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Titolo Z - A
Geografia, guide
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Pagina 17 di 491
Autore: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Luogo: London
Editore: Longmans Green
Descrizione fisica: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Soggetto: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Segnatura: II A-4.091
ID interno: 155537
A. Pickler : Frühlieder aus Tirol, Scherer : Geographie und Geschichte tob Tirol. S i mrock : Legenden. Schneller : Mährchen und Sagen aus Wälsch-Tirol. Stafler : Das Deutsche Tirol und Vorarlberg. Die Sage von Kaiser Max auf der Marfcinswand, J, Tlialer : Geschichte Tirols von der Urzeit, Der Untersberg bei Salzburg, dessen geheimnissvolle Sagen der Vorzeit, nebst Beschreibung dieses Wunderberges, Vonbun: Sagen Vorarlbergs. Weber : Das Land Tirol. Drei Bänder. Zingerle : König Lau rin

. Of its four divisions the present volume is concerned with the first (Vorarlberg), the fourth (Wälsch-Tirol), and with the greater part of the valleys of the second (Nord or Deutsch-Tirol,) In the remoter recesses of them all some stränge and peculiar dialects Unger, which perhaps hold a mine in störe for the philologist, Yet, though the belief was expressed more than thirtv years ago 1 that they might serve as a key fo the j gee Steub * Über die Urbewohner Badens und ihren Zusammen hang

. oder der Bosengarten in Tirol, Die Sagen von Margaretha der Maultasche. Sagen, Märchen u. Gebräuche aus Tirol. Der berühmte Landwirth Andreas Hofer, I hope mv little maps will convey a sufficient notion of the divisions of Tirol, tlie position of its valleys and of the ront.es through tbem tracked in the following pages. I liave beeil desirous to crowd them as little as possible, and to indicate as far as may be, by thè size and direction.of thè words, thè direction and the relative importanee of the valleys

[ca. 1850]
Views in the Tyrol
Pagina 115 di 121
Autore: Allom, Thomas ; Tombleson, William ; Isser, Johanna ¬von¬ ; Hormayr, Joseph ¬von¬ / from drawings by T. Allom, after original sketches by Johanna v. Isser, geb. Grossrubatscher, with letterpress descriptions, by a companion of Hofer
Luogo: London
Editore: Tomleson
Descrizione fisica: 72 S. : 46 Stahlst., Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Segnatura: 462
ID interno: 529298
of Konigseck, in exchange for Hungarian estates, and to combine Suabian Austria witb the Tyrol and Vorarlberg on a more extended basis. After the battle of Austerlitz, however, in 1805, the new acquisitions, together with the Tyrol, Vorarlberg, &c. were again separated from Austria. The old Vorarlberg was afterwards re-annexed to Austria, but Rothenfels and Lindau, were retained by Bavaria, being essentially advantageous in preserving the independence of the South German confederacy, and

, and assisted by the greatest capitalist of the day, to make the medium of communication between the two mightiest streams of the German empire, the Danube and Rhine, by means of thè canal of Charlemagne ; thus carrying into effect thè grand and no less beneficiai design of King Lewis. The eastern part of the Vorarlberg possesses an inexhaustible Source of trafile in wood ; but which is much more partially distributed throughout thè southern districts, where the wild romantic heights of the

re erected with the greatest facility and expedition. By the source of the 111, and the Bregenzean river Ach, in the valley of Montafun, around thè mountain of Arlberg, along the boundaries of the Decemvirate confederacy, and by the Luciensteig, the Vorarlberg approximates that eternai [wilderness of ice, those steep and mighty walls of rock, that dead wa'ste of cliffs and crags, which compose the awful majesty of the northern Tyrol. It would be fruitless to seek in the Vorarlberg the pastoral charms

