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Geography, Travel guides
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Page 74 of 598
Place: London
Publisher: Murray
Physical description: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Language: Englisch
Notations: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Subject heading: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Location mark: I 124.216
Intern ID: 37775
. This composition, it would seem from the action of the hands of Christ and . the texts on the wall, is intended to represent the institution of the Sacra ment : but the action and expression of thé apostles, which denote horror anti surprise, indicate that they are occupied by the incident which foims the subject of 1.1a Vinci s celebrated fresco, viz. Christ’s decimation. One of you shall betray me.’ It is, indeed, easy to see, in spite of the altered arrangement of the apostles, how much the

artist most have had in his mind the composition of Da Vinci, both in the figures and accessories. Parish Church of Maria Jlilf, in ( the Suburb An, is a building in the German pointed style of the 14th cen tury, and reflects credit on the archi tect Ohlmiiller. It was begun 1831, and consecrated 1839. Its length i§ 222§ ft., breadth 76f ft., height 80| ft* The height of the spire is 256 ft. A chief ornament of this church are 19 large windows of modern painted glass, containing subjects from the