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Geographie, Reiseführer
Italia : viaggio pittoresco dall'Alpi all'Etna
Seite 162 von 789
Autor: Stieler, Karl / di K. Stieler ; E. Paulus ; W. Kaden
Ort: Milano
Verlag: Treves
Umfang: 938 S. : zahlr. Ill.. - 4. ed.
Sprache: Italienisch
Schlagwort: g.Italien ; f.Reisebericht
Signatur: IV 68.484
Intern-ID: 218520
d’attenzione. Nella cappella detta degli Angioli presso all ’Hotel du Pare si può ammirare un gran dioso affresco di Bernardino Burnì rappresentante la Crocifissione, certo il più vasto, e forse anello il meglio riuscito del fecondo pittore lombardo. E sul lungarno , c nella Villa Ciani e altrove si trovano opere dello scultore Vela, gloria vivente della statuaria italiana, il quale da alcun tempo vive ritirato appunto presso a Lugano , nel paesello di Ligornctto , sua patria , ove

il visitatore può vedere raccolti e ordinati in una specie di museo, i modelli in gesso di tutte le molte opere, die lo scultore ticinese condusse in marmo durante la sua lunga e fortunata carriera d’artista. IL LAGO MAGGIORE. La passeggiata continua; e come abbiamo fatto per giungere dal lago di Como a quel di Lu- ano, pigliamo una via traversa per arrivare da Lugano al Lago Maggiore. Essa è quasi altret tanto breve elio la prima, quantunque meno pittoresca, e ci conduce direttamente a Luino, patria del

di Brillanza , svariata c veramente meridionale. Le due rive non sono egual mente popolate ; quella a destra di chi scende, che è la piemontese, è assai più di queU’aitra fre quente di paeselli e città ; non cosi numerose invece le villeggiature , forse a cagione della mag giore distanza da Milano, quantunque ora comincino a spesseggiare anche qui, sopra tutto in quel ridente golfo di Brillanza, che è pel Lago Maggiore quel che la Tremezzina è pel lago di Como. La popolazione ò laboriosa, industre

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Seite 137 von 150
Autor: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Ort: London
Verlag: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Umfang: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Signatur: III 83.717/1
Intern-ID: 333558
rich plain of Erba. Immediately below Lecco, where the waters of the lake again become the river Adda, a bridge crosses the stream, beyond which the different roads to Milan divide. That which leads to Como is an excellent carriage- road, entering the valley immediately below the high mountain which is opposite to Lecco. After a short passage through this valley, the. prospect opens upon scenes of striking richness and beauty, which are little known to English travellers, and which continue

throughout the journey to Como. The road passes by several beautiful lakes, particularly that of Pusiano, arid at the bases of hills covered with chestnuts and vines, whilst olives, mulberry-trees, Indian com, and other produc tions of a generous soil and climate, cover in profuse abundance this favoured country. Numerous villages, and the towns of Incino* and Erba, inhabited by a fine race of people, are traversed by this road; and the inhabitants of this charming district appear to participate in its

character of prosperity, enjoyment, and repose. The approach to Como presents one of the most beautiful views in which this city is an object: it is seen, far below the vineyards which skirt the road, deeply embosomed in the mountains; the Duomo, and part of the city of Como, are seen bordering upon the lake, which in this view is almost hidden by the surrounding hills. On the left is the monastery of San Salvatore, in a commanding situation; and above Como are its conical bills, surmounted

by castellated ruins. Beyond the hills which surround the lake, the Alps are seeri stretching across the horizon, and conspicuous among these is the beautiful form of Monte Rosaf. Como itself is a place of great interest: its early history, the great men which it has produced, its importance and exposure during the wars of the Middle Ages, render an inquiry into its history one of considerable interest. From Como, the direct road to Milan by Barlasina is dull and monotonous; but * Anciently, Licino Porum

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Cornice, the Grimsel and the Gries, the Bernardin and the Splugen, the Brenner, the Tende and the Argentière, and the Simplon.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 2)
Seite 65 von 164
Autor: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Ort: London
Verlag: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Umfang: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Signatur: III 83.717/2
Intern-ID: 333560
of mountains that form its southern boundary, and which are surmounted by enormous glaciers, extending to the Bernina, in the Engadine. From Chiavenna, the distance to Riva, at the head of the Lake of Como, is about ten miles. Travellers hasten through the northern part of the lake, to avoid the malaria, which prevails there to a fatal extent. Boats are readily obtained at Riva, by which they can de scend to the Lake of Como. The navigation of the Lake of Riva, the northern part of the Lake of Como