[ca. 1850]
Views in the Tyrol
Pagina 116 di 121
Autore: Allom, Thomas ; Tombleson, William ; Isser, Johanna ¬von¬ ; Hormayr, Joseph ¬von¬ / from drawings by T. Allom, after original sketches by Johanna v. Isser, geb. Grossrubatscher, with letterpress descriptions, by a companion of Hofer
Luogo: London
Editore: Tomleson
Descrizione fisica: 72 S. : 46 Stahlst., Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Segnatura: 462
ID interno: 529298
, with Mondstein, renowned for the battles which were fought there ; and to complete the grand pictorial effect, thè back ground is formed by the snowy and colossal heights of the Rheinthal, or valley of the Rhine, and of Appenzel, which ränge among the loftiest of the western world. The greatest part of the Vorarlberg was in the hands of the noble family of Montfort, which at the most flourishing period of its existence, was more powerful than that of Habs burg. The descendants, however, thougli

brave and courageous, have afforded to the world no instance of any extraordinary character, and in 1783, the family became extinct. The house of Hohenems was the second principal family, wbicli excelled the Montforts in chivalry, and was for some time even wealthier, but in 1759, it had lost nearly the whole of its importance, and was extinguished about a quarter of a Century afterwards, The Vorarlberg has been often the theatre of great military acliievements ; the most san- guinary battles of the

Suabian war were fought near Frasianz , Fussach, and Haag. Düring the thirty ycars’ war it offered a dauntless resistance ; and Bregenz and Kempten have wit- nessed thè Swedish torture, song, and feast. In the French campaigns from 1796 to 1805, the inhabitants valiantly distinguished themselves. In the ever-memorable war of 1809, Vorarlberg contributed an equal number of patriotic soldiery to the Tyrol, notwithstanding its disproportion as to square miles, population, and the materiei of warfare

; and it must not be omitted, that the natives nobly resisted and intrepidly attacked the enemy at Hohenems and Ravensburg, near Constance and Kempten, and by the Leiblach. The Vorarlberg enjoyed a general state of prosperity, until the year 1806, when thè dire chance of war forced its Separation from Austria ; all thè speculative consignments of manu- factured goods had been accustomed to be directed towards Vienna, most firms having brauch houses in various parts of thè empire; and when, in 1814

Views in the Tyrol
Pagina 169 di 174
Autore: Allom, Thomas ; Tombleson, William ; Isser, Johanna ¬von¬ ; Hormayr, Joseph ¬von¬ / from drawings by T. Allom, after original sketches by Johanna v. Isser, geb. Grossrubatscher, with letterpress descriptions, by a companion of Hofer
Luogo: London
Editore: Tomleson
Descrizione fisica: [1] Bl., 128 S., [1] gef. Bl, [42] Bl. : 42 Ill., 1 Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Segnatura: II A-5.020
ID interno: 351056
VORARLBERG, 127 Rheineck, with Mondstein, renowned for the battles which were fought there ; and to complete the grand pictorial effect, the back ground is formed by the snowy and colossal heights of the Rlieinthal, or valley of the Rhine, and of Appenzel, which range among the loftiest of the western world. The greatest part of the Vorarlberg was in the hands of the noble family of Montfort, which at the most flourishing period of its existence, was more powerful than, that of Habsburg. The

descendants, however, though brave and courageous, have afforded to the world no instance of any extraordinary | character, and in 1783, the family became extinct. The house of Hohenems was the second principal family, which excelled the Montforts in chivalry, and was for some time even wealthier, but in 1759, it had lost nearly the whole of its importance, and was extinguished about a quarter of a century after wards. The Vorarlberg has been often the theatre of great military achievements ; the most

sanguinary battles of the Suabian war were fought near Frastanz , Fussach, and Haag . During the thirty years' war it offered a dauntless resistance ; and Bregenz and Kempton have witnessed the Swedish torture, song, and feast. In the French campaigns from 1796 to 1805, the in habitants valiantly distinguished themselves. In the ever-memorable war of 1809, Vorarlberg contributed an equal number of patriotric soldiery to the Tyrol, notwithstanding its disproportion as to square miles,