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Recht, Politik
Zur Problematik der Heiligkeit der Veträge : eine Studie über die clausula rebus sic stantibus im Völkerrecht.- (Schriften des Instituts für Sozialforschung in den Alpenländern an der Universität Innsbruck ; 7)
Seite 12 von 205
Autor: Reut ; Nicolussi, Eduard / Eduard Reut ; Nicolussi
Ort: Innsbruck
Verlag: Wagner
Umfang: 200 S.
Sprache: Deutsch
Schlagwort: s.Völkerrechtlicher Vertrag
Signatur: II 7.875 ; II 58.593
Intern-ID: 233974
London 1883. Lawrence T. J., Documents Illustrative of International Law, London Macmillan & Co. Ltd. 1914 [Documents]. — Lectures on the League of Nations, Bristol, J. W. Arrowsmith Ltd, 1919 [League]. — The Principles of International Law, VII edition revised by Percy H. Winfield, Cambridge 1925 [Principles]. — International Problems and Hague Conference, London 1910. Lewis (Malcolm), The International Status of the British Self-governing Dominions, in British Year Book of International Law 1922

/1923. — The Treaty -making Power of the Dominions in British Yearbook of International Law 1925. Mc. Nair (Arnold), So-called State Servitudes British Year Book of International Law 1925. Miller (David Hunter), My Diary of the Peace Conference in Paris, New York 1928. — The Drafting of the Covenant, London 1928 [Drafting], — The Peace Pact of Paris,'New York, London 1928. Moore (John Bassett), A Digest of International Law, Washington 1906 [Digest], Muir (Bamsay), Nationalism and Internationalism

, London 1916, Murray (Gilbert), The Ordeal of this Generation, London, Allen & Unwin 1929. Nathan (Manfred), The Renascence of International Law, (The Grotius Society Publi cations Nr. 3), London, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. 1925, Oakes (Augustus) and R. B. Mowat, The great European Treaties of the 19 th century, Oxford 1918 [Treaties]. Ogilvie (Alan. G.), Some aspects of Boundary Settlement at the Peace Conference, London, Society for Promoting Christian Kuowledge, 1922 Oppenheim L., The League of Nations

and its problems, Longmans, Green & Co. 1919 [League]. — International Law, A Treatise IV ed., London, N. Y., Toronto. — The Future of International Law, Oxford, 1921. Phillimore, Commentaries upon International Law, London 1889 [International Law]. Phi Ili mo re (Walter G. F. ), Three Centuries oi Treaties of Peace and their teaching, London, John Murray 1917 [Three Centuries]. Pollard A. F., The League of Nations, Oxford Clarendon Press 1918. Politis (Nicolas), The new aspects of international

Law, Washington, 1928 [Aspects]. Pollock (Sir Frederick), The League of Nations, London, Stevens and Sous Lmtd, 1922. Pribram (Alfred Francis), The Secret Treaties of Austria-Hungary, Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press. 1920. Quin (Malcolm), The Problem of Human Peace, London 1916, Saint Pierre, Selections from the second edition of the Abrégé du Projet de Paix Perpétuelle by Castel de Saint-Pierre 1738 (The Grotius Society Publications) London 1927. Schuster (Ernest I.), The Question as to the

Recht, Politik
Zur Problematik der Heiligkeit der Veträge : eine Studie über die clausula rebus sic stantibus im Völkerrecht.- (Schriften des Instituts für Sozialforschung in den Alpenländern an der Universität Innsbruck ; 7)
Seite 11 von 205
Autor: Reut ; Nicolussi, Eduard / Eduard Reut ; Nicolussi
Ort: Innsbruck
Verlag: Wagner
Umfang: 200 S.
Sprache: Deutsch
Schlagwort: s.Völkerrechtlicher Vertrag
Signatur: II 7.875 ; II 58.593
Intern-ID: 233974
— Resolutions of the Institute of International Law, New York, Oxford University Press 1916, Cecil (Lord Robert), A League of Nations. Birmingham 1918 [League]. Cobbett (Pitt), Leading Cases on International Law, London, Sweet and Maxwell 1924. Colombos C. I., The Paris Pact otherwise called the Kellogg Pact, in Transactions of the Grotius Society 1929. Cor bett P. E., What is the League of Nations ? in British Year Book of International Law 1924. — The consent of States and the Sources of the

Law of Nations British Year Book of Inter national Law. Darby (W. Evans), Some European Leagues of Peace in Transactions of The Grotius Society, London Sweet & Maxwell Ltd, 1919. Davies (David), The Problem of the Twentieth Century 1930 [Problem]. Dickinson (Edwin De Witt), A Selection of Cases and other Readings on the Law of Nations, New York 1929 [Law]. — The Equality of States in International Law, Harvard Univ. Press 1920 [Equality]. Eastw o od R. A., Austin's Theory of Positive Law and

Sovereignty, London, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. 1916. Fenwick (Charles G,), International Law, London, Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1925. Freund (Ernst), Empire and Sovereignty, Chicago 1903. Fullerton (George Stuart), Germany of To-day, Indianapolis 1915. Garner (James Wilford), International Law and the World War, London, Longmans, Green & Co. 1920 [World War]. Goitein (Hugh), Some Problems of Sovereignty in Transaction of The Grotius Society, London, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd. 1928 [Sovereignty]. Hall (William Edward

