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Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 394 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
—first in front, tben along- side, and tben bebind—Monte Tuglia. ‘ Sempre , Monte Tuglia, sempre’ said our peasant driver, an amusing fei« low, who had soon contrived to ingratiate himself with bis lady passengers. By stream and througb forest, we penetrated at lengtb to tbe head of the vslley and foot of tbe pass, and there found Forni Avoltri. Its Situation at once eommended itself. There was a great opening north ward to the Gail Thal mountains, and the Kolli n Kofel, or Monte Collina

, as it is bere called, rises directly in its rear. For a visit to tbe Wolayer See, for exploring tbe Collina, or its neighbour thè Paralba, or soutbward, thè grand group, now beginning to display itself, of wbicb Monte Tuglia is a conspicimus member, Forni Avoltri is ex celienti y situated. In the strategy of any tour to tbe soutb of the Carnic chain, it must take a prominent place; and tbe ‘Cavallo Bianco’ seemed as if it migbt offer fair quarters. It was now tbat tbe Monte Tuglia mountains became, par

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 474 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
-east, over Primiero, the Castrozza Dolomites must he grandly displavecl. The ascent to the coi should be made while thè flocks are yet on the alp, and night quarters can be found at the huts ; the final climh is tben taken before daylight. Another pass, lower and more practi cable, over this ehain, lies farther to the east, at Monte Fenestra, but is said to he much inferior in view, Immediately behind Primiero, on the north, but con- cealed feom view by a lower ränge—the same that has been spoken

of as picturesquely diversified with groves of chestnut and steep slopes of grass—behind this ränge of hills, rises thè panoramic mountain of the entire region, Monte Arzon ( 8,700 feet above the sea). It was not spoken of as such to us ; but baving, on a second visit to Primiero, climh ed one day one of thè peaks of Monte Scanaiol, more to the north, we saw at once that it must be so, and regretted greatly that we had lost the opportunity of verifying our belief. In the depression between Monte Arzon and the

ridge that overlooks Primiero, lies a small lake—the Calaita See —a bare Alpine spot. This depression, the Val di Luzen, eontaining a vìllage and severa! hamlefs, circles round Monte Arzon towards thè west, in a curve parallel to that made by thè Primiero basin, but at a much higher level, ani sinks iato a valley, thè Canale St. Bove, ineluded in

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 559 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
its course down to Timau on its way to Paluzza. The third and fourth, owing to a great north erly bend in thè ma,in chain of thè Carnic Alps at this point, between its two loftiest suminits, the Rollili Kofel and Monte Paralba, lie, in dcscending order, to a considerable exfenf below the fifth basin. The waters of thè Dogano bave, therefore, to find their way out of the most northern of theae three basins into the fourth. and out of this again into the third. Rigolato is situateci just below

thè third, and Forni Avoltri Stands at the outlet from the fourth basin. The sixth basili is noticeable from its supplying the main portion of the beaci waters of the Piave, and as having Monte Paralba on its eastern rim. It is also the largest of the series. The secimä line of depression may nowbe traced tb renigli the first, second, and third of these basins to Cima and Sappada ; then by a bend to St. Stefano, aerose the low spurs south of Monte Najamola to Auronzo, up the Auronzo valley, over

thè Tre Croci saddle to Cortina ; and finally, over the saddle of thè Tre Sassi, past the foot of the Set Bass, and up the higher portion of thè Valle di Livinallongo to the eastern base of thè Sella plateau. A third and shorter line of depression is traceable from Monte Quaterna, on the borders of the Sexten Thal, through the seventh, sixth, and fourth basins. It then Grosses over to the north si de of the main ohain at Monte Wolaya, and, further cast, over a saddle into the Valentin er Thal, and

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 417 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
eas lern side of thè Piave Valley. It conceals in its re- cesses a wild Dolomitic chain, which startles thè sight at intervals—as from Dom egge, already mentio ned, and lower down, where thè weird form of Monte Duraino, its loftiest member, overhangs Perarolo. To thè west, thè landseape is more varied. The most strikìng mountain outline im- mediately about Cadore lies north-west : and is best seen in thè glow of evening, from thè field immediately bebìnd Titian’s house. There thè spires

of Monte Marmarolo appear shooting marvellously into die sky, in trae Dolo mitic fashion, and sureìy made their mark on thè boy's 'observant mind. Directly west of Cadore rises Monte Antelao, so imposing from thè Ampezzo Pass ; bere it is for thè most pari Melden by shoulders of hili. There is a fine peep, however, of thè tower-like Pelmo beyond ; thoiigh but thè corner of one topmost turret, it suggests enormous height; while a little to tlie south a vast grey mass is none other than Monte Civita

