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Law, Politics
Zur Problematik der Heiligkeit der Veträge : eine Studie über die clausula rebus sic stantibus im Völkerrecht.- (Schriften des Instituts für Sozialforschung in den Alpenländern an der Universität Innsbruck ; 7)
Page 13 of 205
Author: Reut ; Nicolussi, Eduard / Eduard Reut ; Nicolussi
Place: Innsbruck
Publisher: Wagner
Physical description: 200 S.
Language: Deutsch
Subject heading: s.Völkerrechtlicher Vertrag
Location mark: II 7.875 ; II 58.593
Intern ID: 233974
Temperley H. W. V., A History of the Peace Conference of Paris, London Henry Frowde and Hodder & Stoughton 1924 [History]. Westlake (John), International Law, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1904. The Collected Papers of John Westlake on Public International Law edited by L. Oppen heim, Cambridge: at the Univ. Press 1914 [Papers]. — International Law, An Introductory Lecture, London C. J. Clay & Sons 1888. — Chapters on the Principles of International Law, Cambridge Un. Pr. 1894 [Chapters]. Wharton

(Francis), A Digest of the international law of the United States, Washington 1886. Wheaton (Henry), Elements of International Law, 5th English edition London 1916. Williams ( Sir John Fischer), The Permanence of Treaties, in American Journal of Inter national Law 1928, 89 ff. [Permanence]. — The League of Nations and Unanimity, in American Journal of International Law 1925, 475 ff. [Unanimity]. Wilson (Florence), The origins of the League Covenant, London 1928. Woolf (Leonard S.), The Framework

Law, Politics
Zur Problematik der Heiligkeit der Veträge : eine Studie über die clausula rebus sic stantibus im Völkerrecht.- (Schriften des Instituts für Sozialforschung in den Alpenländern an der Universität Innsbruck ; 7)
Page 12 of 205
Author: Reut ; Nicolussi, Eduard / Eduard Reut ; Nicolussi
Place: Innsbruck
Publisher: Wagner
Physical description: 200 S.
Language: Deutsch
Subject heading: s.Völkerrechtlicher Vertrag
Location mark: II 7.875 ; II 58.593
Intern ID: 233974
/1923. — The Treaty -making Power of the Dominions in British Yearbook of International Law 1925. Mc. Nair (Arnold), So-called State Servitudes British Year Book of International Law 1925. Miller (David Hunter), My Diary of the Peace Conference in Paris, New York 1928. — The Drafting of the Covenant, London 1928 [Drafting], — The Peace Pact of Paris,'New York, London 1928. Moore (John Bassett), A Digest of International Law, Washington 1906 [Digest], Muir (Bamsay), Nationalism and Internationalism

and its problems, Longmans, Green & Co. 1919 [League]. — International Law, A Treatise IV ed., London, N. Y., Toronto. — The Future of International Law, Oxford, 1921. Phillimore, Commentaries upon International Law, London 1889 [International Law]. Phi Ili mo re (Walter G. F. ), Three Centuries oi Treaties of Peace and their teaching, London, John Murray 1917 [Three Centuries]. Pollard A. F., The League of Nations, Oxford Clarendon Press 1918. Politis (Nicolas), The new aspects of international