangement«, and in thè grcater cultivation of histrionie and musical diversicns. The establish ment of thè theatre in Innsbruck is din; to him. The in arri ago of hi« two sisters, Maria. Leopoldina, and

. Isabella Clara, and thè frequent intcrchange of visits between him and thè princes of It a!}*, flirt her etwas rein Innsbruck, Tbc visit of Queen Christina,® of which I bave al ready said enotigh 'for iny limita, also took planen in bis reign ( 1655)., Nor did Ferdinand Karl givo hitn- self up to amusement to thè negleet of business, or of * St* pj>. 12 r>„ i, # Sho «iw f.„ii ber wiiy lo lioini», whoro sii* gjwiil il» »-it, d h(?r bfe, Ahxmulf-r VII. cotnmi«»ir>ncd lo rclmild thè Porta ilei 1’ojMilo

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Seite 305 von 491
Autor: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Ort: London
Verlag: Longmans Green
Umfang: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Signatur: II A-4.091
Intern-ID: 155537
2JO TUE VALLEYS OF TIROL. his clesire Ferdinand was buricci neu her ; Ms monti- ment is similarly stink ln thè thickness of the wall, which is adorned with shields carved in relicf, liearing the arras of Ms liotise painted with their respective tinct-ures; and on thè tomb are marble reliefs, setti ng forili (after fcìie manner of tliose on Maximilian^ ceno- tapi» ) the public acts of Iris lifo, This chapel carne to te usaci afterwards for Itali an sermons by tho consorts of siihseqùent riderà

of Tirol, many of wliom vere Italiana. ln 1572 Innsbruck was vjslted by a severe- shock of earthqnake, which overthrew raany buildings, and so fi lieb the people with alarm, tliat temporaxy wooden linis wer© Irnilt in the open field where they took refuge. Ferdinand and Philippine had recoursc to the Häme means of safety; and while livlng thus, their only daughter, Anna Eleonora, was born. In thanksgiving for this favour, and for the ccssation of thè panie, the royal pair vowed a pilgrimage to Seefeld

, 1 which fhey accomplislied on foot, accompanied by their sons ; above two thousand .Innsbruckers following thcin. The general sentiment of grafitiide wag further testi fied by the enactinent on tbc part of Ferdinand, and the glad acceptance on the part of the people, of varioiis riilc-s of devotion, which have gone to form the subse- quent habits of the people. Three years of dcarth sue- ceeded the earthquake, and were acceptcd by the ' 9« pp. 194 , 270. 324 - 5 .

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Seite 294 von 491
Autor: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Ort: London
Verlag: Longmans Green
Umfang: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Signatur: II A-4.091
Intern-ID: 155537
. The naturai rctribution of a riist-urhance of thè regulär #uccé*»ion to thè throne* followéd, bui with Timi’# limai geiocl fortune Ilio consequence# dici not prove disùstrotis. as we sliiill mi* later on, &hi&ted al the dislalico of a plcasant hoiir’a walk from Innsbruck* and forming an excewlinglypicturesfjue otyeci in thè vìews from. il, is Schloss Ambra#, iti atieieiìt times otte of thè rliief Imlmiirks of the Inn thal. Ferdinand I. txuight jf : of thè noble family of Schürfen ai thè lime vheii

he nomiliatcd hi# #on to thè goternnielli, of thè coimtry, and it always rernained Ferdinand II.'** favonrite residence. Hither he Iwmighi liofile thè I Jean* Udì rhilippiuo Weiser, whose grace and ni;«ìrtty tisici won hi* heart ai first pìgli t, a# she lesini fonrard fmm her turret window to rast ber flowery greeting al thè tVet of the Kmiperur C'harie# Quitti when he calne itilo Augsburg, and thè yonng and hand- •otne. prince frale hy hi# side, i’hilippino bat! heen hetrothed hy her fallen 1 lo the lieir

of thè Fugger Family, tli»* ri elinit and file* 1 ! powerful of Àttgaburg ; bui ber cyca had flirt Ferdinand 1 #, and tbat otte glauce • t