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Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Page 62 of 150
Author: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Place: London
Publisher: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Physical description: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Language: Englisch
Notations: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Location mark: III 83.717/1
Intern ID: 333558
On one of its towers there .was, until lately, a telegraph belonging to a series which communicated between Paris and Milan. The road from St. Ambrogio passes through Avigliana and Rivoli, where there is a chateau belonging to the court of Sardinia. From Rivoli, a fine avenue, nearly two leagues in length, extends to Turin. A description of Turin can be found in almost every topo graphical work on Italy; it is precluded from these Illustra tions, by the limits of the text. The author, however

, cannot pass unnoticed the view of the city from the hill of the Su per ga. The church on its summit is distant from Turin about five miles, and the ascent to it is so very steep that it employs above two hours to arrive there;* but the scene from the summit richly repays the trouble of reaching it, and exceeds any of a similar character that the author has . ever enjoyed. Thence are seen in the plain beneath, Turin, the Po winding by the city, and collecting the tributary streams that enrich the

of the Voire, which winds beneath the monastery, and enriches a scene that extends to Turin, the Monte Superga, and the extensive plains which, beyond these, melt into the horizon. * It is generally known that the church was built by Victor Amadeus, in consequence of a vow which he made to raise such an edifice, if Heaven assisted him to relieve the city of Turin, which in 1706 was besieged by the Trench. Turin was delivered, but this votive building was not begun until 1715; it was completed in 1731

Geography, Travel guides
Italien : eine Wanderung von den Alpen bis zum Aetna
Page 128 of 526
Author: Stieler, Karl ; Bauernfeind, Gustav [Ill.] / in Schilderungen von Karl Stieler, Eduard Paulus, Woldemar Kaden mit Bildern von G. Bauernfeind ...
Place: Stuttgart
Publisher: Engelhorn
Physical description: 430 S. : zahlr. Ill.
Language: Deutsch
Notations: In Fraktur
Subject heading: g.Italien ; f.Reisebericht
Location mark: IV 1.255
Intern ID: 218519
MONCALI ERI BEI TURIN. tr stehen am Ufer des Pa. Hefter das Mancrgclände des Kapnzincrberges schaue» wir hinab ans die weite, dunkelfarbige Stadt mit ihre» riesige» Plätze», alle Straße» sind streng im rechten Winkel gebaut, Dann kommen grüne Gärten Tgl und über den röthlichen Ziegeldächern wölben sich mächtige Kuppeln - (V, und weit hinter ihnen die blaue Kette der Alpen mit schneeigen Gipfeln. Hoch über alle andern ragt der Llonts Rosa und Monte Yiso hervor und zwischen den zerrissenen

Picniont, ans dessen Energie das Vaterland sein Hoffen setzte, das ist die Heimat des großen Grafen Cavour. — Obwohl Turin bereits zu Römerzciten eine stark befestigte Colonie war, wie sich ans der Anlage der Straßen noch jetzt erkennen läßt, so beginnt seine eigentliche Bedeutung für die Geschichte doch erst, als cs im eilsten Jahrhundert an das Haus Savoyen kam, dem cs bis zur Stunde zu eigen ist. Za, es wird wenige Städte geben, die so eng mit dynastischen Traditionen verknüpft

und doch mit so tiefem Patriotismus für das große gemeinsame Vaterland erfüllt sind. Das Haus Savoyen ist es denn auch, dessen Spure» wir in Turin ans Schritt und Tritt begegnen, so oft ein Denkmal oder ein Palast sich vor uns erhebt. Es ivirkt bestimmend auf die Physiognomie der Stadt; die Namen Amadco und Emamiclc, Phiübcrt und Carlo Alberto kehren überall tviedcr; wir sehen nnwillkürlich in dieser Architektur des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts den „Prinz Eugen", den „edlen Ritter", schreiten, dessen Sieg dereinst die nx>

