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Geographie, Reiseführer
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Seite 363 von 598
Ort: London
Verlag: Murray
Umfang: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Schlagwort: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Signatur: I 124.216
Intern-ID: 37775
, is a contracted gorge. The pathway along the I bank of the Isel 5s crossed at intervals by timber-courses (§ 111), clown which the stems of trees are ■hurled from the heights above. . The principal villages passed are Aineth and St. Johann. Upon the advance of the French, under General Rusca, in the fatal year 1809 , from the E. upon Liens, the entire population of that town, fled for refuge into the inner- ! most recesses of the Iselthal, where they found a friendly reception froi® its inhabitants

. A detachment of 200 French, sent into the valley by Rusca, were attacked, routed, and expell©“ (8th Dec.) by a handful of peasant®» collected and headed by the innkeep er of Aineth, Johann Oblasser. He w®!» however, made prisoner by a Mvo larger force in the same month, trie, by a court-martial at Lienz, and she before his own door on 29th D eC ‘’ after which his body was hung E over it, A little above St. Johann, t&( valley of Tefereggen, with the vill®^ of Hopfgarten, opens on the W-> that of Kals

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Seite 374 von 598
Ort: London
Verlag: Murray
Umfang: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Schlagwort: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Signatur: I 124.216
Intern-ID: 37775
in 1809, with most unequal force, against the army of the Duke of Danzig and Ge neral Wrede. The fine scenery extends, with little interruption, as far as 2j Waid ringen .—bin : Post. 2 St. Johann ( Inn; Post—fallen off), about half-way between Salzburg and Innsbruck. The village is prettily situ ated at the junction of 4 valleys. A carriage-road has been made hence into the Pinzgau at Mittersill (Rte, 230), by Kitzbühel and the Pass Thurn, About 2 m. 8. from this, in the valley of the Achen, on the

way to Kitzbühel, is the abandoned mine of Bohrerbühel, which, between the years 1540 and 1630, yielded almost incredible trea sures of silver and copper. It is re markable for having the deepest shaft of any mine in the world, except Monk- wearmonth —extending for 500 fathoms into the bowels of the mountain. From St. Johann to El man the road ascends considerably almost all the way, Elmau : being near the summit of the pass. From Elmau to Soli it alternately ascends and descends; from W orgl

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Seite 396 von 598
Ort: London
Verlag: Murray
Umfang: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Schlagwort: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Signatur: I 124.216
Intern-ID: 37775
and narrow lake in the midst of scenery of great beauty, but resembling that of the lake of Gmunden, A char-road leads for about 3 m. along the banks of the Grundl-Traun, as far as the spot where it pours itself out of the lake. Here is a tidy Inn. the Erzherzog Johann, and kept by the Fischmeister of the district, and a boat may be hired, with 2 men, to row to the other end, a distance of i between 4 and 5 m., for 1 ft. Miinz. The outlet of the lake is closed by flood-gates, opened at times

ling of the streamlets falling over the cliffs into the lake. Farther on still is another similar lake, the Kamraer- see, only 300 ft. long * in this the Traun takes its rise. It is connected with the Teplitzersee by a cutting, bearing date 1549, to float timber. The time occupied in visiting the Grundl Teplitz and Kammer lakes from the Krzherzog Johann, and re turning there, is about hrs., 1^ hr. of that time being occupied in walking between those lakes by an indifferent walker. About 9 m. from

