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Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Page 320 of 491
Author: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Place: London
Publisher: Longmans Green
Physical description: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Location mark: II A-4.091
Intern ID: 155537
NORTH T1R0L—THE INNTHAL. 2 85 liomage of thè people on his acecssion, and a gay eere- monial ensitecL jet. it lesi in,neh of its import,ance by having no longer a resident court,., While t li ere,, how- evcr. Leopold hart seem thè ìjeautiful fi augi iter of Ferdinand KarFs widow, Claudia Felicità, who made sudi an impression upon hiin, that he nnarried ber on thè deai li of Ins first vife, The ceremony was per forai ed in Innsbruck by proxy only ; but thè dowager- arcluluchess provideri great

letes, in viridi thè city rendily condirmi, and gave thè bride thirty thousand fpihìmi for her wedding present. Claudia Felicità, in ber state at Vienna, did not target thè good town of Innsbruck ;. and by ber Interest wit-h ber husband, Tirol received a Statthalter in thè person of Charles Duke of Lotha- ringia, husband of bis sistor Eleonora Maria, widow of thè King of Poland. Charles took rip bis residence at .Innsbruck ; and fcìiougb he was often absent witb thè arany, thè presente of bis family

rovivcd thè gaiety of thè town ; stili il was not like thè old days of thè court. Charles, however, w ; lio bari been originally eclu- cated- for thè ecclcsiast-ical state, was a sovereign of unexceptionable principies and sound judginent. ; and he did many things for thè 'benefit of Tiro.'!, partiell- lari? in developing its «*lueat fonai establishment-?. He raised thè Jesuit gymnasii im. of Innsbruck to thè cha racter of a university ; and thè privikgcs witli, wliich he cndowod it, added to thè

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Page 281 of 491
Author: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Place: London
Publisher: Longmans Green
Physical description: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Location mark: II A-4.091
Intern ID: 155537
246 THE VALLEYS OF TIROL, His wise administration and prudent conoessions soon conciliated the people ; thougk severe measures were also needed, and tlie year 1529 was signaüzed in Inns bruck by some terrible executions. These were forgotten when, in tlie year 1531, Charles Quint, returning vic torioris frora Pavia, on his way to Augsburg stayed and held court at Innsbruck; Ferdinand inet Mm on the Brenner pass, and accompanied kim to thè capital. When Charles reached the Burg, Ferdinand

^ children received hira at the ent rance ; and thè tenderti ess with which he greeted and kissed them was remarked by the people, on whom this token of homely affection had a powerful effect. Electors and princes, spiritual and temporal, carne to pay their homage to the Emperor ; and Innsbruck was so filled with tlie titled throng, that the Landtag had to remove ita aession to Hall. Ferdinande other dominions, and the question of the threatened war with Turkey, necessitated frequent absences from

Innsbruck. Düring one of these (in 1534) the Burg was humt down, and his children were only rescued from their beeis with difficulty. The great Hall, called the goldene Saal, and the state bedroom, which was so beautifully ornamented that it bore the title of das Paradies, were all reduced to ashes. In 1541 Innsbruck was once more honoured by a visit of the magnificent Emperor ; and again, ten years later, he took up his residence there, that he might he near the Session of the Council of Trent

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Page 340 of 491
Author: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Place: London
Publisher: Longmans Green
Physical description: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Location mark: II A-4.091
Intern ID: 155537
NORTH TIROL—THE INNTHAL. SOS laici him, which is one of the chief Ornaments of the Hofkirche. The pedestal bears the inscription— Seinen in den Befreiungskämpfen, gefallenen Söhnen das dankbare Vaterland, and the sarcophagos the words— Absorbta est mors in victoria. Tirol had 110 reason to regret the restoration of the dynasty for which she had suffered so much. Most of her an tief privileges were resto red to her, and in 1826 Innsbruck again received thè honour of a University, and many

usefitl inst-itutions werc founded. Francis carne to Innsbruck again this year, and while there, received thè visit of thè Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia. Another shooting-matcli was held before them, at which thè precision of thè Tirolese received mudi prai.se : and again for a short time in 1835. The Archduke John, who carne in 1835 to live in Tirol, was received wird great enthusiasm ; his hardy feats of mountain climbing, and liearty accessible character, endearing him to all the people

. The troubl.es of 1848 gave thè Tirolese again an opportunity of showing that their ancicnt loyalty was undiminished. The Emperor Ferdinand, driven out of his capitai, found that he had not reckoned wrongly in counting on a secure refuge in Tirol. It was the evening of May 16 that the Imperial pair came as fugitives to Innsbruck. Though there was hardly time to announce their adveni before their arrivai,

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Page 46 of 491
Author: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Place: London
Publisher: Longmans Green
Physical description: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Location mark: II A-4.091
Intern ID: 155537
12 TUE VALLEYS OF TIROL. morality, hospitality ; and, for that whieh is of most importali ce to thè tourist, all wlio liave been among them will bear witness to thè j astice of thè remark in thè latest Cfuide-book, that, except just in thè more culti vated centres of Innsbruck, Brixen, and Botzen, yen need take no thought among thè Tiroleans con cernili g thè ealìs on your parse. My first acquaiatance with Tirol was made at Feld kirch, wb ore I had to pay somewhat d early for my lo ve of thè

legendary and the primitive. Our pian for the autunni was to join a party of friends from Italy at Innsbruck, spend some months of long-promised enjoy- ment in exploring Tirol, and return together to winter in Rome. The arrangernents of the journey had been left to me ; and as I delight in getting beyond railways and tra veli ing in a conveyance whose pace and houxs are more under one’s own control, I traced our road through France to Baie, and' then by way of Zürich and Roxschach and Oberriet

to Feldkirch (which I knew to he a post-station) as a base of operatione, for leisurely threading our mountain way through Bludenz and Landeck and the intervening valleys to Innsbruck. How our plan was thwarted 1 I will relate presentiy. I still recommend this line of route to others less en- cumbered with luggage, as leading through out-of-the- 1 The usuai fate of relying on Eoad-books, Ours, I forget- whether Arntbors or Trautwem’s, said there was regulär communieation between Oberriet and Feldkirch