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 403 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
all the others are displayed from base to er est, ad- mitting tlie searching eye to tlieir unscalablc recesses, and st ränge ly riveting the fancy. The principal of them, beginning witli Die most eastern, are Monte Najarnok, Monte Giralba, Monte Doperà, and Coll’ Agnello. 80 far, thè view lias onl} 7 gained troni greater elevation ; but now on tlie western side of tlie valley a ränge of summits is disclosed, whose mere outline is so jagged and singulär as to cliallenge equal attention witli

tlie view is closed by timt Monte Gonion wliich forms the final spur of the Snppada mountains, and round whose base flow the imprisoned waters of the Piave. The prospect from tliis hi.Il. is quite remar kahle for thè profuse display, on almost every side, of characteristic Dolomitic forms—state!} 7 and massive on the east, wild and fantastic on thè west, while between them tlie green, islanded alp lies tossed into ln 11s and g’lades, and smiles with rural life. At tliis time it was curiously

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 548 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
thè line would exist if they were removed. It runs under- neath thè Guerdenazza and Sella Plateaus, thè Marmolata, and Sasso di Val Fredda, and thè long ränge of the Primiero Dolomites, There are interruptions in it, of course, hut the general direction is elear, The second line runs fronti ENE. to WSW, It commences near the western termination of the Carnic Chain with the Kreuz berg in the Sexten Thal, where it forms a junction with Monte Silvella in that chain. Its course is marked by the

Poper Kofel, Drei Zinnen, Krystal Köpfe, Monte Tofana, Set Sass, Sella Plateau, Lang Kofel, Monte Palatscho, Ross zähne, Mittags Kogel, and Tschafon Berg, where it dies away in a porphyry ridge dose to Blumau, in the Kunter’s Weg, east of Botzen. The Sella Plateau Stands, as will be seen by reference to the map, at the point of intersection of these two lines. And yet its removai, as with a razor, dean from thè green slopes from which it rises, would not affect the intersec tion. This independence

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 563 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
to ite head at the base of Monte Monfalcone. This line also lies on the east side of the Piave ; a line of depressici!. 3. The line of thè Palla, Pelf, and Pizzo Cimon. Bereit is interrupted by the valley of the Piave at Longarone, but further to the NW. it is continued in thè peaks of Monti Borga. Duraiuo, Monfalcone, Lavinamondo, Terza Piccola, Rinaldo, thè Scheiben Kofel, and Monte Paralba ; a second line of elevatimi. This line commences on the west side of the Piave valley, and crosses

it to go eastward. 4. The valley of thè Piave from Longarone upwards to the western base of thè Paralba ; a second line of depressimi. 5. The line of Monti Pavion and Fenestra, the south wall of the Primiero basili ; Pizzon, Corno di Valle, Piacedel, Mezzodì, Sfornici, dying away in the little isolated spur cali ed Monte Zucoo, fhat Stands immediately to thè south of the Antelao and Pieve di Cadore; a third line of elevation. 6. The main valley of Primiero, with those of Sagron and Mia, into thè Agordo basin

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 467 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
Agordo it lay distant eight or nine hours over a mountain track. There was a choice of two paths; but as one passed through the scorched and bare neighbourhood of the quicksilver mine, we preferred that which, mounting over the cheerful-looking liills west of Agordo,, led by the •fide of Monte Agner, and, as we hoped, within view of the great central block of those parte, thè Sasso di Campo. Two ponies carried our baggage, and on Tuesday, Sep tember 2, a ciear though cloudy morning, we were on the

march soon after six. Eising for some hours out of the basin of Agordo, its noble sweep'of mountains through east and south could not he better seen ; but Monte Agner, to the north, retired lbehind thè near green hilis, and the Sasso di Campo never showed at all. Villages, woods, grassy slopes, and rocky ravines, succeeded each otber. Gosaldo appeared thè most prosperous of thè hamléts, and a large church was building there. A path for pedestrians strikes off here for Primiero, and Crossing dose

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 431 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
must be consideratile, since \ve botli exclaimed ou thè spot, ( Here is another Gav arnie ! 5 From thè ridge of thè Tre Croci, Churchill subsequently made an excursion to a lake hidden between the flanks of thè Cristallo and Cadino, Passing this lake, and ascendilig thè slopes to thè summit of Monte Piana on the north, the traveller will find hifnself in thè heart of a Dolomitdc world. Directly opposite, to thè east, are the Drei Zinnen, so dose that a stone’s throw would seem to be sufficient

basin of the Pragser Bad, and beyond, to the Welsberger Alp, in the Pusterthal near Brunecken. From no other point is the Geiselstein, which last year we bap- tised the c Mount of Sacrifice,’ seen to better advantage. To the right is the jagged lateral line of thè Cristallo ; to the left, four rugged series of bosses, forming the rocky mass of Monte Campedelle. Beiow, in front, lies the pleasant Lago di Misurino., occupying the meeting-point of thè green lines sloping down from the Cadino and the

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 158 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
repaired on Thursday morning; the cloudless sky and delicious freshness, seducing us into a day of idling on its shores. We fonnd it a charming piece of water, decorated withits one village on a mound of-green, and nobly girdled by the migbfcy £ Monte, 5 wbose roots form the cup which bolds it. The Civita which here bars thè whole valley, rends its way round to thè west by a considerable detour, descending again southward, tili it issues near Belluno. 1 et it is not thè Civita which has caused

the lake. On thè right-hand side of the valley there is a mountain, Monte Pizzo, which, near its summit, shows a bare and frightful slide of rock, Stretching downwards like the mass of a neck. From this, scarcely more than ninety years ago (1771), there slid a huge bulk of thè mountain—- sliding, rolling, roaring, tili it reached the valley, where it heaped itself aerosa the passage of the stream ; this, rising and swelling, spread into a lake, finding exit at last in a tumhling torrent over the

