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Geography, Travel guides
From the Lake of Constance, german: Bodensee, through the Vorarlberg to Tyrol and Salzburg
Page 20 of 36
Place: Innsbruck
Publisher: Edlinger
Physical description: 30, 2 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Vorarlberg;f.Führer ; <br>g.Tirol;f.Führer ; <br>g.Salzburg <Land>;f.Führer
Location mark: II 225.374
Intern ID: 385743
gives night-quarters to the lourift ; equally interesting is the Rittnerhorn, where the mountaineer alfo Finds a pleasant shelter on the summit. Wilh the Ueberetfdi Railway the visitor can reaih Eppan-Kaltern, and visit the Mendel Road a marvel from an engineering point of view, leading up to Ihe Mendel Pa? (4,500 ft. above the level of the rea), where two elegant Hotels of the first rank, situated in the midst of magni ficent forests invite the traveller to a pleafant sojourn. On the other

winker health resorts. Meran was formerly the capital of Tyrol, whià takes its name from the Imperial Castle Tyrol, situated in this neighbourhood. Surrounded by vineyards, orchards and gardens, refplendend with semi-tropical flora, the town stretches along the River Passer. Hotels of the first rank, Sanatoria, villas and pensions with terms suitable to all comers are numerous there and in the neigh bouringfuburban villages of Ober- and Unter ma is. The district is strewn with castles, gentlemen's

the traveller finds to his surprise two of the finest and most comfortable Hotels, up fo date in every respect, upon which look down the great Ortler, the

Geography, Travel guides
From the Lake of Constance, german: Bodensee, through the Vorarlberg to Tyrol and Salzburg
Page 23 of 42
Place: Innsbruck
Publisher: Edlinger
Physical description: 30, 2 S. : Ill., Kt.
Language: Englisch
Subject heading: g.Vorarlberg ; f.Führer ; <br />g.Tirol ; f.Führer ; <br />g.Salzburg <Land> ; f.Führer
Location mark: II A-36.072
Intern ID: 510710
gives night-quarters to the Tourist; rqually~interesting is the Rittnerhorn,* where the mountaineer also finds a pleasant shelter on the summit. lOilh the Ueberetsà Railway the visitor can reach £ppan-Kaltern, and visit the Mendel Road a marvel from an engineering point of view, leading up to the Mendel Pass (4,500 ft, above the level of the sea), ratiere two elegant Hotels of the first rank, situated in the midst of magni- ficent forests invite the traveller to a pleasant sojourn. On the other

winter health resorts. Meran was formerly the capital of Tyrol, whidi takes Its name from the Imperial Castle Tyrol, situated in this neighbourhood. Surrounded by vineyards, orchards and gardens, resplendend with semi-tropical flora, the town stretches along the River Passer. Hotels of the first rank, Sanatoria, villas and pensions with terms suitable to all comers are numerous there and in the neigh bauringsubiirban villages of Ober- and Untermais. The district is strewn with castles, gentlemen's

district the traveller finds to his surprise two of the finest and most comfortable Hotels, up fo date in every respect, upon which look down the great Ortler, the ts

Geography, Travel guides
Tirol und Vorarlberg : neue Schilderung von Land und Leuten
Page 434 of 463
Author: Achleitner, Arthur ; Schmid, Mathias / von A. Achleitner und E. Ubl. Mit farb. Trachtenbildern, ... zahlreichen Illustr. und Originalbeitr. von Mathias Schmid ...
Place: Leipzig
Publisher: Pagne
Physical description: XI, 400 S. : Ill., Kt.. - 2. Aufl.
Language: Deutsch
Notations: In Fraktur ; In 17 Lfg. erschienen
Subject heading: g.Tirol ; s.Landeskunde ; <br />g.Vorarlberg ; s.Landeskunde
Location mark: III 64.136
Intern ID: 522793
und Kamor in der Schweiz; der Münster von Coustanz, die Inseln Reichenau und Mainau liegen au klaren Tagen ebenso greisbar zn Füßen des Beschauers, wie die Lenchtthürme von Friedrichshasen und Lindau; in dunklen Linien ver schwinden am westlichen Horizonte die Höhen des Schwarzwaldes und des Juragebirges. Ein ähnlich umfassender Rundblick anf ein so weites Aulturgebiet wird selten wo geboten und vou diesem Gedanken ge leitet ist man zur Gründung eines Hotels am Pfünder berg geschritten

nnd Lebens bedürfnisse zu suchen sein, die in Bregenz herrscht, was auch den Aufenthalt in den dortigen Hotels so außer ordentlich erschwert; dies ist anch der Grund, warum Fremde ihren ständigen Aufenthalt lieber in Lindau, Conftanz oder Rorschach nehmen und die viel schönere Gegend vou Bregenz mir vorübergehend anssnchen. Das römische Brigantium, eine Militärstation von großer Bedeutung, stand nicht an demselben Flecke, wie die heutige Stadt, sondern etwas weiter südwestlich am sogen. Oelrain