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Katalog der Tiroler Landesausstellung : Innsbruck 1893
Pagina 99 di 267
Autore: Tiroler Landesausstellung <1893, Innsbruck> / hrsg. vom Exekutiv-Comité
Luogo: Innsbruck
Editore: Edlinger
Descrizione fisica: XVI, 159 S. : Ill.
Lingua: Deutsch
Segnatura: 2.763
ID interno: 189405
im Jahre 1800 bewiesene unerschrockene Tapferkeit. 35. Der silberne Gürtel, den Anton Aschbacher bei seiner Hochzeit getragen. E- 36. Silberner und vergoldeter Becher im geschnitzten Kasten, Spende des Kaisers Leopold I. an das »Ge richt Pfunds 1705« als Belohnung für das »Ergeb nis des Landsturms 1703, 1704«; »Ergebnis des Bai rischen Strudels im Gerichte Pfunds, anno 1703, 1704«, wie die am Kasten angebrachten Gedenkschilder deuten. (K. k. Gern ein d csoh i es sstan d Pfunds.) 37. Grosser silberner

und vergoldeter Becher, Spende des Kaisers Leopold I. im Jahre 1703 für das tapfere 'Verhalten der Schützen des Gerichtes Landegg. (K. k. Bezirks,sch i cssstan d Landeck,) 38. Goldener Pokal, gespendet vom Kaiser Leopold I. im Jahre 1705 aus dem gleichen Anlasse wie bei Nr. 36 und 37. (K. k. Bezirksschiessstand Kied.) 39. Pokal der Kaiserin Maria Theresia und Franz I., 1765 gespendet anlässlich der in Innsbruck stattgeh ab teil Vermählung des Grossherzogs von Toscana, Leopold, eines Sohnes der Kaiserin Maria

Theresia, mit der Infantin Maria Ludowica. Dieser Becher, den der Schiess stand Innsbruck einige Tage vor der Abreise der kaiserl. Majestäten erhielt, enthält folgende Widmung eingravirt: »Munificentia Augustissimi et Augustis simae« und »Occasione adventus et inipt. Leopold A. A. celebrat, Oeniponti XXII. August 1765.« (K. k. L.-ll - SeMessstand Innsbruck.)

[ca. 1910]
Innsbruck and its environs
Pagina 25 di 177
Autore: Coursen, Charlotte H. ; Reinhart, J. [Hrsg.] / by C. H. C. Souvenir presented to his guest by J. Reinhart
Luogo: Innsbruck
Editore: Edlinger
Descrizione fisica: 119 S. : Ill., Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Segnatura: I 59.984
ID interno: 194449
20 Intiso. -—1648, from the influence of which Tyrol did not entirely escape. The jnairiage of Leopold with the beautiful Claudia Felicitas of Medici was celebrated at Innsbruck with most brilliant festivities. After Leopold’s death Claudia assumed the regency during the mi nority of their two sons.' Her chief counsellor was the brilliant Chancellor Wilhelm Biener. *) The two sons of Leopold and Claudia, Ferdinand Karl and Sigmund Franz, ruled in turn and died without heirs, and then Tyrol

reverted once more and finally to the em perors, who still keep the title : Prince-Count of Tyrol, with the later addition of: Prince of Trent and Brixcn. As rulers of Vor- arlberg the Austrian emperors are entitled ; Count of Hohenems, Feldkirch,. Bregenz, and Sonnenberg. The Emperor reigning at that time, 1665, was Leopold I. In the same year he came to Innsbruck to receive the homage of the Ty roleans, and not long after he came again to marry, as his second wife, Claudia Felicitas, daughter

of Prince Ferdinand Karl and his wife, Anna of Medici. ; The Princess Mother gave a public festival on this occasion, and offered a solemn service of thanksgiving. In 1677 Leopold founded the University of Innsbruck, which was named ni honor of him. Through the fortunes of this Emperor Tyrol be came involved in the; War of the Spanish Succession. Leopold was the Austrian claimant to the Spanish throne, and Philip of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV., ; was the French claimant In 1703 the French and