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Law, Politics
Zur Problematik der Heiligkeit der Veträge : eine Studie über die clausula rebus sic stantibus im Völkerrecht.- (Schriften des Instituts für Sozialforschung in den Alpenländern an der Universität Innsbruck ; 7)
Page 11 of 205
Author: Reut ; Nicolussi, Eduard / Eduard Reut ; Nicolussi
Place: Innsbruck
Publisher: Wagner
Physical description: 200 S.
Language: Deutsch
Subject heading: s.Völkerrechtlicher Vertrag
Location mark: II 7.875 ; II 58.593
Intern ID: 233974
Law of Nations British Year Book of Inter national Law. Darby (W. Evans), Some European Leagues of Peace in Transactions of The Grotius Society, London Sweet & Maxwell Ltd, 1919. Davies (David), The Problem of the Twentieth Century 1930 [Problem]. Dickinson (Edwin De Witt), A Selection of Cases and other Readings on the Law of Nations, New York 1929 [Law]. — The Equality of States in International Law, Harvard Univ. Press 1920 [Equality]. Eastw o od R. A., Austin's Theory of Positive Law and

Protection of Minorities —the Achilles' Heel of the League of Nations, in Transactions of the Grotius Society, London 1928. Higgins (A. Pearce), Studies in International Law and Relations, Cambridge, Univ. Press 1928 [Studies]. — The binding force of International Law, Cambridge at the University Press 1910. Hill (Norman), The Public International Conference, Stanford California 1929. — Unanimous Consent in International Organization, A. J. I. L. XXII. 1928. Hill (David Jayne), Camouflage in the peace