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Titolo A - Z
Titolo Z - A
[ca. 1910]
Innsbruck and its environs
Pagina 100 di 177
Autore: Coursen, Charlotte H. ; Reinhart, J. [Hrsg.] / by C. H. C. Souvenir presented to his guest by J. Reinhart
Luogo: Innsbruck
Editore: Edlinger
Descrizione fisica: 119 S. : Ill., Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Segnatura: I 59.984
ID interno: 194449
Rings out sweet and far, Still that yedel clear Falls upon my ear. 1 ■ Ziller-Vale, how sweet ihy song! Eleventh-Excursion.: Schwas , Tratsberg and Georgenbcrg-Jtwsm^vs southwest of Jenbach, on the River Inn, and very 1 f ^ Railway, is the old market town of Schwaz, said to be of I origin. It is full'of interesting memorials dating from P ^ days of the silver mines in the 15* century. The parish church — built double for miners aud towns-people _ * s ?. Tn t t, e structure with a perforated stone

of, George ^ Frundsberg, who commanded the Lutheran troops \ , The former prosperity of Schwaz led to the ^rly of Ting'presses, anci consequent trouble during the - ^ >. thif is .a place of memories, a spot where the Student ma^ hnxer, but it does not rely entirely upon past merits , . copper and iron; mines are still productive, even S has-been to rival the silver mines of old. Also a tobacco ■- T . ^ V established, here, and a majolica factory, the .products of which are ■'■'■.'■Sent out all over the

world. . ,-u Vnmner- t A favorite pedestrian excursion £om Bchw^s to the Vomper_ Thai, about 12 miles long, one of the wildest vaiieys "AKa^not far from Schwaz a road leads up to CastleTratzberg*), *wfh stands on a spur of the Bavarian Alps. ,n full view from the Also easily readied from Jcnbacb.