Geographie, Reiseführer
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Seite 269 von 598
Ort: London
Verlag: Murray
Umfang: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Sprache: Englisch
Anmerkungen: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Schlagwort: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Signatur: I 124.216
Intern-ID: 37775
248 route 200. —salzburg to bad gastein,—ST.-JOHANN. Sect, Xt, may descend at once to the Wirthshaus, ] writhing in the depths below. The * *' - - - - —*- •*-!- -t — ■— - - > * f*i j dl ti-v/1 r! Aimi +ln, a OnT __ ' « ' drift-wood floated down the Salza is often arrested by these impediments, and left adhering ,to the rocks. The mode of releasing it is by letting down a wood-cutter by a rope into the abyss, armed with a hatchet; unadventurous and perilous exploit. It is.a scene of savage

river itself has been irre gularly bridged over and nearly con cealed from view. The path Is skilfully carried down by slopes and flights of steps, winding among the gigantic fragments in such a manner as to afford now and then a peep far down mto the here subterranean stream. ■Beneath this natural bridge the water May be seen here and there boiling and river is thrice crossed, before rei 3 St. Johann (Inns : Post ; HofetJt a large village, with a Pop. of 8M-- At a little country ale-house in the

[ca. 1910]
Familienhotel Erzherzog Johann : Meran, Südtirol
Seite 19 von 58
Ort: Meran
Verlag: Poetzelberger
Umfang: 48 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Deutsch; Englisch; Französisch
Anmerkungen: Text dt., engl. und franz.
Schlagwort: k.Familienhotel Erzherzog Johann
Signatur: I 302.439
Intern-ID: 499585
Family Hotel I The following notice of the Hotel Erzherzog Johann is taken from an article from the „Neue Freie Presse' of September 28th 1909 on the development of the buildings of Meran, „The secret of success of many hotel-managements lies in the friendly attention given to small details apart from the main business, and in the completion of details which give to travellers a feeling of comfort and real enjoyment. And therefore Elite travellers enjoy and appreciate these fashionable hotels

, which, in a modern dress, cultivate and preserve the spirit and charm of olden times. After enjoying a glorious past of more than a century the family hotel Erzherzog Johann still heads the list of first class hotels in Meran, and stands as a pioneer of progress and success. One can easily understand that this model management which has been in the hands of the same family since its foundation has always met with the greatest success. The experience of no less than four generations has contributed

greatly towards keeping the undertaking up to the highest point. The alterations and new buildings added during the last five years, and the modern improvements con tinually made, have helped in a most remarkable way, zherzog Johann as regards comfort and luxury, to make the hotel Erzherzog Johann one of the most fashionable first class hotels. In the Erzherzog Johann the type of a first class family hotel is developed and illustrated to the highest degree. Perhaps this fact explains the eminent

position of the hotel. The establishment is the favourite stopping-place of princely families, and members of the European aristocracy, and the cream of international society. The history of the hotel is inseparably connected with the local history of the health resort. It would be im possible to enumerate here the long list of illustrious visitors who have stayed in the hospitable halls of the Erzherzog Johann. Kaiser Franz Josef stayed here during his visit to Meran in the autumn of 1899, and on this

[ca. 1910]
Familienhotel Erzherzog Johann : Meran, Südtirol
Seite 5 von 58
Ort: Meran
Verlag: Poetzelberger
Umfang: 48 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Deutsch; Englisch; Französisch
Anmerkungen: Text dt., engl. und franz.
Schlagwort: k.Familienhotel Erzherzog Johann
Signatur: I 302.439
Intern-ID: 499585
Les très hautes et sérénissimes © personnalités sufvantes out ho- noré l'Hotel Archiduc Jean de leur graeieuse visite: Folgende allerhöchste und höchste Herrschaften beehrten dasFamilien- hotel Erzherzog Johann mit höchst- derem Besuche: 'S' The following most highest and highest guests honoured the Family-Hotel Erzherzog Johann with their highest visit: c)(5~ Seine Majestät Kaiser Franz Joseph I. Ihre Majestät Kaiserin Anna von Oesterreich Ihre Majestät Königin von Neapel S. k. il. k. Hoheit

