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Geographie, Reiseführer
Sight-seeing in Germany and the Tyrol in the autumn of 1855
Seite 189 von 417
Autor: Forbes, John / by sir John Forbes
Ort: London
Verlag: Smith, Felder and Co.
Umfang: XIX, 378 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Deutschland ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Österreich ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1855
Signatur: II A-23.768
Intern-ID: 152665
Mlls timi b ornici tlic plain on tlie south-cast, send off a sort of offshoot towards tlie sonth-west, constiUiting an isolateci ridge in tlie plain. bfear its origin this ridge is suddenly, as it were, ent across by tlie river Salzach ; and it is in thè gap thus macie, or at its sides, tliat tlie city of Salzburg is bnilt. Near its south-western or inland end, so to speak, tbis isolateci beigli! sboots up into a point eonsiderably ab ovo its generai leve! ; and it is upon tbis point tliat tbe

ancient casti e and fortress of Salzburg, closely overlooking tbe town, is bnilt. Between tbis eastle- bill and thè river, tbe ridge, at a somewhat lower le vel, assumes tbe sliape of a bold promontori, witb cscarped rocky walls on botli sides, and tcrminates in an abrupt point, overbanging tbe river. Tbis terminal portimi of tbe ridge is cali ed thè Mönehsbcrg ; and it is dose under thè escarped wall of its southern flank tbat Salzburg proper lies. Tbe beiglit on tbe other side of tbe river, fronting

tbe Mönchsberg, is termed tbe Kapnzinerberg, and is less lofty and less bold than tbe otber. It is imme- diately at its foot and on its slopes tbat tbe other half of Salzburg (Stein) stands. Tbe plain immediately snrronnding Salzburg is of great extent, and is on all sides bonnded by mountains, justly claiming, by tbeir vast mass, tbe grandeur of tbeir outline and tbeir elevatimi, tbe title of Alps ; and it is tbis magnificent boundary tbat alone saves from thè imputation of tameness—not to say

ugliness —tbe great alluvial level in tbe midst of wbicb Salzburg stands. Salzburg is almost universally represented by locai topographics and by guide-books copying tbem, as excelling every town in Germany in thè picturesque beauty of its locality. Taken absolutely, I cannot

Geographie, Reiseführer
Sight-seeing in Germany and the Tyrol in the autumn of 1855
Seite 190 von 417
Autor: Forbes, John / by sir John Forbes
Ort: London
Verlag: Smith, Felder and Co.
Umfang: XIX, 378 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Deutschland ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Österreich ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1855
Signatur: II A-23.768
Intern-ID: 152665
subscribe to tbe accuracy of tbis statement, though I willingly admit tbat Salzburg may justly claim a high place among sudi localities, and even tliat in one point —I menu, in its noble castle-hill and castle,—it may boast of one striking feature ubidì no otber town, in Gennany can match. But Prag, Buda, Linz, Passau, and two or three towns more, may iairly, I tbink, come iute competition with thè city on tbe Salzach. Of all tbe places mentioned, Passau (wbich, by tbe way, greatly resembles

Salzburg in tbe coniiguration of its site) is, in my judgment, best entitled to tbe palm of beauty, and must talee precedence of Salzburg in tbis respect. castle-liill and castle all included. Äs compared witb Passau, and some of tlie otber towns mentioned, tbe Salzburg landscape appears to me to bave severa! marked defects. Tbe fbllowing may be mentioned : first, the perfect flato ess and coarseness, at least, if not tbe aetual ugliness of tbe plains which He so closely around tbe town ; second, tbe

great distane© of tbe mountains, on account of tbe extent of tbe plain, not allowing tbem to constitute a portiou of tbe immediate landscape, of which tbe city is tbe centre j third, tbe inferior character of its river. Like most mountain rivers in tbe summer season when not eonfined by hold and rocky banks, tbe Salzach in tbe immediate vicinity of Salzburg, exbibits a wide gravelly watercourse very imperfectly filled by tbe stream tbat traverses it. Such a cireumstance alvays detraets greatly from

Geographie, Reiseführer
Sight-seeing in Germany and the Tyrol in the autumn of 1855
Seite 207 von 417
Autor: Forbes, John / by sir John Forbes
Ort: London
Verlag: Smith, Felder and Co.
Umfang: XIX, 378 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Deutschland ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Österreich ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1855
Signatur: II A-23.768
Intern-ID: 152665
CHARTER XI. INNSBRUCK. ? August 8 Oth .—I left Salzburg at twenty ininutes after live, cm iiiy journey to Innsbruck and tbe Tyrol. I chose tbe Stellwagen, in preference to tbe Eil wagen, as my means of cnnveyance, becanse time first stops during tbe night, and so enables tbe passengers to see all tbe scenery by dayligbt. In tbis respect tbe Diligence is quite as convenient as a private carriage, ibougb it, of course, bas tbe great drawback of stoppi ng only at tbe fixed post-stations. Our first

stage was to Reichenb all, about ten or twelve miles from Salzburg. Tbe road, though witb a continuous gentle aseent, lies througbout on tbe plain of Salzburg, along tbe eastern base of tbe Untersberg mountains. A little more than half way from Salzburg, we enter upon tbat tongue of land whieh Bavaria pro jecta into tbe Àustrian territori es, and wbicb, togetber witb Reichenhall, contai ns Berchtesgaden and tbe Königssee. Witb tbe mountains still on our left, we had now dose on our right the river

