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Geography, Travel guides
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Page 162 of 598
Place: London
Publisher: Murray
Physical description: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Language: Englisch
Notations: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Subject heading: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Location mark: I 124.216
Intern ID: 37775
142 ROUTE 176 . —AUGSBURG TO LINDAU. Sect. Xj Lindau Stat. (Inns: a roomy new inn at the port; Sonne; Goldener Gans). This was .formerly a frontier fortress of Bavaria, now its ramparts are laid out in flower-gardens. (Pop. 3000, chiefly of the Lutheran faith.) It is built on two islands in the lake, con nected with the shore by a wooden bridge more than 1000 ft. long. A harbour has been constructed to shelter vessels navigating the lake. The Romans under Tiberius are believed to have swept the

; Baierischer Hof, was formerly a free city of the Roman empire, down to 1803. It 7400 luhab. and some flourishing manufactures. About 9 rn. S.E. of Memmingen lies the sequestrated Benedictine abbey Ottoheuevn, a palace in extent. A few miles beyond Memmingen -the roai crosses the lller, enters Wiirtemberg, and traverses a portion of its territory, till within a few miles of Lindau. 3 Leutkirchen. Here the Wurtem* berg posting tariff (§ 71) begins. 3 Wangen.— Inn ; Post or Sonne, Road hilly. There is a fine