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40 Jahre Hotel Kreid : 1. Juli 1891 ; ein Ehrenblatt aus Tirols Verkehrsgeschichte
Seite 14 von 49
Ort: München
Verlag: Dt. Verkehrsverl.
Umfang: 48 S. : Ill.
Sprache: Deutsch
Anmerkungen: Nebent.: Innsbruck - Hotel Kreid
Schlagwort: k.Hotel Kreid
Signatur: II 64.172
Intern-ID: 263416
city of its present day importance and Johann Kreid to the foundation of an hotel of his own. In the year 1900, a decennial Passion Play Year in Oberammergau, Innsbruck was already prepared to receive guests from abroad but it also became manifest that more was to be done to encourage tourists and visitors from foreign countries to abide in Innsbruck. Herr Kreid had already at an earlier date, 1887, acquired the large house, corner of Margarethenplatz (now Bozner Platz)-Meinhardstraße from

Baumeister Mayr in which the ground floor was occupied by the Restaurant Eck. The mansion was changed into an hotel and thanks to the efficiency and the taste of the proprietor it soon ranked together with the few other establishments of grand style. The mansion became a modern hotel owing to the activity and capability with which it was managed; assiduity and energy were the greatest supports of this work which lasted for over forty years. In the House Hotel Kreid is the property of the family, since

the death of the founder in 1903 it is managed bv the son of the deceased, Herr Hans Kreid. The latter is assisted by the nephew Dr. Arthur von Andreatta with the successful collaboration of Herr Leopold Mihatsch as Director, who is at this post for the last twenty five years. The staff has for the greater part been in the employment of the hotel for many years. Hotel Kreid is therefore a family hotel with tradition and principles, the result of the work of a lifetime. These attributes of a modern

and well mana ged house of hospitality are very important for the comfort of the guests. It may be that the vicinity of the central station, the centre of Inns bruck's traffic, the charming view of the surrounding Alps, the position in the most fashionable part of the town attract guests to the house and prove of benefit but in the main it will be the congenial feeling of confidence to live in a family hotel with tradition and good old principles which makes the guests and visitors feel at home

40 Jahre Hotel Kreid : 1. Juli 1891 ; ein Ehrenblatt aus Tirols Verkehrsgeschichte
Seite 13 von 49
Ort: München
Verlag: Dt. Verkehrsverl.
Umfang: 48 S. : Ill.
Sprache: Deutsch
Anmerkungen: Nebent.: Innsbruck - Hotel Kreid
Schlagwort: k.Hotel Kreid
Signatur: II 64.172
Intern-ID: 263416
mit reichem Verkehr, dem Fremdenbesuche dienend, fürsorglich darauf bedacht, die Naturschönheiten weitum zu erschließen, ein ausgedehntes Netz von Kraf twagenfahrten an die Einbruchsstellen oder bis weit in die Täler des Landes schafft Verbindung zur Hochgebirgswelt. Innsbruck, die schmucke Stadt mit ihren rund 70,000 Einwoh nern in 575 Meter Meereshöhe, ist der Ausgangspunkt hiefür, seine wohlausgerüsteten Gaststätten, unter denen Hotel „Kreid' aner kannte Werte und eine kleine

of modern traffic however is based on its charming position in the centre of the Alps and its connection with nearly all the main lines of continental Europe. Herr Johann Kreid y the founder of the hotel, town councillor and proprietor of the inn near the Southern Railway Station (now Central Station) was one of those men who brought visitors from foreign coun tries to Innsbruck and who animated his people into activity. In the year 1889 the town council formed a committee for the promotion of foreign

traffic: Herr Karl Landsee, hotel-keeper, Herr Johann Kreid, restaurant-keeper and Dr. Otto Kölner were allotted members. Like scientists who study the development and the activity of an invention, these three deputies investigated the state of foreign travel in the town, they helped where they could to put up visitors comfortably and came to the conclusion that Innsbruck was well in a position to hospitably receive visitors from all countries, if accommodation was increased and improved. This