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Technik, Mathematik, Statistik
Opere pubbliche : edilizia, idraulica, strade, ferrovie, porti, archeologia ; rassegna mensile illustrata "; An. 3. 1933, n. 6/7)
Seite 125 von 172
Umfang: S. 225 - 374, XIII - XVI : zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Italienisch
Schlagwort: g.Südtirol;s.Öffentliches Gebäude
Signatur: III A-60
Intern-ID: 243817
pu.blic sewers. The rooms have brick stoves for heating, and each kitchen has a gas stovc and a rango far burning wood or cbarcoal. The floors are in stained deal in thè rooms and granolithic stonc in the remainder. Each kitchen is fitted with a sink and those overlooking the courtyard have a balcony. These houses also are built in stonc and in ac cordarne with modern building requiremenls. Tke Commiinal slaugkter-kouse As the ice-making plant was out of date and non-economical and no longcr responded

to the requirements of the town slaughter-house, the Com mune decided to erect in it.s place an ammonia plant of thè potcntiality of 90,000 refrigerator-hours, with a « Block )ì compressor on the « Freundlich » System. The plant was installed in 1930 by the Leonard da Vinci Company of Milan. The refrigerator plant was also redueed to a deplorable condition ; tbe pipes were almost com- pletely blocked with incrustations and could not possihly satisfy the growing nceds of the sl au.ghtor- house. The

whole plant had therefore Lo be taken down and replaced by one of the potentiality of 45-50,000 refrigerator-hours. The same company put up tliis plant. It was also found nccessary lo build a habitation for the watchman, whence lie could keep an eye on the entrancc to the slaughler-housc outside the ordinary houxs of Service, and this nced was met by thè erection of another floor on thè building of tbe lower slaughter-house. Tke * Regina Elena » alpine colony on tke summit o f S. Vigil IO Up to 1928