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Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Seite 27 von 150
Autor: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Ort: London
Verlag: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Umfang: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Signatur: III 83.717/1
Intern-ID: 333558
by west of Turin, is by Nond and Pignerol, through the fertile plains of the Po, and over an excellent but uninteresting road. Pignerol is a town which has frequently been the scene of contests between the respective sovereigns of Prance and Piedmont. In 1630 it was taken by the army of Louis XIII., which was commanded by Cardinal Richelieu in person : it continued attached to the crown of France for many years ; but was restored by treaty to Victor Amadeus II., after its fortifications had been

destroyed.* The situation of * Pignerol will also be remembered as the scene of the early imprisonment ofth e Man U-'iik the Iron Mask , whose fate is so well known. Recent investigations make it appear that he was one Mathioli, a Bolognese, who was secretary of state to the Duke of Mantua. In utter violation of the law of nations, he was entrapped and imprisoned for life, to satisfy the reckless vengeance of Louis XIV. NO. II. D