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Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Page 480 of 491
Author: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Place: London
Publisher: Longmans Green
Physical description: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Location mark: II A-4.091
Intern ID: 155537
DAL FEY 44 S INDEX. DOR D ALAAS, 27 Dambel, 371 Damenstift, 20, 200, 294, 295 Damiils, 25 Dance of Death, 36 Dancing in Tirol, 98 Dandolo Tullio, 8 Daniel, Prophet, patron of miners, 201 Dante on popular tra- ditions, 8 — in Tirol, 342 — quoted, 129, 265 Dasent.Dr .,129,267 ,&c. Deaf ma de to bear, 355 Death as a maiden, 390-1 Benno, 359 Devil in Tirolean my- thology, 25, 35, 77, 82, 97, 233, 266, 351-4 Dcvil’s house, 48-9, 350 Devonshire legend of Bertha, 418 Dialects of Tirol, xvì- xix

, 4 Eben, 71, 73, 135-6 Eguane, 413 Ehreguota, 19 Ehrenberger Klause, 34,286 Eleanor of Scotland, 146, 243 Elias, 4 04 Elmo, Sant’, 38 Embs, 21 Engadeinors, the, 58 English offieers in Ans- triau Service, 327 Enguane, 413, 428 Enneberg, the, 297 Epiphany customs and legenda, 99-101, Uè et seq. Erasmus, St., legend of, 38 — Quillinus, 151 Ernst der Eiserne, 84, 240 , 252 Erzherzog, Johann, 300 Etruscan remains in Tirol, xìv note, xvi- xix, 79, 129-31 note, 307,346-7, 350, 371- 4,407 et seq., il 6 note

, 417 note, 438 note 1 Etsch, 74, 249, 341 Etschthal, 340 et seq., 358, 439 Euganeans, 341, 413, 425, 428 Eusebius, St., 14 et seq. Eustachius, St., legend of, 38 Evasthal, 374 Executionsin Tirol, 163 F AIT HE UL beasts, 425-8 Ealkenstein, 200, 202 Pare, travellers’, the lesson of, 171-2 Fassathal, 357, 374, 379, 420 Fatscherthal, 330 Federbett, the, 90 Feldkirch, 12 et seq., 22, 24, 43 et seq., 298 Feisenau, 24 Ferdinand I., 80, 163, 245 et seq., 324-5 — II., of Tirol, 209, 258 et seq

, — IL, Emperorof Ger man y, 277 — I., Emperor of Austria, 281, 305 — Karl, 123, 160, 280, 282-3, 312 Ferdinandeum, the, 306-8 Ferklehen, 329 Fern, auf dem, 33 — Pass, 247 — 1 See, 33 Ferneck, 335 Fersinathal, 385-6 Feuriger Mann, 167 —- Verräther, the, 379 Feyen di© drei, 428—9 note 1 Dennis, Citks and Cemeteries of Etruria, voi. 1, pp. xxxiv-v, mentions the Etruscan. remains that liad bcen found at Mattrey (of which he gives a cut) and other places in Tirol up to bis time,

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Page 340 of 491
Author: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Place: London
Publisher: Longmans Green
Physical description: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Location mark: II A-4.091
Intern ID: 155537
NORTH TIROL—THE INNTHAL. SOS laici him, which is one of the chief Ornaments of the Hofkirche. The pedestal bears the inscription— Seinen in den Befreiungskämpfen, gefallenen Söhnen das dankbare Vaterland, and the sarcophagos the words— Absorbta est mors in victoria. Tirol had 110 reason to regret the restoration of the dynasty for which she had suffered so much. Most of her an tief privileges were resto red to her, and in 1826 Innsbruck again received thè honour of a University, and many

usefitl inst-itutions werc founded. Francis carne to Innsbruck again this year, and while there, received thè visit of thè Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia. Another shooting-matcli was held before them, at which thè precision of thè Tirolese received mudi prai.se : and again for a short time in 1835. The Archduke John, who carne in 1835 to live in Tirol, was received wird great enthusiasm ; his hardy feats of mountain climbing, and liearty accessible character, endearing him to all the people

. The troubl.es of 1848 gave thè Tirolese again an opportunity of showing that their ancicnt loyalty was undiminished. The Emperor Ferdinand, driven out of his capitai, found that he had not reckoned wrongly in counting on a secure refuge in Tirol. It was the evening of May 16 that the Imperial pair came as fugitives to Innsbruck. Though there was hardly time to announce their adveni before their arrivai,

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Page 28 of 491
Author: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Place: London
Publisher: Longmans Green
Physical description: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Location mark: II A-4.091
Intern ID: 155537
CHARTER VII. NORTII TIROL UNTERINNTHAL—(RIGHT INN-BANE). EXCÜBSIONS FIÌOM SCHWATZ. Falkenstein ; exhausted mines ; religious observanees of minerà ; tokens of their craft- —Buch— Margaretk — Galzein—Kugelmoos- — The Schwaderalpe — The Kellerspitze— Troi —Arzberg—Heiligenkreuz kapelle— Baierisehe-Kuxnpel — Pili — The Weerthal, Schloss Ket tenberg ; ita spectre ward er —The Kolsassthal—Wattens— Walchen —Mols — The Naristhal — Lizumthal ; the Blue Lake— Volders— Voidercrthal —Hanzenheim —Friedberg

— Aschbach, why it is in the pari sh of Mils — Hippolitus Guarinoni, page to St. Charles, physician of thepoor; religious zeal ; church of St. Charles, Servitenkloster, the Stein des Gehorsams ; analogous legend—Kinn ; S. Anderle’s martyrdom ; the Judenstein ; lettered lilies— Aversion to Jews— Voldererbad—Am pass — Laus—The Patseherkofl—The Lanscrsee ; thè poor proprietor and thè un just noble—Sistrans ; legend of its Champion wrestler—Heiligenwasser .... page 200 CHAPTER VIII. NORTH TIROL—THE ,INNTHAL

-Gebäude—Sigismund theMonied; bis re ception of Christian I. ; condition of Tirol in his time ; bis castles ; abdication—Maximilian ; builds the Burg; magnificence of his reign ; legenda of him ; his declino—Charles Quint; cedes Tirol to Ferdinand I.; his wise «Administration ; quieta popular agita tion ; Charles Quint s visite to Innsbruck ; al tacked by Maurice, Elector of Saxony ; carried luto Ca vintili a in a litter ; death of Maurice —Ferdinand I., thè Hof- Eirche ; Maximilian’s cenotaph ; its