, is dangerous, owing to shallows, which prevent the steam-boats proceeding above Gravedona; at which place, however, they daily arrive from, and return to, Como. A route by the Alps, from Cisalpine Gaul into Rhaetia and Suabia, is one of the four passes of the Alps stated by Polybius as known to the Romans in his time. That some pass across these Alps is of such high antiquity is unquestionable; but it is not possible to determine whether the pass known so early was that of the Bernardin or of the Splugen

Geographie, Reiseführer
Italien : eine Wanderung von den Alpen bis zum Aetna
Seite 115 von 526
Autor: Stieler, Karl ; Bauernfeind, Gustav [Ill.] / in Schilderungen von Karl Stieler, Eduard Paulus, Woldemar Kaden mit Bildern von G. Bauernfeind ...
Ort: Stuttgart
Verlag: Engelhorn
Umfang: 430 S. : zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Deutsch
Anmerkungen: In Fraktur
Schlagwort: g.Italien ; f.Reisebericht
Signatur: IV 1.255
Intern-ID: 218519
ländlicher Stille so sehr mit klassischer Weihe vereinen, nirgends vergißt man die Welt so leicht und findet sie doch so schnelle wieder, wenn man sie wiederfinden muß. Wir halten zuerst am Lago di Como an, vor jenem lange» tiefen Becken, das mehr als vierzig Miglien im Umfang mißt und sich endlich in zwei Arme theilt, die iveit auseinander streben, genannt nach den Städten Leeco und Como, Die letztere von Beiden, deren nördliche Häuser schon die Wellen bespülen/ ist das Ideal einer kleinen lom

bardischen Stadt; fest gedrungen in ihren architektonischen Zügen, reich an Schönheit und streitbaren Erinnerungen und doch beweglich im ganzen Leben und Treiben, Ein niedliches Theater durfte den Bürgern nicht fehlen, das Lyccnm mahnt an die großen Namen, die Como ihre Heinmth nennen, an die beiden Plinius und an die beiden Päpste Imweenz XI, und Clemens XIII., an Jovius uitb Rezzonico. Sie sind der Stolz der Stadt, woraus die Bürger gerne den Fremden weisen, wenn der Fremde nach ihren Schätzen fragt

. Auch SSoltn stammte aus Como, Der Dom zählt zu den schönsten, die Oberitalien besitzt, vielleicht ist er der schönste Von allen nach Mailand selbst, Strenge Gothik und eine seltene Würde, die nur in der (späteren) Fahnde und am Chor bisweilen Renaissance- Motive einließ, zeichnen ihn aus; das runde mächtige Portal ist umgeben von einer glänzenden Ornamentik, die uns zahllose Heiligenbilder zeigt, alle von steinernem Schnitzwerk zierlich umrahmt und nbertont mit jenen Farben, die nur der Hauch

er seine herrlichsten Zeilen, aber sein Herz war leicht, wenn auch sein Geist mit schtveren Räthseln rang. Denn „hier bin ich von keiner Hoffnung und keiner Furcht bedrängt (spricht er entzückt im ersten Buche), kein Wort klingt an mein Ohr, kein Wort aus meinem Munde, das mich gereuen müßte. Nie höre ich in bitterem Ton über die Menschen schmähen." — Am Landungsplätze zu Como drängt sich in buntem Gewühl der ganze Verkehr des See's, den die Dampfer täglich in seiner vollen Länge dnrchmessen. Wie farbenreich

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Seite 135 von 150
Autor: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Ort: London
Verlag: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Umfang: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Signatur: III 83.717/1
Intern-ID: 333558
of Indian and other corn are gathered in the year. The Adda is three times crossed in the descent from Son drio to Morbegno, .whence the road continues on the left of the river to Colico, on the lake of Como. On the right of the road, before arriving at Colico, the traveller passes the ruins of a fort, which was built in 1604 by the Marquess of Fuentes, at a time when this part of the country was uirited to the states of Milan. The fort was built on the hill of Montecchio, near the. mouth of the Adda

; but it is so surrounded by deadly marshes, that it has been the grave of more victims to malaria than to war. Colico, the port of the Valteline, on the lake of Como, will probably become, from the great line of communication which has been made with Germany through the Valteline, a place of much importance, particularly since the establish ment of steam-boats on the lake of Como, which secures the navigation of the lake, from one extremity to the other, in four or five hours. But a very