), A Treatise on International Law VIII ed. by A. Pearce Higgins, Oxford Th. Clard. Press 1924. Halleck (Henry Wager), International Law, London 1908. Harris (H. Wilson), The Peace in the making, London 1919, [Peace]. Hershey (Amos S. ), The Essentials of International Public Law and Organisation, New York, The Macmillan Comp. 1927. — Legal Status of the Brest-Litowsk and Bucharest Treaties in the light of recent disclosures and of International Law, A. J. I. L. 1918. Hey king (Baron), The International

Protection of Minorities —the Achilles' Heel of the League of Nations, in Transactions of the Grotius Society, London 1928. Higgins (A. Pearce), Studies in International Law and Relations, Cambridge, Univ. Press 1928 [Studies]. — The binding force of International Law, Cambridge at the University Press 1910. Hill (Norman), The Public International Conference, Stanford California 1929. — Unanimous Consent in International Organization, A. J. I. L. XXII. 1928. Hill (David Jayne), Camouflage in the peace

Recht, Politik
Zur Problematik der Heiligkeit der Veträge : eine Studie über die clausula rebus sic stantibus im Völkerrecht.- (Schriften des Instituts für Sozialforschung in den Alpenländern an der Universität Innsbruck ; 7)
Seite 13 von 205
Autor: Reut ; Nicolussi, Eduard / Eduard Reut ; Nicolussi
Ort: Innsbruck
Verlag: Wagner
Umfang: 200 S.
Sprache: Deutsch
Schlagwort: s.Völkerrechtlicher Vertrag
Signatur: II 7.875 ; II 58.593
Intern-ID: 233974
Temperley H. W. V., A History of the Peace Conference of Paris, London Henry Frowde and Hodder & Stoughton 1924 [History]. Westlake (John), International Law, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1904. The Collected Papers of John Westlake on Public International Law edited by L. Oppen heim, Cambridge: at the Univ. Press 1914 [Papers]. — International Law, An Introductory Lecture, London C. J. Clay & Sons 1888. — Chapters on the Principles of International Law, Cambridge Un. Pr. 1894 [Chapters]. Wharton

(Francis), A Digest of the international law of the United States, Washington 1886. Wheaton (Henry), Elements of International Law, 5th English edition London 1916. Williams ( Sir John Fischer), The Permanence of Treaties, in American Journal of Inter national Law 1928, 89 ff. [Permanence]. — The League of Nations and Unanimity, in American Journal of International Law 1925, 475 ff. [Unanimity]. Wilson (Florence), The origins of the League Covenant, London 1928. Woolf (Leonard S.), The Framework

of a Lasting Peace, London 1917 [Framework]. — International Government, Two reports by L. S. Woolf prepared for the Fabian Research Department, together with a Project by a Fabian Committee for a Supernational Authority that will prevent War, London, Allen & Unwin 1916. Woolsey (Lester H. ), The Unilateral Termination of Treaties, in American Journal of International Law 1926. 346 ff. [Unilateral], Woolsey (Theodore D.), Introduction to the study of international law, London 1879. — Self-determination

Recht, Politik
Zur Problematik der Heiligkeit der Veträge : eine Studie über die clausula rebus sic stantibus im Völkerrecht.- (Schriften des Instituts für Sozialforschung in den Alpenländern an der Universität Innsbruck ; 7)
Seite 10 von 205
Autor: Reut ; Nicolussi, Eduard / Eduard Reut ; Nicolussi
Ort: Innsbruck
Verlag: Wagner
Umfang: 200 S.
Sprache: Deutsch
Schlagwort: s.Völkerrechtlicher Vertrag
Signatur: II 7.875 ; II 58.593
Intern-ID: 233974
. 2. In englischer Sprache. Amos (Sheldon), Lectures on International Law, London 1874, Armstrong S. W., The Doctrine of the Equality of Nations in International Law and the Relation of the Doctrine to the Treaty of Versailles, A. J. I. L. XIV. 1920. Baker P. J., The Doctrine of Legal Equality of States in British Year Book of International Law 1923/1924. Barker (Ernest), A Confederation of the Nations, Oxford, Clarendon Press 1918 [Confe deration], Bentham's (Jeremy), Plan for an Universal and Perpetual Peace

, (The Grotius Society Publications) London 1927. Berkeley (Reginald), The Work of the League of Nations in British Year Book of Int. Law, 1921/22. Bisschop W. R., Sovereignty in British Year Book of Int. Law. 1921/1922. Bower (Sir Graham), Peace versus The League of Nations in Transactions of the Grotius Society, London Sweet & Maxwell Ltd 1922. [Peace]. Briexly J. L., The Law of Nations, Oxford 1929 [Law]. — The Shortcomings of International Law in British Year Book 1924 [Shortcomings]. — Some

Considerations as to Obsolescence of Treaties in Transactions of the Grotius Society, London 1926. Brown (Philip Marshall), Self-determination in Central Europe, A. J. I. L, XIV. 1920. — From Sèvres to Lausanne, A. J. I. L. XVIII, 1924, [Lausanne], — International Society its nature and interest, New York 1923 Butler (Geoffrey), Sovereignty and the League of Nations in British Year Book of Inter national Law 1920/1921 [Sovereignty], Butler (Geoffrey) and Maccoby (Simon), The Development of International Law

, London, Longmans, Green & Co. 1928. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Report of the International Commission, Washington 1914. — Treaties and Agreements with and concerning China, 1919—1929 Washington, 1929. — The Recommendations of Habana concerning international organization. New York, Oxford University Press 1917.