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ Cornice, the Grimsel and the Gries, the Bernardin and the Splugen, the Brenner, the Tende and the Argentière, and the Simplon.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 2)
Page 101 of 164
Author: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Place: London
Publisher: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Physical description: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Language: Englisch
Notations: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Location mark: III 83.717/2
Intern ID: 333560
ROUTE FROM NICE TO TURIN, BY THE PASS OF THE COL HE TENDE. Nice has long possessed the reputation of having a climate and a situation peculiarly favourable to those invalids who arrive there from more northern countries; a circumstance that probably led to the improvements of the road which lies between this city and Turin, by the Col de Tende. The situation of Nice is strikingly beautiful from many points of view in its neighbourhood, and many interesting remains of antiquity may be visited

road to Turin, and the ascent commences towards Lascarene, the traveller must bid adieu to the country where " the oil and the wine abound.” The sudden change to stones and sterility, with here and there a stunted, miserable-looking olive-tree, is very striking; and the eye scarcely finds any point of relief from this barrenness until the little valley appears in which Lascarene is situated. Soon after, the ascent to the Col de Braus commences at the village of Tuet, NO. XI. y

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Page 28 of 150
Author: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Place: London
Publisher: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Physical description: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Language: Englisch
Notations: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Location mark: III 83.717/1
Intern ID: 333558
; but, since the restoration of Piedmont to the King of Sar dinia, even what had been accomplished has been entirely neglected, and in a few years the road will become impas sable for any sort of carriage. By keeping the other road from Çesanne, through Susa, to Turin, in better travelling condition, the government of Sardinia induces travellers from the Mont Genèvre to pass that way and visit Turin, which might'have been avoided by the Val Pragelas, and the jour ney to Genoa and southern Italy made

much shorter. The Val Pragelas is, in some places, very confined ; huge rocks overhang the road, which shares a narrow way with the bed of the Clusone, as this river struggles through the gorges of the valley to join the Po in the plains. The river Clusone is one of the boundaries of the * At a short distance from the entrance there are quarries of gneiss worked where the stoues are obtained and prepared with which they are constructing a new bridge across the Po, at Turin.

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ Cornice, the Grimsel and the Gries, the Bernardin and the Splugen, the Brenner, the Tende and the Argentière, and the Simplon.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 2)
Page 107 of 164
Author: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Place: London
Publisher: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Physical description: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Language: Englisch
Notations: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Location mark: III 83.717/2
Intern ID: 333560
as 1789, as Arthur Young passed the col in a voiture in the month of September of that year.* From Limone, the road towards Turin passes through the valley of Vermenagna, which widens as it approaches its junction with that of the Gesso ; the woods of chestnut-trees which clothe the sides of the valley—the meadows and corn fields, and the villages of Yernante, Robilante, and Rocca- vione, enliven the road, and contrast cheerfully with the sterile and generally savage character of the route

south of the Col de Tende. The river Gesso is crossed before the traveller reaches Borgo Saint Dalmazio, where, though its elevation is 1800 feet, above the level of the sea, the plains of Piedmont may be said to commence; for the descent is so gradual towards Turin, that the road is only observed to decline by marking the course of the stream. The Alps which bound the plain of St. Dalmazio, and, like an amphitheatre, more than half surround it, are beautiful in their appearance ; and when the

bright pinnacle of the Monte Viso appears towering over the snow-line of the Alps, as high apparently above them as they are above the plain, it is one of the most striking objects in this route, as its height is more than 12,000 feet above the level of the sea. From Borgo St. Dalmazio to Coni is about six miles, whence the direct road to Turin, about twenty French leagues, lies through Savigliano ; but to the traveller who is not pressed by business to hasten to the capital, & détour by Saluces and

