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[ca. 1910]
Innsbruck and its environs
Page 23 of 177
Author: Coursen, Charlotte H. ; Reinhart, J. [Hrsg.] / by C. H. C. Souvenir presented to his guest by J. Reinhart
Place: Innsbruck
Publisher: Edlinger
Physical description: 119 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Location mark: I 59.984
Intern ID: 194449
on the occasion of his second manage in .1494, with Maria Bianca Sforza of Milan. The Emperor Charles V, successor of Maximilian I., found his dominions so vast; that he resigned his Austrian territory ;o his brother, who afterward became the Emperor Ferdinand I. Ferdinand so effectually suppressed the Reformation in Tyrol that during the War of the Schmalkald League the inhabitants espoused the cause, of Charles V. It was at Innsbruck that Charles was surprised by the treacherous Maurice of Saxony

, and from here lie was forced to fly across the mountains on a stormy night, ill and suffering as he was at that time. ' 'Ferdinand I. founded the Franciscan Church at Innsbruck, with -its world-renowned tomb, in memory of his grandfather, Maximilian I. .This work brought the best artists to Innsbruck, and stimulated native art to such an extent that the place became a noted art centre. ■ Ferdinand’s son, the Archduke Ferdinand, -contracted ■ a romantic marriage with the beautiful Philippine

death has been 1 rejected as totally false. Ferdinand's second wife, the devout Anna Katbarina Gonzaga of Mantua, was the cause of his founding many religious institutions at Innsbruck and in the vicinity. •) See «Philippine Welser», a drama by Oscar von Red wit •, published by Franz Kirch» heim, Mayence Hint,- «Erzherzog Ferdinand*. Innsbruck, Wagner.

Geography, Travel guides
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Page 309 of 598
Place: London
Publisher: Murray
Physical description: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Language: Englisch
Notations: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Subject heading: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Location mark: I 124.216
Intern ID: 37775
-at- arms) ; 20. Meeting of Henry and Maximilian at the siege of Terouenne, on which occasion Maximilian served as a private in the ranks under the English King: 21. Battle of Vicenza ; 22. Attack on the Venetian camp atMerano; 23. Treaty of marriage of Maximilian’s grandson Ferdinand; 24. Defence of Verona 'against the French and Vene tians. In some instances the artist has Used a licence in introducing Maxi milian upon occasions when lie was not present. An ascent of a few steps on the rt, as you

enter the ch. leads to the Silver Chapel , so called from the image of the Virgin, and an altar-piece in bas-relief —both of solid silver—which it con tains. It was built by Ferdinand II., Archduke of Austria and Count of Tyrol, as a mausoleum for himself and his wife, the famed Phiiippina Welser, the most beautiful woman of her time, with whom he lived happily for 30 years. Phiiippina was the daughter of Franz Welser, one of the wealthy Augs burg Patricians. She was born in 1530; Ferdinand first

saw her at the Diet held at Augsburg in 1547, and the following year made her his -wife. The alliance was regarded by the Emp. Ferdinand, the archduke s father, as degrading, audit was not until 12 years after her marriage that she succeeded in procuring access to her father-in- law ; when, throwing herself on her knees, she so moved him by her tears and beauty, that he acknowledged her as his daughter and made her 2 sons Margraves. The armour of the Arch- itilce is placed aloft on a bracket

, while his effigy, in white marble, reclines upon the tomb ; at the back of which are marble bas-reliefs by the same 'Lem* and equally masterly productions , art. They represent remarkable cve»^. in which Ferdinand was present:—" ‘ The Capture of the Elector of Sax<W; by Charles V. at the battle of berg; 2. Ferdinand appointed holder of Bohemia ; 3. Besieging geth, 1556; 4. Leading the ca'v against the Turkish forces of i Soliman. Phiiippina, who 1580, has a separate monui altar-tomb bearing

Geography, Travel guides
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Page 482 of 598
Place: London
Publisher: Murray
Physical description: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Language: Englisch
Notations: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Subject heading: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Location mark: I 124.216
Intern ID: 37775
460 ROUTE 265.—PRAGUE—HRAUSCIIIN. Sect. XI?, are in the third court, in the centre of which is a fountain with a bronze statue of St- George and the Dragon, 7 ft. high, made in 1378. A part of the building was for several years occupied by the late Charles X, (ex-King of France) and the young Duke of Bor deaux. The Hratischin is now the residence of the abdicated Emperor of Austria, Ferdinand, who holds his court here; in consequence the interior is sel dom shown. The palace was originally

, unsupported by pillars. In this hall the Bohemian nobles swear allegiance to their sovereign after his coronation. It i» now fitted up for the meetings of the Zmndiag, ' The present building was __ „ Ferdinand I., 1541, but not completed till 1756. The greater part of it, how ever, dates fronithe reign of Ferdinand and that of his successor. T he grand portal is by Scamozzi. _ ■ ■ On the 'narrow terrace immediately under the palace walls two small stone obelisks mark the spot where the nobles Slawata and

Geography, Travel guides
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Page 495 of 598
Place: London
Publisher: Murray
Physical description: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Language: Englisch
Notations: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Subject heading: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Location mark: I 124.216
Intern ID: 37775
ROUTE 271 ,— PRAGUE TO BUDWEIS AND LIEZ, 471 inflict upon Ms enemies a portion of. that terror which. his presence while living had invariably caused them, , This story is believed to be a fable— ! he was buried with his shin on. Over his grave was placed his ponderous mace, which he had so often wielded with terrible effect in battle. During the reign of Ferdinand II. his body was torn from the grave, and his tomb destroyed. Frederick of Prussia de feated the Austrians at Czaslau, 1742

, on the road to Deutsch-Brod, 2 granite obe lisks mark the boundary of Bohemia and the spot where the national depu ties received their king Ferdinand I. in 1527. The river Iglawa divides Bohemia from Moravia. 2 Stannera. 2f Schelletau. The country is un interesting, and the villages poor. 2 Mahrisch-Budweis, — Inn : clean 'and good. . - , .,Z ■ F rainersdorf. ■ 2 Znaim ( 'Inns: Goldener Ochs; Drei Kronen; very good), I If hrs. ^living from Deutsch-Brod. Znaim A» in the vale of the Thaya, the western