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Holidays in Tyrol : Klobenstein, Paneveggio and Obladis.- (Tauchnitz-Edition ; 1976)
Pagina 27 di 355
Autore: White, Walter / by Walter White
Luogo: Leipzig
Editore: Tauchnitz
Descrizione fisica: 318 S. : Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Soggetto: g.Tirol ; s.Urlaubsreise ; f.Belletristische Darstellung
Segnatura: I A-4.140
ID interno: 160123
CHAPTER III. A. Reminiscence. — Wonderful Railway.-—Clever Engineering.— Patsch,— Stafflach and Falserthal. —Overcoming a DifficuUy, —Summit of thè Brenner.—A second Visit,—Cool Contras!. —Brenner Bath. — Young Eisack. — Edelweiss and frisches Wasser, — The Descent, —The Pflerschthal. — Sterzing. Franzensfeste. — Growls. — Brixen, — Klausen. Ingenions Barben — Waidbruck. —Porphyry Gorge. —Kunter' and ’ his Way.—The Teufelsloch.— Breadths of Vines. —Botzen. You perhaps remember, reader, that

, in the days that bave been more than once referred lo, we walked across the Brenner, with knapsack on shoulder, frorn Sterzing to Innsbruck, and had rauch enjoyment by the way, We are now to take thè journey in thè reverse direction, and, though not on foot, we shall see inuch that will give us pleasure and excite our admiration. There is something of the wonderful in a mountain railway. It triumphs ovcr diffipulties that seem ap- palling, and maintains a ceaseless confiict with the forces of Nature

. The able engineer who planned and constructed the greater part of the Brenner railway has le ft behind him, in the seventy-nine miles betwfeen Innsbruck and Botzen, a noble momiment of his skill and genius. Three years were spent in the work, and thè line was opened in 1867. Veiy soon after leaving Innsbruck our train begins to ascend, crosses the Sill while we catch a glimpse of