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Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ Dolomite Mountains : excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola, & Friuli in 1861, 1862, & 1863 ; with a geological chapter and pictorial illustrations from original drawings on the spot
Page 465 of 600
Author: Gilbert, Josiah ; Churchill, George C. / by Josiah Gilbert, and G. C. Churchill
Place: London
Publisher: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, & Green
Physical description: XX, 576 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Dolomiten ; f.Reisebericht 1861-1863
Location mark: II A-4.101
Intern ID: 134614
: here was yet another instance, and not the last. Two enormous towers, buttresses of the Palle di St. Lucano, stand there impending over Agordo. Twin cathedral towers, one may call them, but that they are ten times as lofty. The mass they belong to—thè Cima di Pape—reachesto 8,250 feet; and, aided by timt and cloiid, they look any height you like. Quiet may he had on a Surnday outside the town, but not inside. Crowds are pouring in, and knot and tangle in thè upper Plaza, round booths and shops and

inns, the fountain, or a strolling raffle for cakes and sweetmeats, Now and then they sorge into the church-^the women most-ly—and loud organ-notes pierce the summet air. Towards cvening, thè game of 4 Morra,’ with its rapid ringing shouts, sounds deafeningly from low-arched roorns ; and the few notables turn out for a stroll round the grassy Plaza. One horseman, issuing from thè gates of thè Casa Monzoni, canters round a dozen times, and in ; and one carriage of fair Monzoni dames drives a mile