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Geographie, Reiseführer
[ca. 1927]
Bolzano (Bozen) : the "Gateway of the Dolomites"
Seite 3 von 16
Ort: Bolzano
Verlag: Vogelweider
Umfang: 15 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Bozen <Region>;f.Führer
Signatur: II A-36.047
Intern-ID: 511451
The old-world, mellow and romantic appearance of the town of Bolzano is reminiscent of Nuremberg. The delightful mediaeval colonnaded streets, quaint buildings, market squares and odd corners, are particularly fascinat ing. On holidays, Sundays, and market days the local life is specially interesting. On these occasions the bright coloured, picturesque native costumes which are worn are in pleasant harmony with the old-world mise en scene. Many a happy hour can be spent watching the busy local

life from a table outside a restaurant or café. Bolzano is very well provided with hotels and restau rants of all categories, and they all have the important merit of offering comfort, cleanliness, excellent fare, and service at a very moderate cost. Among the chief 'sights' of Bolzano are : the Cathe dral, the Victor Emanuel Place, the Museum, containing many local relics, the quaint streets, and many buildings of considerable architectural merit and interest. At Easter interesting festivals are

held. The flower market in its delightful setting is a charming spectacle. In May an important Fair is held. Bolzano is an important fruit growing centre. In the Spring (March-April) the blossom in the valley and on the hillsides is a wonderful sight, and reminds one of Taormina in February. In September the grapes and other fruits are gathered. From many points of vantage in and around Bolzano, extremely fine