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Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Tourist in Italy.- (¬The¬ landscape annual ; 1833)
Seite 326 von 334
Autor: Roscoe, Thomas ; Harding, James Duffield [Ill.] / by Thomas Roscoe. Ill. from drawings by J. D. Harding
Ort: London
Verlag: Jennings and Chaplin
Umfang: 271 S., [24] Bl. : Ill.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Italien;f.Führer
Signatur: II 302.332
Intern-ID: 499514
268 THE LANDSCAPE ANNUAL. Had it not been taken, the plains of Marengo would probably never have resounded to the roar of the French cannon; the old cities of the Rhine would never have heard the triumphant voices of Parisian con querors; and Germany would have remained wrapped up in her learned and dreamy security. All Europe would have fallen into its former repose. The turbulent and ambitious spirit of France would have, perhaps, mistrusted its power, and gone to sleep, or employed its might

on some more profitable object. Knowledge, and all the results of science would, it may be, by this time have carried us to inconceivable heights; and, instead of the names of Napoleon, and others of his class, appearing as the great land-marks of history, we should have had those of mightier philosophers and poets than any that have yet flourished. Thirty years of waT would have been enough to throw states, less advanced than were those of Europe at their com mencement, into barbarism ; but, though

they have not done this, we may fairly calculate that they have de prived us of a proportionable measure of improvement. It is thus the taking of a little Swiss mountain fortress may have influenced the destinies of Europe and the world.