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Seite 127 von 150
Autor: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Ort: London
Verlag: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Umfang: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Signatur: III 83.717/1
Intern-ID: 333558
place two roads branch off to Milan; the one by Monza, the other by Erba and Como. The new road is not less interesting to the engineer than to the politician. The great height to which it was necessary to carry the road, the summit of the passage being 9091 English feet above the level of the sea, — the nature of the ground over which it has been constructed, and the narrow and dangerous defiles, now sheltered by galleries, beneath which the traveller passes in safety,—presented difficulties

loosened by frost, or detached by avalanches from the mountains which bound the Pass of the Stelvio, sweep across the zig-zag terraces of the upper part of the road. The scenery throughout the route from Botzen to Milan, which the author now proposes to illustrate, is rich and varied, abounding in the sublime, the beautiful, and the picturesque, from the glaciers of the Ortler-Spitz to the shores of the lake of Como, and through the rich valleys of the Adige and the Adda. Botzen is situated in the

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Seite 138 von 150
Autor: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Ort: London
Verlag: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Umfang: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Signatur: III 83.717/1
Intern-ID: 333558
and unchristian assumption of temporal power by the Bishops of Como and Coire subjected the wretched inhabitants of Chia- venna, the Valteline, and Bormio, to the sufferings which their feuds occasioned: the causes sometimes varied, but the inflictions continued for centuries; and their political or reli gious relations exposed them to oppression from the monarchial tyranny of distant potentates, or the republican tyranny of their neighbours the Orisons. In 1336, these valleys fell under the

dominion of Azzo Visconti, Duke of Milan ; one of whose successors, in gratitude for some political treachery, ceded his right over these terri tories to the Bishop of Coire. This became the basis of a claim which the Orisons afterwards made to the fealty of the inhabitants of Bormio and the Valteline, and an unsuccessful irruption was made into these valleys by the Orisons in 1487. In 1512, when the whole of the valleys from the Brauglio to the lake of Como fell >vith the Milanese into the power

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Seite 322 von 598
Ort: London
Verlag: Murray
Umfang: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Schlagwort: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Signatur: I 124.216
Intern-ID: 37775
Tyrol, ROUTE 214. —MILAN TO INNSBRUCK.—COLICO. 301 the lake, had; Isola Bella, higher up, I better), an unhealthy village, on ac count of malaria, near the N* extre mity of the lake, at the foot of the M onte Legnone, whieh rises 7444 ft. above the lake. Colico has a port for boats, which may be engaged here to convey travellers to Como, Lecco, or across the lake. The steamboat, however, from Como ascends twice a day to the upper end of the lake, touching at Domaso, the town opposite, between

12 and 1 o’clock, unless the water of the lake be too low to admit it,, which happens in summer. It crosses over to Colico, and embarks or disem barks a carriage there. Carriages should by no means be intrusted to the unsafe fiat-bottomed row-boats on the lake. It traverses the lake in 3 hrs. to Como, whence a railway runs (from Camerlata Suit. ) to Milan. A little way beyond Colico, in the midst of the marshy plain formed by the deposits of the Adda, the road to Chiavenna ( Germ, Cloven) and the

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Seite 321 von 598
Ort: London
Verlag: Murray
Umfang: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Schlagwort: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Signatur: I 124.216
Intern-ID: 37775
branch of the Lake of Como called La go di Lee co, surmounted by moun tains of a very bold and striking out line, The serrated ridge on the E. is well-named II lieseyorie (great saw). The population of Leeco amounts to 8000 souls, and is rapidly on the in crease ; there are manufactures of iron and cotton-twist in the town. At Leeco the road of the Stelvio properly begins. The E, shore of the Como Lake is so very precipitous, bounded by cliffs sinking vertically into the water, that there was no road

lake are of the most enchanting beauty, increasing towards the upper end. The clear sunny sky of Italy, the placid lake, the olive" and odorous citron-groves, and the trellised vine-bowers along its shore, contrast strikingly with the bleak region of bare rock and everlasting snow which the traveller is about to traverse. Bellaggio, at the N. extre mity of the promontory which divides the Lake of Leeco from the Como branch, is universally allowed to be the finest point of view; close to it stand

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Seite 324 von 598
Ort: London
Verlag: Murray
Umfang: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Schlagwort: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Signatur: I 124.216
Intern-ID: 37775
by the baths of Sta. Caterma (2f hrs.), over the Como dei Tie Signori to Pejo (8 hrs.) in the y a l del Monte. (Rte. 220.) The Val pedcnos, Viola, or Dentro, from the W.; the Yal Fraele (Vallis Ferrea), from the NAY., up which a circuitous mule- road runs past St Giacomo to St. Maria in the Munsterthal, as well as a shorter path striking across the Passo dei Pas- tori. The 4th valley is that of the Adda, called Braulio, Braglio, or Em broil, which our road ascends. From Bormio, on the Italian side

clog or shoe cannot be procured at Bormio or at Sta. Maria, and there fore the traveller in his own carriage should bring one with him. About 1-2 m. above Bormio, close to the road, is the Hotel of the Baths of Bormio , supplied by hot saline sulphu reous springs, having a temperature of 28° and 38 '' Reaumur, containing GO apartments and 12 marble baths, afford ing much better accommodation than the inns at Bormio; good sparkling- vino d’Asti is to be had at the baths. They are frequented in July

and Aug,, but by the end of Sept, most of the guests are flown, and the hotel is then closed. The baths are supplied through wooden pipes from the springs which rise near the old bathing-house. This stands below the road, on the ]., on the summit of a rock overlooking the Adda. Nearly abreast of this old bath the road crosses a bridge over a deep chasm, and traverses the lsi gallery, called dei Bagni: an obelisk of rock 40 ft, high is left standing beside it. The view looking back over the Val

