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¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Seite 382 von 491
Autor: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Ort: London
Verlag: Longmans Green
Umfang: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Signatur: II A-4.091
Intern-ID: 155537
of S. Vigilius, and the seat of the great council of thè Church, are reckoned by ita people their greatest glories ; and they delight to trace a parallel between their city and £ great Borne.’ They reckon that it was founded in the time of Tar quinius Priscus byacolony of Etruscans, under a leader 1 The Passion Plays of thè Brixenthal, however, are reckoned the 'best, The performer» gather and rehearse in the spring, and go round from village to village through the Summer months, only, as amphi- theatres are

improvi sed in the open. 1 It may he worth mentioning, as an instance of how the contagion of populär customs is transm itted, that on onquiring into some very curious grotesque ceremonies performed in T'jGJifi afc clO'S© of tlio cap- nevalj and called ita ‘ boriai,’ I learnt that it did not appear to be a Tirolean custom, but had been int.rodueed by the soldi©« of th© garrisco who, for a long time past. had been taken from. thè Slave province» of the Austrian .Empire, and thus a Slavo popular custom

ha» buon grafted on to Tirol, Wälsch-Tirol, however, liaa ita own customs for closing thè carnevai, toc. In some places it is biirnt in effigy : in some, dismissed with thè foliowing dancing-song (Schnodnhüpfi) greeting, Evviva carnevai r Chelige manca ancor el sai : El carneral che vien Lo saleram più ben !