Geography, Travel guides , Linguistics
Ladinia : sföi culturâl dai Ladins dles Dolomites ; 2. 1978
Page 150 of 204
Place: San Martin de Tor
Publisher: Ist. Ladin Micurá de Rü
Physical description: 199 S. : Ill., Kt., Noten
Language: Deutsch; Italienisch; Ladinisch
Notations: Carl von Czoernig, studioso del Friuli / Camillo Medeot ; Giorgio Faggin, 1978</br> Decurtins, Alexi: 40 Jahre Rätoromanisch als vierte Landessprache : eine Besinnung / von Alexi Decurtins, 1978</br> Dorsch, Helga: ¬La¬ scassada busarada ... - ein abteiisches Gelegenheitsgedicht aus dem vergangenen Jahrhundert / Helga Dorsch-Craffonara, 1978</br> Fontana, Josef: ¬Der¬ Enneberger Schulstreit / Josef Fontana, 1978</br> Garlato, Francesco: ¬Il¬ senso dell'identità etnica / Francesco Garlato, 1978</br> Goebl, Hans: ¬Ein¬ Sprach- und Sachatlas des Zentralrätoromanischen (ALD) / Hans Goebl, 1978</br> Kuen, Heinrich: ¬Der¬ Einfluß des Deutschen auf das Rätoromanische / Heinrich Kuen, 1978</br> Kuen, Heinrich: ¬Die¬ ladinischen Farbwörter / Heinrich Kuen, 1978</br> Śliziński, Jerzy : ¬Die¬ Darstellung der Ladiner in polnischen Enzyklopädien des XIX und XX. Jahrhunderts / Jerzy Slizinski, 1978</br> Lunelli, Clemente: ¬Il¬ musicista Giovanni Battista Runcher : (1714 - 1791) / Clemente Lunelli, 1978</br> Moroder, Edgar: Franz Moroder zu Lenert : (1847 - 1920) ; Handelsmann, Altbürgermeister, Heimatkundler / Edgar Moroder, 1978</br> Nazzi Matalon, Žuan : Prejeris furlanis / Žuan Nazzi Matalon, 1978</br> Richebuono, Giuseppe: ¬Le¬ mone da Colfosch te dificoltês / Ojep Richebuono, 1978</br> Sobiela-Caanitz, Guiu: ¬Il¬ Rumantsch ed otras linguas romanas periclitadas / Guiu Sobiela-Caanitz, 1978
Subject heading: g.Ladiner ; f.Zeitschrift<br />g.Ladinisch ; f.Zeitschrift
Location mark: D II Z 1.092/2(1978) ; II Z 1.092/2(1978)
Intern ID: 329269
* [Z. Nazzi Matalon], Dizionario tascabile illustrato, italiano-friulano, Udin 1978 * Giulio Andrea Pirona ed oters. Il nuovo Pirona - Vocabolario friulano, Udine 1977 Ladin-Badiot: * J. B. Alton, L Ladin dia Val Badia— Beitragzu einer Grammatik des Dolomitenladinischen, Pursenù/Brixen 1968 * Antone Pizzinini. Parores ladines - Vokabulare badiot tudësk, Innsbruck 1966 Piemuntais: * Camillo Brero, Gramàtica piemontèisa, quarta ed., Turin 1975 * Camillo Brero, Vocabolario italiano-piemontese, Turin 1976

* Gianfranco Gribaudo, Pinin e Sergio Seghe, Dissionari piemontèis, 4 voi., Turin 1972-1975 Provenzali * Louis Bayle, Grammaire provençale, quarta ed., Touloun 1975 * Bruno Durand, Grammaire provençale, quarta ed., Cavaioun/Cavaillon 1973 * Xavier de Fourvières, Lou Pichot Tresor, Dictionnaire provençal-français et français-pro vençal, Avignoun 1975 * Frederi Mistral, Lou trésor dôu felibrige — Dictionnaire provençal-français, terza ed., Paris 1969 Occitan (central): * Louis Alibert, Dictionnaire occitan

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Page 27 of 150
Author: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Place: London
Publisher: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Physical description: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Language: Englisch
Notations: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Location mark: III 83.717/1
Intern ID: 333558
ROUTE FROM TURIN TO GRENOBLE BY THE PASS OF THE MONT GENEYRE. There are two roads which lead from Tuvin to the pass of the Mont Genhvre ; one by Susa and the pass of Exilles, the other by the Val Pragelas and the Col de Sestrk'ire. By either of these roads the traveller may arrive at Gcsanns, a frontier village of Piedmont, at the foot of the Mont Genevre, whence he is led, by the pass of this mountain, into Dauphiny. The approach to the Val Pragelas, or valley of the Clusone, which lies south

by west of Turin, is by Nond and Pignerol, through the fertile plains of the Po, and over an excellent but uninteresting road. Pignerol is a town which has frequently been the scene of contests between the respective sovereigns of Prance and Piedmont. In 1630 it was taken by the army of Louis XIII., which was commanded by Cardinal Richelieu in person : it continued attached to the crown of France for many years ; but was restored by treaty to Victor Amadeus II., after its fortifications had been