Geographie, Reiseführer
[ca. 1924]
Im Auto durch die Dolomiten : Ortler- und Brentagruppe sowie angrenzende Gebiete
Seite 4 von 4
Autor: Gentilini, Ferdinand / Autoinformationen zsgest. von Ferd. Gentilini
Ort: Bozen
Verlag: Fremdenverkehrskommission
Umfang: 1 Faltbl.
Sprache: Deutsch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten;f.Führer
Signatur: I A-36.154
Intern-ID: 510739
- Cles - Ponte di Mostizzolo - Ravo - Castelfondo - Ma- losco - Mendel km 65 2. Mendel - Bozen - Karersee km 56 3. Mendel - Bozen - Auer - San Martino di Castrozza km 114 4. Mendel - Fondo - Dimaro - Madonna di Campiglio km 74 5. Mendel - Fondo - Tonalepaß - Edolo - Lovere a. Lago di Iseo - Bergamo - Lecco - Como ... km 295 6. Mendel - Fondo - Tonalepaß - Edolo - Lovere Società Grandi Alberghi Mendola. Grand Hotel Penegal - Grand Hotel Mendola. 500 Betten - Volle Pension von Lire 45.— bis Lire

km 90 2. San Martino di Castrozza - Rollepaß - Predazzo- Vigo di Fassa - Karersee km 55 Die unten verzeichneten 9 Routen, sowie verschiedene der unter den großen Fernfahrten verzeichnete Routen bietem dem Autofahrer Gelegenheit, die Kurstadt Meran, den bedeutendsten subalpinen Luft- und Sonnen -Kurort mit internationalen sportlichen Einrichtungen, kennen zu lernen. GRAND HOTEL und MERANER-HOF . MERAN Selva fai tardena Wolkenstein • Groden Hau» L Range» - 100 Zimmer / 140 Betten / Bader Im Hause

-Sellajoch-Roa-Pordoijoch-Arabba- Campolongosattel-Corvara-Grödnerjoch-Sellajoch- Roa-Canazei und wie ad 12 zurück nach Karersee (berühmte äußerst sehenswerte Autotour rund um den grandiosen Sellastock) Rundtour. . . . SAVOY HOTEL, Meran Erstklassiges Familienhotel an der Kurpromenade, herrlich, ruhige Lage - 120 Betten - Appartements mit Bad - Garage. Unter Schweizer Leitung. Höfel frau Imma • Meran Posthotel Arabbam .Dependance in Arabba an der Dolomitenstraße 1604 m. ü. d. Meere - 36 Zimmer, 50 Betten

des Alpes, §» namno « castrozza Hotel Excelsior, Merano Hotel Monte Sella St. Vigil - S. Vigilio di Marebbe (Enneberg) 1200 m. ü. d. M. Pensionspreis inkL elektr. Licht Lire 30.— bis 35.—. Vor 15. Juli und nach 1. September Ermäßigung. Von der Bahnstation Bruneck 17 Kilometer. — Auskünfte durch Hans Gritsch, Pächter. 16. Karersee - Karerpaß - Vigo di Fassa-Canazei-Pian- Trevisan am Fuße der Marmolata (3344 m), sehr geeignet für Bergsteiger, welche rasch an den Fuß dieses großartigen Aussichtsberges

gelangen wollen km 30 17. Karersee-Karerpaß-Vigo di Fassa-Canazei-Pordoi- joch-Arabba-Salesei-Alleghesee-Cencennighe-Fal- cade-Vallespaß-Paneveggio-Predazzo-Vigo di Fassa und zurück nach Karersee (R u n d t o u r) . . . km 174 18. Karersee-Karerpaß-Vigo di Fassa-Predazzo-Auer- Bozen und zurück nach Karersee (Rundtour) km 115 19. Karersee-Karerpaß-Canazei-Pordoijoch-Arabba- Campolongosattel-Corvara und durch das Lader- tal über Bruneck-Niederdorf zum Pragser Wild see mit Hotel Frau Emma am Fuße