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[ca. 1910]
Innsbruck and its environs
Seite 166 von 177
Autor: Coursen, Charlotte H. ; Reinhart, J. [Hrsg.] / by C. H. C. Souvenir presented to his guest by J. Reinhart
Ort: Innsbruck
Verlag: Edlinger
Umfang: 119 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Signatur: I 59.984
Intern-ID: 194449
GRAND HOTEL DE LONDRES and Royal Deux Tours. The Only First-class Hotel in Verona.’: Patronised by Imperial and Royal Families. Most central position, near the Roman Amphitheatre and the tomba of the Scaligeri. Several languages spoken. Entirely re furnished with all latest improvements by the new Proprietor. English Sanitary arran gements,; Winter Garden, Bath-rooms. Electric Light, Omnibus at doth stations' Chargea: very moderate. • E. Ceresa-Gianella, Proprietor. Branch-Houses : Menaggio

(Lake of Como), Grand Hotel Victoria, Lugano (Switzerland), Grand Hotel Splendide, (72 > rand Hotel am m (25) Aft S rst and most favourably situated Hotel 100 rooms on the lake, 32 balconies, Lift. ZELL: am Ziller (jenbSzmerthal.) ' . , .Proprietor:. -Kaspar .Schneider '• ; with 12 well furnished rooms (at 30—70 kr.) good kitchen, restauration A la carte, excellent Tyrolean wines, .very good beer from my own brewery, opportunities for driving and ridivg in the house. In front of the Hotel large

garden offering a pleasant resting-place with a beautiful view on the mountain-range Newly constriicted, very beautiful, saloon. German bowling-ground, reading-casino at the Hotel. When, desired Pension is given readily, ! Highly recommended to tourists, and families for a prolongated sojourn, Atlem- (86) dance solid and; attentive.' , ' ' (35) HOTEL BAUR AD LAC. Open all the year round. 40

Geographie, Reiseführer
Sulden - Trafoi : Schilderungen aus dem Ortlergebiete
Seite 22 von 172
Autor: Christomannos, Theodor / von Th. Christomannos
Ort: Innsbruck
Verlag: Edlinger
Umfang: VI, 175 S. : Ill.. - 6. Tsd.
Sprache: Deutsch
Schlagwort: g.Sulden ; f.Führer<br>g.Trafoi ; f.Führer<br>g.Ortlergruppe ; f.Führer
Signatur: III 64.123
Intern-ID: 168164
raschenden Wirken der Naturkräfte gegenübergestellt werden: von der Bahn station zum Hotel im Wagen, vom Hotel zum Gletscher auf kniestarken bergkundigen Haflinger Ponys, ohne auch nur einen Schritt zu gehen. Tröste Dich, beleidigtes Hochtouristenherz, vergönne auch diesen Unwürdigen, die ja vielleicht mitunter sogar Mitglieder eines alpinen Vereines, also Collegen von Dir sind, den seltenen Genuss und tröste Dich damit, dass vielleicht ein oder der andere, der für immer in der Stickluft

und Nacht der Städte ver kommen wäre, auf diese Weise für die gute Sache gewonnen wird, sich schliesslich gar noch selbst zum Hochtouristen ausbildet und die Schöntauf spitze oder die Tschengelser Hochwand forcirt! Als Kleinere Spaziergänge dienen vor Allen die an den beiden Thalseiten durch die Bergholzbestände (Lärchen- und Zirbenwald) hinlaufenden Fusssteige; vom neuen Suldenhötel eben hin bis zur elektrischen Station am Zaybache und von dort am Hotel Order vorüber zum Unterstockhofe und zum Bilde

im Reichs forste, wo der Fussweg in die Fahrstrasse mündet, und über dieselbe zurück bis zum Hotel Eller und von dort am linken Bachufer zu den Gam- penhöfen und zurück (circa l'/ s Stunden); oder über die elektrische Anstalt und das Hotel Order zum Hotel Eller und zu dem in dessen Nähe vom D. u. Oe. Alpenverein zu Ehren des Nordpolfahrers und Erschliessers der Ordergruppe, J. v. Payer, errichtetem Payer- Denksteine; zurück ebenfalls am linken Bachufer. Von diesen beiden Wegen, die das Thal umsäumen