Geography, Travel guides , Linguistics
Ladinia : sföi culturâl dai Ladins dles Dolomites ; 1. 1977
Page 66 of 222
Place: San Martin de Tor
Publisher: Ist. Ladin Micurá de Rü
Physical description: 215 S. : Ill., Kt., Noten
Language: Deutsch; Ladinisch
Notations: Craffonara, Lois: Zur Stellung der Sellamundarten im romanischen Sprachraum / Lois Craffonara,1977</br>Daverda, Albert: Ansässige Bevölkerung in den ladinischen Tälern der Dolomiten im Alter ab 6 Jahren nach Bildungsgrad und Sprachgruppe 1951-1961-1971 / Albert Daverda, 1977</br>Faggin, Giorgio: Literarisches Schaffen der Ladiner Friauls in den Jahren 1974 - 1975 / Giorgio Faggin, 1977</br>Ghetta, Frumenzio: ¬Die¬ Weiheurkunde der Heiligkreuz-Kirche im Abteital aus dem Jahre 1484 / Frumenzio Ghetta, 1977</br>Goebl, Hans: Rätoromanisch versus Hochitalienisch versus Oberitalienisch : dialektometrische Beobachtungen innerhalb eines Diasystems / Hans Goebl, 1977</br>Kuen, Heinrich: Auf den Spuren verschwundener ladinischer Wörter / Heinrich Kuen, 1977</br>Richebuono, Giuseppe: ¬Der¬ Kampf der Gemeinde Ampezzo um die Erhaltung ihrer Autonomie / Josef Richebuono, 1977</br>Valentini, Erwin: Ladinische Kultur oder Kultur der Ladiner? : Versuch einer Definition des Kulturwesens in Dolomitenladinien / Erwin Valentini, 1977</br>Widmer, Ambros: ¬Das¬ Rätoromanische in Graubünden / Ambros Widmer, 1977
Subject heading: g.Ladiner ; f.Zeitschrift<br />g.Ladinisch ; f.Zeitschrift
Location mark: D II Z 1.092/1(1977) ; II Z 1.092/1(1977)
Intern ID: 329260
sind der ethnolinguisti- sche Anspruch auf den Sprachcharakter und eine Sonderorthographie des Lokalidioms. Cf. dazu C. Brero, Gramàtica piemontèisa, Turin 1971; A. Cli- vio - G.P. Clivio, Bibliografia ragionata della lin gua regionale e dei dialetti del Piemonte e della Valle d’Aosta e della letteratura in piemontese, Turin 1971; periodische Zeitschrift: Assion pie montèisa, Turin. G. Marchetti, Lineamenti di grammatica friulana, Udine 1967; cf. auch kontrastiv dazu die eher re gionalisti sche Doktrin bei G. Faggin

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Page 3 of 150
Author: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Place: London
Publisher: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Physical description: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Language: Englisch
Notations: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Location mark: III 83.717/1
Intern ID: 333558
. 0. Map of the Route from Grenoble to | Aosta. PASS OF THE MONT GENEVRF.. I - Fall of the I’omanche, near Villard d’ Arène. Title Vignette. 2. The Fort of Fenestreilcs. 3. Scene from the Ascent, to the Mont Gcncvre. 4. Brianzoli. Bai de Guisanc, from the Col de Lau- tarct. (>. Scene in the Val Ronuuiche. 7. Grenoble, from the road to Vizille. 8. Obelisk, and Bonrg Mont Genòvre. End Vignette. ft. Map of the Route from Turin to Gre noble, by Fenestreilcs, the Mont Ge- nèvre, and the Val Rotnanche. PASS

