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Technik, Mathematik, Statistik
Opere pubbliche : edilizia, idraulica, strade, ferrovie, porti, archeologia ; rassegna mensile illustrata "; An. 3. 1933, n. 6/7)
Seite 56 von 172
Umfang: S. 225 - 374, XIII - XVI : zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Italienisch
Schlagwort: g.Südtirol;s.Öffentliches Gebäude
Signatur: III A-60
Intern-ID: 243817
a CASERMA HR. CC. IN BOLZANO (s. QUIRINO) KASKRMK RR. CC. IN BOLZANO ( S. QUIRINO) BARRACKS 01' THE RR. CC. AT BOLZANO (s. QUIRINO) CASERME HR. CC. IN BOI.ZANO (S. QUIRINO) impresa Giovanni uermani - boi.zano — ( Foto Perdami Sergia - Trento) ing of thè Military Command, vvith thè annexed infir- inary, a small barracks, a covered gymnasium, four Stahles, an infirmary for anirnals a kitchen pavilion, sliower haths, two farrieries, thè garage, a pavilion contaiirng laboratories and day-time

elosets and a covered riding scliool. Among thè ir anv plants in- stalled in thè various sections may he mentioned tlie drainage systems of thè different huildings, which are connected with special collccting cisterns into uhich tlie sewerage is einptied to he purified beforc heing discharged into pits, whence it percolates through thè under soil. T h e n e iv (. a r b i ii i o. r i Barracks a 1 Bolzano, wlii- ch co^t Lit. 2,400,000, is a n i mposing three - winged C. S. INNERN HOI- 1 » COIR INTE

di Bolzano , del costo di L. 2.400.000, è un imponente edificio che comprende tre ali. disposte ad T a braccia al largate, con tre fronti ehe prospettano rispettiva mente su Ila strada statale Bolzano - M c- rano, sul Viale Venezia e su. Via Zara ; es so contiene un piano seni in-