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Technik, Mathematik, Statistik
Opere pubbliche : edilizia, idraulica, strade, ferrovie, porti, archeologia ; rassegna mensile illustrata "; An. 3. 1933, n. 6/7)
Seite 58 von 172
Umfang: S. 225 - 374, XIII - XVI : zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Italienisch
Schlagwort: g.Südtirol;s.Öffentliches Gebäude
Signatur: III A-60
Intern-ID: 243817
building is to contain tbe reception rooms, that is to say, thè reception room proper, dining room, library and others ; thè wing will contain thè ballroom and ehapel. The first floor is reserved for tbe private apartments of thè Duke and Duchess, and three guest apartments. The VILLA LYDIA » SEDE DELLA CASA CIVILE E MILITARE DELLE LL. AA. RR. I DUCHI DI PISTOIA, IN BOLZANO «VILLA LYDIA» HE AD QUARTERS OR THE CIVILE AND MILITARY HOUSEHOLD OF T. R. H. THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF PISTOIA AT BOLZANO e tre

at tinenza con lo spirito del Regime : la Colonia Mon tana dolia M. V. S. N. sopra Trafoi, sulla strada dello Stelvio, e il Convitto Nazionale ((Damiano Chiesa » in Bolzano. VILLA LY'DIA » SITZ DES HAUSES FÜR BURGER UND MILITAIRE DER LL.AA. RR. DIE HERZOG VON PISTOIA IN BOLZANO VILLA LYDLA » SIÈGE DE LA MAISON CIVILE ET MILT- TAIRE DES LL. AA. RR. LES DUCS ET LA DUCHESSE DE PISTOIA nurseries, wardrobe and other Service rooms are on tbe second floor. The royal residence is completed by various smaller

buildings crccted in thè grounds : Villino Lydia for the civil and military su.ites, thè garage, stables, grooms’ house, a chalet in the tennis court, thè guards’ apartments, porter’s lodge and hot- liouse. Two otlier works carried out by thè State, which are very typical of the spirit of the Regime, are thè Mountain Colony of the M.V.S.N. above Trafoi on tbe Stelvio Road, and the National College oalled « Damiano Chiesa », in Bolzano. The first was formed out of an already exist- ing building, which

Technik, Mathematik, Statistik
Opere pubbliche : edilizia, idraulica, strade, ferrovie, porti, archeologia ; rassegna mensile illustrata "; An. 3. 1933, n. 6/7)
Seite 59 von 172
Umfang: S. 225 - 374, XIII - XVI : zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Italienisch
Schlagwort: g.Südtirol;s.Öffentliches Gebäude
Signatur: III A-60
Intern-ID: 243817
ora può ospitare 300 militi, il Comando della Colonia e due famiglie del personale. Il Convitto Nazionale fu. sistemato nello stabile di un ex-albergo, del quale venne effettuata la com pleta rinnovazione, in Gries, ottenendosi una sede ben attrezzata con criteri moderni, rispondente a tutti i requisiti tecnici, igienici, didattici inerenti a siffatto Istituto. 2. Opere Stradali. La provincia di Bolzano è da annoverarsi tra le provincie italiane di primissimo ordine nei riguardi della viabilità

regione delle Dolomiti. La rete delle strade statali nella provincia di Bolzano comprende nove tronchi, con uno sviluppo complessivo di circa km. 420. Allorquando la regione tridentina divenne, anche nei riguardi politici, corrispondente alle sue condi- and supplied with it.s own electric light plant and all other necessary special mitili ations, so that it can now house 300 soldiers, 'the Commandant of thè Colony and two families of domestics. For thè National College, use was made of an ex-hotel

in Gries which has also been entirely reno- vated and fitted with every technical and liygienic appointment necessary to such an Institution. 2. Road Works. The Province of Bolzano holds front rank as regards road accomodation, being a frontier province with four roads of international coin- munication : with Switzerland by thè Monas tero Valley : with thè Austrian Republic by thè Brenner and Resia Passes and thè valley of thè Drava. There is an intense tourist movement in this region, due to thè