Saalacb or Saal, on its way to join tbe Salzach a little below Salzburg. ■ The town of Reichenb all lies on tbe right baiik of tbis river, dose under tbe mountains. It is a bustling

Geschichte , Religion, Theologie
Biographie des Tiroler Heldenpriesters Joachim Haspinger
Seite 72 von 191
Autor: Schallhammer, Anton ¬von¬ / von Anton von Schallhammer
Ort: Salzburg
Verlag: Selbstverl. des Verf.
Umfang: VIII, 175 S. : Ill.
Sprache: Deutsch
Anmerkungen: In Fraktur ; Beil. = Todesanzeige von Joachim Haspinger
Schlagwort: p.Haspinger, Joachim ; f.Biographie
Signatur: II 102.414
Intern-ID: 150489
6i Vorrückmtg in's salzburgische Gebirg, Anfangs September. Der Waffenstillstand von Znaim wurde verlängert und die Friedensunterhandlungen zu Ungarisch-Altenburg fortgesetzt. Da jedoch bekannt wurde, daß nicht allein Tirol, sondern auch das Herzogthum Salzburg, letzteres seit dem Preßburger Friedens schlüsse eine österreichische Provinz, durch den Machtspruch des Kaisers Napoleon von jenem getrennt werden sollten, beschlossen beide Hochländer das Waffenglück nochmals zu versuchen

, um durch eine Schilderhebung im Rücken des Feindes, die gelähmte Kraft des Hauses Oesterreich zu erstarken und wo möglich die eingeleitete Abtretung beider Lander zu hintertreiben. Speckbacher kam schon am 22. August allein in das Pinz- gau und erließ zwei Proklamationen/) In Wörgl führte indes, sein Adjutant Breunig das Kommando. Obwohl das salzburgische Gebirg seit dem Monate Mai thàtigen Antheil an dem Kriege nahm, gelang eS dennoch der General-Landeö-Administration zu Salzburg im feindlichen Interesse Anordnungen

durchzuführen, die für die Wehrkraft von den nach theiligsten Folgen waren. Hierunter: Stellung der Schützen-Haupt- leute als Geißeln nach der, vom Feinde besetzten Stadt Salzburg, Waffen-Ablieferung, Zerstörung der Befestigungen in den Eng pässen und Besetzung derselben durch feindliche Streitkräfte. Durch die Entfernung der feindlichen Organe durch Speck bacher, entflammte der moralisch gebeugte Patriotismus der salz burgischen Alpensöhne von Neuem. Es bedurfte aber diesmal ') Meine kriegerischen

Ereignisse von Salzburg. Seite ?!Z7>,

Geographie, Reiseführer
Sight-seeing in Germany and the Tyrol in the autumn of 1855
Seite 191 von 417
Autor: Forbes, John / by sir John Forbes
Ort: London
Verlag: Smith, Felder and Co.
Umfang: XIX, 378 S. : Ill., Kt.
Sprache: Englisch
Schlagwort: g.Deutschland ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Österreich ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1855
Signatur: II A-23.768
Intern-ID: 152665
are only seen in tlie near, or what may be callecl the home views of Salzburg. In rnost of tbe views from a disfanne, and also in one near view,—tbat from tbe Kapuzinerberg,—tbe lofty castlediill, with its castle and the Mönchsberg with its buildings towering over thè town, tbe whole relieved against tbe blue Alps in the near horizon, present features of picturesqne heanty of thè high est kind, and make one alm ost donht whether thè praise of thè topographers is, after all, really beyond the

trutli. Of all these views, I think thè fi riest is from thè bill above Aigen ; and, on this accori nt, and on this account alone, is Aigen well deserving of a visit. Salzburg itself, considered with out reference to its particular locality, is a very handsome torni, sufficiently old to present a good deal that is picturesqne in the irregulär design, or rather no-design of its streets and squares, as well as in the arehiteeture of many of its lofty houses. Its squares, monuments, public buildings

, and churches are inferior to those of severa! of the older towns in Germany, yet are by no means devoid of taste or elegance. In the old St. Michaelsplatz, now named Mozarts platz, there is an elegant bronzo statue by Schwan thaler, of the great composer, who was a native of Salzburg. The statue was erected in 1842, and is a fine work of art. In the Residenzplatz there is a very elegant fonntain of white marble, forty-five feet high, erected in 1664 • and in the Domplatz one of those bronze