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General, Reference works , Religion, Theology
Annuario diocesano : comunità, presbiterio, istituzioni ; 1891
Page 182 of 240
Author: [Erzdiözese Trient]
Place: Trento
Publisher: Arcidiocesi
Physical description: 231 S.
Language: Lateinisch
Notations: Nebeneintr. Sachtitel: Annuario diocesano Trento // Catalogus cleri Diocesis Tridentinae // Elenco generale // Catalogus cleri saecularis et regularis Diocesis Tridentini // Catalogus cleri saecularis et regularis Dioecesis Tridentini
Subject heading: g.Trient <Diözese> ; f.Schematismus
Location mark: II Z 260/1891
Intern ID: 483213
174 SAGRAI VIRGINES Xaveria Möltner sch. mag. Golleta Fontanella Pia Rainswalder sch. ind. m. Rosa Mulser sch. mag. Clara Mair sch. mag. Hiacintha Lang janit. Salesia Wenter sch. mag. Romana Oberkofler in m. Marianna Pircher sch. mag. Methildes Plunger sch» mag. Othilia Wallnöfer coqua Novitiae 5- Conf, P. Hermanns Pi chi er Ord. Ref. Guard. IL GRIES!, Bernardina Wenter Super, et | Leopoldina Plattner sch. m. ■sch. mag. Conf. R. P. Aloysius Augner Ord. S, Ben. III. AD S. OEWESIUM, Margarita

Fuiterer S. et s. m. | Seraphina Suotinger sch. m. Conf, R. P. Ambrosius Steioegger Ord. S. Ben. Par. IV. MONTANAE. Floriana Chistof Sup. et sch. Josepha Mair s. mag. mag. Birgitta Obwexer in paed. Conf. R» Par. loci. V. CASTRORÜPTI. Magdalena Kerschbaumer s. Angela Damian mag. et. Sup. Conf. D. Aloysius Schlechtleitner Coop. ibi. VI. S. WALBURGAS ULTIMJL Michaela Villgrattner Sup, Veronica Turner Joanna Savoi sch. mag. Conf. D. Aloysius Antholzer Cur. ibi. i. Congregations Caldariensis. I, GALDARIL

General, Reference works , Religion, Theology
Annuario diocesano : comunità, presbiterio, istituzioni ; 1890
Page 182 of 240
Author: [Erzdiözese Trient]
Place: Trento
Publisher: Arcidiocesi
Physical description: 230 S.
Language: Lateinisch
Notations: Nebeneintr. Sachtitel: Annuario diocesano Trento // Catalogus cleri Diocesis Tridentinae // Elenco generale // Catalogus cleri saecularis et regularis Diocesis Tridentini // Catalogus cleri saecularis et regularis Dioecesis Tridentini
Subject heading: g.Trient <Diözese> ; f.Schematismus
Location mark: II Z 260/1890
Intern ID: 483214
174 SACRAE TIRGINES Mar. Fran. Villgrattrier s. m. Leonarda Kemenater sch. 111. Crescentia Oberrauch nov. m, Xaveria Mölln er seh. mag. Seraphina Suntinger ach, m, Pia Raiiwwalder sch. ind. m. Leopoldina ' Plattner ..sah, ,m. Clara Mair sch. mag. Hi a cintha Lang oper. d. S alesi a Wen ter sch, mag. Romana Oberkofler oper, d. Marianna Pircher sch, mag. Methildes Plunger sch. mag. Novitiae 1. Candid. 2. Rosa Maiser sch. mag. Con f. P. Hernia aus Pichler Ord. Ref. Guard. II. GRIES!. Bernardina

Wen ter Super, et Angela Damian sch. mag. sch. mag. Coleta Fontanella sch, mag, Conf. R. P. Aloysius Augner Ord. S. Beo, III. AD S. GENESIUM. Margarita Fultèrer S. et s. in. | Antonia Pfeifer sch. m, Coni P. Fontanus Kessler Ord. S. Ben. Coop. IV.-MONTANAE. Floriana Chistof Sup. et sch. Josepha Mair s. mag. mag. Birgitta Obwexer in paed. Conf. R. Par. loci. V. CASTRORUPTL Magdalena Kerschbaumer s. I Gabriela Falzer sch. mag. mag. et Sup. j Conf. D. Josephus As ti all er Coop. ibi. VI. S. WALBURGA