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Technik, Mathematik, Statistik
Opere pubbliche : edilizia, idraulica, strade, ferrovie, porti, archeologia ; rassegna mensile illustrata "; An. 3. 1933, n. 6/7)
Seite 61 von 172
Umfang: S. 225 - 374, XIII - XVI : zahlr. Ill.
Sprache: Italienisch
Schlagwort: g.Südtirol;s.Öffentliches Gebäude
Signatur: III A-60
Intern-ID: 243817
Bressanone- Bolzano, di una carrareccia mediocre anziché di una strada di prima classe ! E difatti tale strada era stata ottenuta con successive saltuarie parziali mat tazioni, da parte della cessata amministrazione au striaca, di vecchie strade di campagna, senza far luogo a correzioni o rettifiche ; e ciò veri- similmente sia per le difficoltà derivanti in molti casi dal fatto della mancanza, nella legislazione austriaca, dell’istituto dell’espro priazione per causa di pubblica utilità per o- opere

inclines, thè carriage way was in parts barely wide enough for one vehicle to pass, and there were numerous leve! crossings over thè beds of torrents that made pass- age impossible in times of flood. Its aspect, espec- ially in tlie Bressanone-Bolzano section was more that of a mediocre cart track than a first das.-higli- way. And in fact, thè former Austrian Adminis tration had made this road by an occasionai re- laying of old country roads, wilhout any attemp at rectifying their deficiencies of line

or width of level. This was probably due to two causes : thè difficulties arising from thè lack of a right of ex- propriation clause in Austrian legislation, and thè fact that during thè period of railway development and before thè advent of thè motor car thè ordin- ary road was conside- red as only of second ary import ance by thè Government. From 1922 to 1926, maintenance and small improvernent Works were carri ed out in die State road system by thè provin ce of Bolzano, at an outlay of about twel