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Geografia, guide
Neuer Führer durch Bolzano und Umgebung
Pagina 13 di 125
Autore: Hoeniger, Karl Theodor / von K. Th. Hoeniger
Luogo: Bolzano
Editore: Ferrari-Auer
Descrizione fisica: 118 S. : Kt.
Lingua: Deutsch
Soggetto: g.Bozen <Region>;f.Führer
Segnatura: I 300.841
ID interno: 410165
Autolinien. 11 Bolzano (Bozen) (Hotel Luna-Mondschein)— Sarentino (Sarnthein); 20 km in 1*A Stunden (Lire 7.05). Touristenautos: Abfahrt Piazza Vittorio Emanuele - Viktor Emanuelplatz. Während des Sommers regelmäßiger Verkehr auf folgenden Strecken: Bolzano (Bozen) —Carezza (Karerpaß)—Vigo di Fassa —Canazei—Pordoipaß—Falzaregopaß— Cortina d'Ampezzo; 115 km in 5 Stunden (Lire 75.—). Bolzano (Bozen) — Rencio (Rentsch)— Prato - Tires (Bluitìau); 8% km in 25 Minuten (Lire 3.50). Nach Tires (Tiers

) Lire .7.50. Bolzano (Bozen) —Ponte all'Isarco (Waidbruck)—Or- tisei (San Ulrico)—Sellapaß—Canazei—Pordoipaß—Fal zaregopaß— Cortina d'Ampezzo ; 126 km in 7% Stunden (Lire 78.—). Bolzano (Bozen) —Ponte all'Isarco (Waidbruck)—Ca- stelrotto (Kastelruth)— Siusi (Seis); 33 km in 1% Stun den (Lire 15.60). Bolzano (Bozen) (Piazza del Grano-Kornplatz)—Prato Tires (Blumau)— Tires (Tiers) — Bagni Lavina Bianca (Weißlahnbad); 22 km in 2 Stunden (Lire 25.—). Bolzano (Bozen) —Ora (Auer)—Cavalese — Predazzo

— Rollepaß— S. Martino di Castrozza; 86 km in 4 Stunden (Lire 55.—). Bolzano (Bozen) —Méndola (Mendelpaß)—Malé— Ma donna di Campiglio; 92 km in 4 Stunden (Lire 60.—). Bolzano (Bozen) —Novaponente (Deutschnofen) täg lich (L. 11.—). Bolzano (Bozen) — Lavazè—Cavalese, täglich vom 25. Juli bis 5. Sept. (L. 20.—). Bolzano (Bozen)—Merano (Meran); 30 km in 50 Mi nuten (Lire 18.—). Bolzano (Bozen) —Merano (Meran)—Spondigna (Spon- dinig) — Trafoi — Passo Stelvio (Stilfserjoch) — Bormio— Tirano; km 169

in 7 Stunden (Lire 116.50). Bolzano (Bozen) —Merano (Meran)—Münster—Zernetz (St. Moritz); 139 km in 7% (9) Stunden (Lire 115.50). Bolzano (Bozen) —Merano (Meran)—Passo Resia (Re- schen-Scheideck)— Landeck; 157 km in 8 Stunden (Lire 84.50).

Geografia, guide
Dolomites : Lac de Garde , Merano.- (¬Les¬ Dolomites illustrées ; 1)
Pagina 35 di 98
Autore: Unione Turistica Alberghiera delle Dolomiti <Bolzano> / ed. par l'Unione Turistica Alberghiera delle Dolomiti
Luogo: Bolzano
Editore: Unione Turistica Alberghiera delle Dolomiti
Descrizione fisica: 31, [64] S. : zahlr. Ill.
Lingua: Französisch
Soggetto: g.Südtirol;f.Führer
Segnatura: I 222.210
ID interno: 378805
FERROVIE ELETTRICHE ALPINE DEL GRUPPO TRASPORTI SIE. (CHEMINS DE FER ELECTRIQUES ALPINS) Cti/nest BOLZANO-CALDARO-MENDOLA (ligne électrique et funicuiaire) au pas de la Mendola 1.40U m. BOLZANO-SOPRABOLZANO-COLLALBO (ligne éieclrique et è crémaillèrel haut Plateau de Renon 1.200 m. ORA-CAVALESE-PREDAZZO (ligne élecfrique) à Val de Fiemme; par Passo Rolle à Son Martino di Castrozza; par Moena à Val di Fassa. DERMULO-FONDO -MENDOLA (service automobile) è Val di Non ed Alta Anaunia. FUNICULAIRE

BOLZANO-VIRGOLO (500 m.), magnifìque pano rama sur la ville. SERVICE AUTOMOBILE DIRECT d'été de MEZZOCORONA (gare sur la iigne Vérone-Brennerol pour: Sanzeno-Romeno- Cavareno-Fondo- Ronzone-Belvedere-Mendola (en fonctionnement du ler Juillet au 20 Septembre). AU MOYEN DES LIGNES DE CHEMIN DE FER ELECTRIQUES ALPINS DU GRÒUPE DES TRANSPORTS S.T.E. ON PEUT EFFECTUER LES EXCURSIONS LES PLUS INTERESSANTES A TRAVERS LES SITES MERVEILLEUX DES DOLOMITES Direction et Administrations Bolzano - Via Dante

, 32 - Téléphone n°. 15-42 Office de Renseignemenfs ef Location: Bolzano - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele Ili - Téléphone n'. 1051

Geografia, guide
[ca. 1927]
Bolzano (Bozen) : the "Gateway of the Dolomites"
Pagina 9 di 16
Luogo: Bolzano
Editore: Vogelweider
Descrizione fisica: 15 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Soggetto: g.Bozen <Region>;f.Führer
Segnatura: II A-36.047
ID interno: 511451
THE MONTIGGL LAKES (see carriage-drives) are best reached on foot from S. Michele-Appiano (station of the Oltradige railway) in l l A hours, or from the stopping place Oltradige via Schreckbichl in 1% hours. GLANING an idyllic mountain village on the Alten, from the Guntschna-Promenade. THE BOLZANO MOUNTAIN-RAILWAYS. THE VIRGOLO RAILWAY is an electric funicular railway which carries passengers in a few minutes to the summit of the Virgolo from which the surroundings appear as on a map. At the

Virgolo restaurant con certs are given. THE GUNCINA RAILWAY is a cable railway 350 yards in length having its valley-station in the via Höffinger at Gries. Wonderful view of Bolzano-Gries, Catinaccio and Latemar. A promenade leads from the terminus to the restaurant 'Reichrieglerhof'. THE RENON RAILWAY starts at the Piazza Vittorio Emanuele and in one hour and a half reaches Sopra- bolzano, Collalbo. At the Renon valley station, the cog wheel section begins. The ever varying view em braces the valley

of Bolzano, and the Dolomites, towering above mountain-forests. On the way appear the famous 'Earth Pyramide', a pecu liarity of the Renon. On the verdant plateau of So- prabolzano, at the stopping place of Maria Himmelfahrt (iOOO ft.) the cog-wheel line ends and the electric motor car continues on the ad hesion-line to the station of Soprabolzano, a delightful Alpine resort with numerous and extensive walks, in the Runkelstein