[ca. 1910]
Innsbruck and its environs
Seite 155 von 177
Autor: Coursen, Charlotte H. ; Reinhart, J. [Hrsg.] / by C. H. C. Souvenir presented to his guest by J. Reinhart
Ort: Innsbruck
Verlag: Edlinger
Umfang: 119 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Signatur: I 59.984
Intern-ID: 194449
From Landeck to Stilfserjoch-Engadin Salden, Trafoi, Bormio, Meran, Schuls-Tarasp, St, Moritz, Pontresina. — Shortest and flneit route over the Finstenaiinz-pass and. by Reechen-Sebeideck. 4'iiäail-coaches daily- vice. versa. Hotel Post, Landeck, Tyrol. Hotel of old renown, completely rebuilt- with MO rooms and saloons, mostly with balcony ore opening on galleries. Billard, reading saloon, ladies-saloon. Gold and warm baths on each floor. Post and telegraph at the Hotel. Extrapost without

change of coaches, and private equipages with written contracts at the office of the Hotel. For passengers to© a very gratifying sojourn of 1 day with its wonderful excursion to the ,,Trisanna- ^ ;; .YUuiuCt*^ grandest, construction of-the Arll^g-railway. ■ : - ; Cbbltj Schenker and Lmbindieketa. ■ \ ■■i-- ''-'Sulphur-bath Ladis, post Pfutz. 1^00 ■ m .above sear-level, Li/g h from . Band eels, very strong sulpurons springs, bj of an boor frotn Obladls, watering-place and batLingpestabllsbihent with

; addnkrns waters. A ■•Mall Hotel, newly, adapted and pleasantly furnished with- splendid walks In fir woods. 4n angreeable summer-resort, and cheap, Fenslon complain from fl. g,§0 to fl 3.20. Josef Miiller, i r. postmaster and proprietor.

[ca. 1910]
Innsbruck and its environs
Seite 163 von 177
Autor: Coursen, Charlotte H. ; Reinhart, J. [Hrsg.] / by C. H. C. Souvenir presented to his guest by J. Reinhart
Ort: Innsbruck
Verlag: Edlinger
Umfang: 119 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Signatur: I 59.984
Intern-ID: 194449
Hotel Bellevue au £ae<^ wifh Dependanee and „ Villa Jltontplaisir“, In the most favourable situation. Beautiful garden; Mostly frequented by German families. Exceedingly comfortable. Moderate charges with good kitchen. ( I00 > tèlerzing, Tyrol Interesting old town, highest situated town of the country; first-class-station for tourists, a summer-resort, high situated health-resort in charming woody surroundings. Station of the express-trains of the Brenner-railway. It is the only Hotel

of Sterling (situated on the southern skirt of the town) from the balconies of which travellers may enjoy an unlimited view on the valley below • nd on the mountains Bound the house large garden and pleasure-grounds. Wide new dining- hall ; reading-, smoking- and music-saloons. Baths and douche at the Hotel. Omnibus at the Station, . . . . f5 9 ' -. Ludwig Obexer, proprietor. STERZING, Brenner-railway, Tyrol, I. class-station for tourists. STERZING. A summer- and health-resort, altitude 949 m. Hotel

z ur alten Post ■Residence of His Majesty the Emperor of Austria in the year 1878. This Hotel has been completely'renovated and furnished with every comfort. Cheap prices, good kitchen and beverage ; equipage« and baths in the house. Omnibus at the station to every train. Beautiful garden with extensive view. Reduced chargés for commercial-travellers. (94) i Ludwig Regiert, proprietor. Comfortably furnished. Electric light 22 rooms with excellent beds. For a prolongated sojourn cheap charges (Pension

) Large veranda and garden. Omnibus of the Hotel at the station. Daily mail- coach in open landaus over the Fernpass to Lermos, Reutte. At any time extra-post and private-equipages. t s2) Marie Witwe Harting.