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Holidays in Tyrol : Kufstein, Klobenstein and Paneveggio
Page 30 of 385
Author: White, Walter / by Walter White
Place: London
Publisher: Chapman and Hall
Physical description: XVII, 361 S. : Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Tirol ; s.Urlaubsreise ; f.Belletristische Darstellung
Location mark: II A-4.164
Intern ID: 155553
In the forty-seven miles between Kufstein and Innsbruck thè line Grosses tbe river twice, and has no cutting. Wörgl is now an important station, for it is tbe terminus ■of a new railway wliieh comiects Salzburg with tlie valley of tbe Inn. The scenery throiigh wliieh it passes, including Zell-am-See, is for thè most parti very grand ; but its cbief interest for Tyrolers is tliat thcy cari' now trave! to Upper Austria without Crossing foreign territory, or iindergomg a Visitation of baggage

. DO © Brixlegg is one of tbe places wbere travellers bound for thè. Zillerthal find borses and carriages always at tlieir Ser vice. In thè summer of 1873 a furtber attraction was offered : an imitation, on a grand scale, of thè Ammergau Passion play. How it was announced all over tbe country, and farther, by handbills, may be seen in tbe following para- grapli :—“ By permission of tbe Imperiai and Boyal Govern ment at Innsbruck there is now represented at Brixlegg, in tbe Unterinntlial in Tirol, tbe Great

Expiatory Sacrifice upon Golgotha, or tbe Passion of olir Lord Jesus Christ, accordiug to tbe four Evangelists, witb pictorial illustrations free tbe Old Testament, accompanied by music and singing, for medi- tation and edifìcation.” The performance was given four times a montb, from dune to September inclusive, aided by good actors from Innsbruck. Travel tbrougli tbe valley on Sundays or Saints’ days, and you will see bow fond tbe people are of amusements. Music and dancing prevali in every public