Erzherzog Johann von Oesterreich S. k. ii. k. Hoheit Erzherzog Albrecht von Oesterreich S. k. u. k. Hoheit Erzherzog Heinrich von Oesterreich S. k. u. k. Hoheit Erzherzog Rainer von Oesterreich S. k. u. k. Hoheit Erzherzog Franz Ferdinand von Oesterreich d' Este mit Gemahlin Herzogin Sophie von Hohenberg S. k. u. k. Hoheit der hochwürdigst-durchlauchtigste Herr Erzherzog Eugen von Oesterreich S. k. u. k. Hoheit Erzherzog Ferdinand Karl von Oesterreich S. k. u. k. Hoheit Erzherzog Franz Salvator

von Oesterreich Ihre k. u. k. Hoheit Erzherzogin Maria Valerie von Oesterreich Ihre k. u. k. Hoheit Frau Kronprinzessin Witwe Stephanie Ihre kgl. Hoheit Oroßherzogin Alexandrine von Mecklenbnrg-bchwenn S. kgl. Hoheit Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm von Preußen S. kgl. Hoheit Prinz Friedrich Heinrich von Preußen S. kgl. Hoheit Erbgroßherzog Friedrich von Baden Ihre kgl. Hoheit Erbgroßherzogin Friedrich von Baden Ihre kgl. Hoheit Oroßherzogin Elisabeth von Oldenburg S. Hoheit Herzog Johann Albrecht von Mecklenburg

-Schwerin Ihre Hoheit Herzogin Johann Albrecht von Mecklenburg-Schwerin S. Hoheit Herzog Ernst von Sachsen -Altenburg S. Hoheit Prinz Moritz von Sachsen -Altenburg, Herzog zu Sachsen Ihre Hoheit Prinzess. Moritz v. Sachsen -Altenburg, Herzogin zu Sachsen Ihre Hoheit Marie Fürstin von Schaumburg -Lippe S. Hoheit Herzog Georg von Sachsen -Meintngen und Gemahlin Frei frau von Heldburg , _ , ,, S. Hoheit Prinz Ernst von Sachsen -Meiningen und Gemahlin Freifrau von Saalfeld , . _ . . , Ihre Durchlaucht

[ca. 1910]
Familienhotel Erzherzog Johann : Meran, Südtirol
Seite 9 von 58
Ort: Meran
Verlag: Poetzelberger
Umfang: 48 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Deutsch; Englisch; Französisch
Anmerkungen: Text dt., engl. und franz.
Schlagwort: k.Familienhotel Erzherzog Johann
Signatur: I 302.439
Intern-ID: 499585
Das Familienhotel Erzherzog Johann Dem der baulichen Entwicklung Merans gewidmeten Artikel, welchen die „Neue Freie Presse' am 28. Sep tember 1909 brachte, seien nachfolgende, das „Hotel Erz herzog Johann' betreffende Ausführungen entnommen: „, .... Das Geheimnis des Erfolges von vielen Hotelbetrieben steckt in scheinbar Nebensächlichem, in der Komplizität von Details, die erst in ihrer Gesamtheit jenes köstliche Gefühl der Behaglichkeit wecken, welches das Reisen zum wirklichen Genüsse

gestaltet. Und darum liebt und schätzt gerade die Elite des Reisepublikums diese vornehmen Gaststätten, die auch im modernen Kleide den Geist und Zauber der alten Zeit pflegen und bewahren. Mit einer mehr als hundertjährigen ruhmvollen Vergangenheit steht das „Familienhotel Erzherzog Johann' nach wie vor an der Spitze der Meraner Hotel industrie, stets ein Pionier des Fortschrittes und Förderer kurörtlicher und beruflicher Interessen. Und sehr wohl kann man es verstehen, daß diesem Musterbetriebe

bleibt mit der Lokalgeschichte des Kurortes untrennbar ver bunden. Es würde zu weit führen, die schier unerschöpf liche Reihe der illustren Besucher aufzuzählen, die in den gastlichen Hallen des „Hotel Erzherzog Johann' geweilt haben. Lediglich die Tatsache sei registriert, daß auch unser Kaiser gelegentlich seines Aufenthaltes in Meran im Herbst 1899 das „Hotel Erzherzog Johann' mit Seinem Besuche ausgezeichnet und bei diesem Anlasse dem Vater des gegenwärtigen Besitzers besondere Beweise