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[ca. 1910]
Innsbruck and its environs
Page 123 of 177
Author: Coursen, Charlotte H. ; Reinhart, J. [Hrsg.] / by C. H. C. Souvenir presented to his guest by J. Reinhart
Place: Innsbruck
Publisher: Edlinger
Physical description: 119 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Location mark: I 59.984
Intern ID: 194449
........... 180 120 80 2 horse 1 4 ho se In Switzerland. carriage ca riage Francs j Francs 1 . From Innsbruck, to Tarasp in 2 days . : . . 200 300 ' 2 . From Landeck to Tarasp in 1 day . . . » . 100 180 3 . From Innsbruck to Samaden by Martinsbruck in 3 days ........ 300 420 4 . From Landeck to Samaden by Martinsbruck, in 2 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . 200 340 5 . From Innsbruck bv Fluelenpass fo Loire in 4 days 400 600 6 . From Landeck by Fluelenpass to Coire in 3 days 320 540 7. From

Innsbruck to Trafoi in 2 days . . 220 440 8 . From Landeck to Trafoi in 2 days , . 140 240 ' 9 . From Innsbruck to Bormio by Stelvio in 4 days 320 520 io. From' Landeck to Bormio by Stelvio in 3 days 240 400 .ii. From Innsbruck ■ to Samaden by Stelvio Bormio in 6 days.,' . 1 ... and 440 ‘ 660 12 . From Landeck to Samaden by Stelvio a mio in 5 days . . . ... . ' Bor- 360 580 13 . From Innsbruck to Sondrio by Stelvio and Bor- ■ mio in 4 'days- . . . . ... . .. . . . 400 640. 14 . From Landeck to Sondrio

by Stelvio and Bor- mio in 4 davs . . . .. . . . . . 320 520 15 . From Innsbruck to Coire, by P’instermünz, Stel vio, Sondrio,.Ghiavenna, Splügen, Thusis in 8 days 660 980 16 . From Landeck to Coire, by Finstermünz, Stel- vio, Sondrio, Chiaverma, Splügen, Thusis in ' “J OQV& » « « * » » • * • . * • * « ', « ' » * 560 860 17 . From Innsbruck to Coire, by Finstermünz, Stel- vio, Sondrio, Berninapass, Samaden, Albula, Sqhienpass, Thusis in 8 days . . . . . . 1 660 , 980 ' 5

Geography, Travel guides
Sight-seeing in Germany and the Tyrol in the autumn of 1855
Page 257 of 417
Author: Forbes, John / by sir John Forbes
Place: London
Publisher: Smith, Felder and Co.
Physical description: XIX, 378 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Deutschland ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Österreich ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1855
Location mark: II A-23.768
Intern ID: 152665
distanno being probably twenty-five English miles from tbe Finstermünz Pass. It was my original Intention to bave stopped for tbe night at Landeck j but finding that tbe public conveyanees on tbe following day were not suitable as to time, I yielded to the temptation of a stellwagen about to start for tbe onward journey to Feldkirch, and loft tbe place in about half an hour after I reacbed it. By tbis arrangement, I was enabled to accomplish wbat I bad most at beart, tbat is, to pass througli

tbe scenery by day and not by night ; although I thereby sacrificed the few Sigbts tbat Landeck bas to show. But, indeed, tbe great Sigbts of Landeck, as of so many otber places in tbe Tyrol, are not wbat is within its walls, but wbat surrounds them ; and tbese I was enabled to see and to enjoy, as well as if I bad delayed my journey anotber day. Landeck is situai.cd on tbe banks of tbe Inn, at tbe point whereit is joined by tbe Sanna, and wbereit takes a sudden turn from its previous course

of tbe eminences overhauging it, namely, the Schloss Landeck, and tbe ancient fortress of Schroffensiein, Landeck bas an elevati on of 2643 feet above tbe sea- levcl, being lower than Finstermünz by abont 450 feet, and higher than Innsbruck by about 850. My propose being now to leave tbe Tyrol, and to

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ valleys of Tyrol : their traditions and customs and how to visit them
Page 65 of 491
Author: Busk, Rachel Harriett / by R. H. Busk
Place: London
Publisher: Longmans Green
Physical description: XXIX, 453 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1874
Location mark: II A-4.091
Intern ID: 155537
history we must make acquaintance furtber on, baci a bouse bere wkicb still contains some eurious mural paintings. Landeck 1 is an important thriving little town, witli tbe Inn flowing tbrongh its midst. It bas two fine remains of ancient castles : Schloss Landeck, now used partly as a hospice ; and Schloss Sehr ofenstein, of difficult accese, barinted by a knight, wbo gave too ready ear to tbe ealumnies of a rejected suitor of bis wife, and must wand er round its precincts wringing

bis fettered bands and crying ‘ Woe ! ’ On tbe slope of tbe bill crowned by Schloss Landeck Stands tbe parish cburch. Its first foundation dates from tbe fifteenth Century, when a Landecker named Henry and bis wife Eva, having lost tbeir two cliildren in a forest, on vow- ing a ebnreb in bononr of tbe Blessed Virgin, met a bear and a wolf each carrying one of tbe cliildren teli ci erly on its back. It bas a double-bnlbed tower of mueb later date, and it was restored witb considerable care a few years back

; but many important parta re maki in eben original condition, including some early sculpture. In tbe churchyard are two important monu menta, one dating from tbe fifteenth Century, of Oswald Y, Sehrofenstein ; tbe otber, a little gorbie chapel, con- secrated on August 22, 1870, in memory of tbe Lan- 1 The story of its eurious success age in st the Bavarians in 17 03, P* 287-8, From Landeck there is a fine read (the description of which helouga to Snitt-Tirol), over the Finstermünz and Stelvio