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Geographie, Reiseführer
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Seite 216 von 598
Ort: London
Verlag: Murray
Umfang: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Schlagwort: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Signatur: I 124.216
Intern-ID: 37775
, Lc. ; the public offices, the finest churches, and most of the museums and public collections, toge ther with the colleges, the Exchange, and the most splendid shops. In the streets called the Herrngasse, Schenk enstr ass e , and Wallnerstrasse, in the quarter called Schott en viertcl, and the neighbourhood of the Imperial Palace, are congregated the princely abodes of Austrian, Bohemian, and Hungarian nobility, perhaps the most wealthy in Europe after the British. Among these the Palace of Prime

Liechtenstein , in the Vordcre-Schenk- enstrasse, is most conspicuous, from its enormous extent. It occupies nearly the whole of one side of the street, and contains a valuable library, a theatre, and extensive stables. It has been almost entirely rebuilt by Mr. Desvignes, an English architect, and its principal apartments decorated in a style of the greatest magnificence, at a cost of 60,000/, It is shown to strangers at times. The palace of Count Schonborn (Keimgasse, 156) wras briilt by Fischer of Erlach