OF THE MONT CKXIS. 1. The Lake and Plain of Mont Cenis. Title Vignette. 2. Lyons, from the confluence of the Rhone and Saone. , 3. Montmeillan. ‘1. Fort. Lesscillon near Bramante. 5 . Ascent of the Grand Croix, from the Plain of Saint Nicholas. 6- Monastery of St. Michel above Saint Ambrogio. 7. Turin and the Alps, from the Mont, Snpergu. 8. Valley of the Are, from above St. Michel. End Vignette. 9. Map of the Route from Lyons to Turin, by the Mont Cenis. PASS OF THE SIONT ST. GOTHA11D. 1. The

Geography, Travel guides , Linguistics
Ladinia : sföi culturâl dai Ladins dles Dolomites ; 12. 1988
Page 22 of 300
Place: San Martin de Tor
Publisher: Ist. Ladin Micurá de Rü
Physical description: 295 S. : Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Noten
Language: Deutsch; Italienisch; Ladinisch
Notations: Arbeitsbericht 3 zum Ald I = Relazione di lavoro 3 per l'ALD I / Roland Bauer ..., 1988</br> Crazzolara, Claudia: ¬La¬ tragica fine di G. B. Alton / Claudia Crazzolara, 1988</br> Diekmann, Erwin: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage im bündnerromanischen Sprachgebiet zur Akzeptanz des "Rumantsch Grischun" als gesamtbündnerromanische Schriftsprache / Erwin Diekmann, 1988</br> Kattenbusch, Dieter: Rätoromanisch oder Ladinisch? : Dolomitenladinisch = Sellaladinisch = Zentralladinisch = Zentralrätoromanisch? ; einige Bemerkungen zu einem terminologischen Streit / Dieter Kattenbusch, 1988</br> Lindner, Christine: Libr por i foresti nell Ciastell Trafoi : das Wiener Gästebuch von Franz A. Rottonara / Christine Lindner, 1988</br> Lunelli, Clemente: Nuovi documenti e musiche di Giovanni Battista Runcher / Clemente Lunelli, 1988</br> Munarini, Giuseppe: Proverbi e detti del Comelico / Giuseppe Munarini, 1988</br> Palla, Luciana: Processi di tedeschizzazione e di italianizzazione dei Ladini dolomitici nel periodo della grande guerra e dell'annessione all'Italia / Luciana Palla, 1988</br> Richebuono, Giuseppe: Aggiunte alle notizie sul castello di Andràz / Bepe Richebuono, 1988</br> Richebuono, Giuseppe: Aggiunte alle notizie sulle chiese della Ladinia fino alla metà del 1500 / Bepe Richebuono, 1988</br> Toth, Alfred: Historische Grammatik der Mundart von La Plié da Fodom (Pieve di Livinallongo, Buchenstein) / Alfred Toth, 1988
Subject heading: g.Ladiner ; f.Zeitschrift<br />g.Ladinisch ; f.Zeitschrift
Location mark: II Z 1.092/12(1988)
Intern ID: 355106
Was die Bekanntmachung des Forschungsprojektes ALD I in Fach kreisen betrifft, so sind E. Perini und der Projektleiter tätig geworden. E. Perini hat eine Projektvorstellung in italienischer Sprache für das "Bollettino dell’Atlante linguistico italiano” (BALI) verfaßt und dabei mit L. Massobrio von der Universität Turin Kontakt aufgenommen, wo über dies der Projektleiter im Monat Mai die Lokalitäten des "Atlante lingui stico italiano” (ALI) sowie des ’’Atlante linguistico ed etnografico del

Piemonte occidentale” (ALEPO) unter der sachkundigen Führung von T. Telmon (Universität Turin) besichtigen konnte. In deutscher Sprache wiederum habe ich selber das ALD I-Projekt im Rahmen der ”16. österreichischen Linguistentagung” (Salzburg, 8. - 11.12.1988) erstmals vor überwiegend österreichischem und bayerischem Publikum vorgestellt. Eine entsprechende Publikation des Vorstellungs vortrags wird in den ’’Klagenfurter Beiträgen zur Sprachwissenschaft” er folgen. 1.5. Abschließend sei