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Titolo Z - A
Geografia, guide
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Pagina 13 di 600
Autore: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Luogo: London
Editore: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Descrizione fisica: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Soggetto: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Segnatura: II A-4.101
ID interno: 134614
Livinullongo—Fimizzer's Inn- -Tim Castello—An Expedition noncrrled—We leave our Wivrs • al Home*- — Corfani and Ilm Priest«—~ Pian und thc Englislimun---Castle of Wolken stein---The .Lämmergeier-—The Jäger's Jùiilures- - The Crespala and its verni, Highfs Hi. Leonhard und Evangelista«’ Jim — Ihiehensfoin again- ■ Reception uf Caprile—Sin. Lucia--Val Ombrella--Exriirsion lo Val di Zoldo—'Tonrisfs al. Caprili'- The Fisher (ist of Alìeghe—The Tiniber * Leap’---Agordo ......... 4011 CII APTER XVI. ri: t.M

i Ein ». Agordo—The Patii lo Primiero—The Bonetti.«- The Valley of Primiero und Castello Pielru The .Dolomites of l’rimmro II- I Vurumrce and Curiositi««— lls II islory- Niorms Withonl. and Witliin - Passage of llm SI. Martino Col—Hospiee of Paneveggio—A .Drowned Koad—.Pmlazzo — Vigo— The Sasso di Duiniu r [’he last Cui and thè Pnrphvry (»orges Rotzen ........... 44*1 C li AFTER XVII. f)t: t-< >e-tiie-way si*ots. Old Kämt eli ugni ri Friesach und its Castles—St. Veit, thè OKI Court City Houli <)sfenrifz—The