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Ueber unsere vaterländischen Archive
Page 22 of 33
Author: Heyl, Johann Adolf ; / von J. A. Heyl
Place: Innsbruck
Physical description: getr. Zählung
Language: Deutsch
Notations: Aus: Extra-Beilage zu Bote für Tirol und Vorarlberg ; Nr. 227, 228, 230, 231, 234, 238, 240<br />Heyl, Johann Adolf: ¬Ein¬ vergessenes tirolisches Adelsgeschlecht / von J. A. Heyl, 1888. - 1888 - In: Ueber unsere vaterländischen Archive ; S. 1214. - Sign.: IV 64.777 <br />Heyl, Johann Adolf: Ist St. Sebastian in Eschenbach älteren oder jüngeren Ursprunges? / von J. A. Heyl, 1887. - 1887 - In: Ueber unsere vaterländischen Archive ; S. 1761. - Sign.: IV 64.777 <br />Heyl, Johann Adolf: Noch einmal Unterinn und Steineck / [von J. A. Heyl], 1887. - 1887 - In: Ueber unsere vaterländischen Archive ; - Sign.: IV 64.777
Location mark: IV 64.777
Intern ID: 156187
MMMtt M VsN M Ml M AMWU Verstorbene in Innsbruck. Ani 5. Juli. Barbara Mayr, Pflegling, Witwe, alt I., Inn-Allee 11, an Brand der Alten. — — Joses Falschlunger, Taglöhner, lcd., alt 33 I., Stadtspital, an Lungentuberkulose. F v e m b e u [ t ft e laut polizeilicher Meldung dam ». Zuli 1K88. Hotel dr l'Europe : Bernbt, geh. Reg.-Rath, Arndt, Priv., Dresden, v. Knrr, Lint., Mayer, Rent. m. Fr., Dr. Sicsfert, O.-Zieg.-Rath., Kraft, Rent. ni. Fr., Berlin. Lvhner, kais. Ziath, Müller, Schmid, Priv

., Schachmaun, Ksm., Streitmann, Stud., Dr. Kerry m. Fr., Dr. Spitzer, Wien. Meinel, Ksm., St. Gallen. Schloß, Ksm., Nürnberg. Friedcnsburg. Bürgcnneist., Breslau. Schissner, England. Erlacher, Priv., München. Clonic, Ksm., Prag. Watson, London. Zimmer, Ksm. mit Fr., Dr., Loretz IN. Fani., Frankfurt. Blank, Kfm. m. Fr. Elberfeld. Oberle, Ingen, m. Fr., Mühl- Hausen. Mertens, Baurath m. Fam., Bonn. Rumpp, Rent. NI. Fan,., Philadelphia. Lazzaui, Rent. m. Fani., Rom. Hotel Millllhen: Sattler, Osfiz., Bamberg

. Hydel, Gt)mn.-Pros., Eichstädt. Winkelmann, Ksm., Glauchau. Morns, SEfm., Gotha. Heyer, Weinhändl. in. Fr., Hamburg. Kölner, St.»A.-Adj., Mähr.-Schonberg. Roth, Worms. Habsburger Hof: Schreiber, Assessor, Kitzingen. Dr. Greincr, Priv., Budapest. Hotel Stern : Müller, Kfm., Oberwcißbach. Theile, Ksm., Wegener, Priv., Berlin. Bajo, Priester, Jaszd, Bacher, Magister, Augsburg. Dr. Leist, Göttingen. Slenta, Steuer-Einnehmer. Tuzla. Reinhard, Osfiz., Welponer, Priester, Wien. Merbach, Oberpsarrer

Abends Pers.-Zug aus Zürich, Konstanz, Bregenz. 6.SQ > üxpi&s&T.'Qg aus Lyon, Genf, Bern, Paris, Base!, Zürich, Konstanz, Bregenz. 8.14 Abends an Sonn- und- Feiertagen hei günstiger Wit terung aus Telfs, 10.09 Abends Pers.-Zug aus Zürich, Konstanz, Bregenz, Z» haben in der Wagner'schen Mnverlìtats-Buchdruàei in Innsbruck sämmtliche Drucksorten zur Durchführung des Landsturrn-Kesetzes. Hotel - Pension Schloß Mentelberg. eine finlfic Atiniln' in'« —. in wirklich einzig schöner und vollkommen

Geography, Travel guides
From the Lake of Constance, german: Bodensee, through the Vorarlberg to Tyrol and Salzburg
Page 34 of 42
Place: Innsbruck
Publisher: Edlinger
Physical description: 30, 2 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Vorarlberg ; f.Führer ; <br />g.Tirol ; f.Führer ; <br />g.Salzburg <Land> ; f.Führer
Location mark: II A-36.072
Intern ID: 510710
. No one should miss to visit the Kaprun valley, the pearl of the Salz burg Mpine callies. fln new and good carriage road leads up from Seli am See and the excursion can be made in one day, but it is advisable to allow two days and spend a night at the K ess el fall-Hip end aus (comfortable hotel). The scenery here is enchan ting. The Sigmund rhun 'Gorge stands alone in its wild beauty. Suddenly appears in the dense forest the dtapel and the buildings of the hostelry just mentioned (more than 3,000

' feet above the sea). This high air-cure resort is extremely popular and the hotel is first-class. Immediately in its neighbourhood is the huge Kessel- waterfall roaring as it plunges into the deep gorge whià illuminated as it is at night by electric lamps, looks like a landscape out of fairy-land, three hours walk higher up (also carriage road) is the Mos er bod en, one of the grandest of the Tauren mountains; before the eyes of the beholder is a vast stretch of snow and ice sheets formed by the

Kar linger glacier, surrounded by the peaks of the 10 ics- b a di ho rn (lt,000 feet), of the öIockerin (10,300 feet), of the Hohen Riffel (10,000 feet), of the Bärenfeöpfe (10,300 feet) and of the Aitzs teinho rn 9,600 feet. Here again the tourist finds an Mpine hotel, the Moserboden Hotel (nearly 6,000 feet above the level of the sea), right in the midst of the glacier world, affording every modern comfort and quite suitable for a longer stay. Much visited is the Fuscherthal with the renowned