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Geography, Travel guides
Sight-seeing in Germany and the Tyrol in the autumn of 1855
Page 403 of 417
Author: Forbes, John / by sir John Forbes
Place: London
Publisher: Smith, Felder and Co.
Physical description: XIX, 378 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Deutschland ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Österreich ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1855
Location mark: II A-23.768
Intern ID: 152665
Hot lolcrlis. THE POLITICAL LIFE OF SIR R. PEEL. Bi THOMAS DOUBLEDAY, Author of thè “ Financial History of England,” “ The Trae Law of Population,” &e. Two Volumes, 8 price 30s. dodi. . “ Let all readers, bcfore they take in hand thè personal memoirs of Sir Robert Peel, pertìse thesc volumes of Mr, Doubleday: in ttiem thè statesman’s character and pubìic acts are analysed in thè spìrit neither of a detractor nor of a panegyrist. This biography is a work of great merit, conscientiously prepared

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