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 552 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
in- visible. Buch enstein is thè chief centre of thìs, thè upper Cordevole. To this aucceeds thè middle section of the valley, possessing too the double character of valley-basin and gorge. Caprile is its principal vülage, nestled under the steep slope that Indes it completely from thè upper valley, and at the point where two lateral valleys fall into that of the Cordevole. The debris brougbt down by tbe three streams, together with the ohstruction caused by thè slide, in 1771, of part of Monte Pizzo

, bave ereated the level basin, and produced thè lake at its southern end, intensifying thè scenic effect of thè grand escarpment of Monte Civita, which rises in a double tier of precipice to a heigbt of nearly 7,000 feet above the waters of the lake. A gorge succeeds the lake, coasting southwards for miles along thè roots of thè Civita Massive, until it issues in the wide basin of Ägordo, where the third section of the valley M M

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 575 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
masses, to be afterwards partially laid bare by thè action of streams and weather. Over tbe north border of this rim, the finer particles of volcanic asb were carried away by tbe sea eurrents, and deposited upon the entire surface of thè bay as sedimentary ash, giving rise to the present Tuff plateau of tbe Seisser Alp. Tbe borders of this bay can still be traced out by following tbe devious line of Mendola Dolomite to tbe Upper Gader, where the Tuff disappears under the base of Monte Tofana

and the other North Ampezzo Alps.* And to tbe south-east, where tbe bay communieated with the open sea, the Tuff may be followed in the masses of tbe Col di Lanaf and Monte Frisolet, and fartber in thè game direction to tbe Civita, Val di Zoldo, and as far as the foot of tbe Antelao. Even now, tbe Seisser Alp slopes inwards from its borders, and this may possibly be a remnant of the relations of Relief tbat prevailed during the Tuff period. The tradition existing among the people, tbat a large

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 529 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
of view, and Cadore dwells in our memori.es, a picture richly framed. The view from the Castle hill has been already described. I will mention two otlier points that will well repay the climh required. Opposite the inn is a hill covered with wood, rising towards thè western end to a lofty crag. This is Monte Zucco. Along thè ridge are striking views down to Perarolo and upward towards Cadore ; but from the final crag a noble prospect is displayed up the course öf the Boita which glistens at a vast

depth below. The eye is led along the valley, bounded by the Antelao on the right, to thè overshadowing bulk of thè Pelino, to which all the scene is subject. The sccond view is thoroughly panoramic, and requires a steeper and a longer climh. Opposite Monte Zucco, between it and the Antel ao, ahi n es in air a small white chapel : that is St. Dionigi. Perhaps three hours from Tai through the village of Nebiu will put you on the

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 561 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
centre of Gamia, elliptic in form, and shut in on all sides by high mountains. The river Lumiei escapes from it through a long narro w gorge into the Canal Socchieve at Ampezzo— not to be confounded with thè Ampezzo of the Piave district. A track accompanies the stream through the gorge; day for tbe most pari of fhe year, either from freshets, avalanches, or falls of rock from tbe mountains, is impassable. The usuai path—a mulc-track only—leads over Monte Pura,, nearlv 4,800 feet above the sea

, to Ampezzo, which is 1,860 feet above that level. The inhabitants of tbe valley live in four villages, all occupying an alp on tbe south slope of the Morghendleit, the highest, Sauris di Sopra, being Trat 300 feet lower than tbe summit of the Monte Pura ridge. They are G ermans, isolated from their neighbours, and distinguished by their greater cleanliness and thriftincss—qualities very apparent on entering .Cima and Sappada, north of Sauris, two other isolated German Settlements in Gamia. In thè Ampezzo

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Seite 163 von 600
Autor: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Ort: London
Verlag: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Umfang: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Signatur: II A-4.101
Intern-ID: 134614
behind thè chureh, leading towards thè head of thè va]lev. It is surprising how soon a village slnks beneath your feet as you rise on these steep-sided hills. In a few xninutes we were on equal terms with thè eock on thè top of thè steeple ; in a few more, Caprile was only a eluster of roofs by thè side of its wasteful stream. But as we rose, so rose Monte Civita, in presence greaf and wonder- ful, and bidding us a proud farewell. In half an hour our men halted on a bit of level sward, and

pointing to two diverging paths, left thè choice to us. Supposing tbey would soon re-unite, we took what seemed to he thè shortest, expecting only a little temporary steepness. But we soon found ourselves hearing back almost upon Caprile, on a high tenace of thè mountain, and by further questioning discovered our course would Ile along thè very spines of thè hills, Crossing thè highest ridge by thè side of Monte Grisella, and descending upon Cortina wifhout touching thè other traek, which lay