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Religion, Theology
Übersicht des katholischen Religions-Systems
Page 67 of 74
Author: Unterkircher, Kaspar / von Kaspar Unterkircher
Place: Innsbruck
Publisher: Wagner
Physical description: 72 S.
Language: Deutsch
Notations: In Fraktur
Subject heading: s.Katholizismus
Location mark: I 158.972
Intern ID: 155905
«kennen. — Und seht! ■ Der Prinz mkschließt sich auf alle zeitlichen Hoffnungen Verzicht zu tits« , und auf der Grelle ein Religiös zu wer- den. Sein Gefolg hierüber bestürzt jammerte nicht anders, als wenn sein Herr eines gahen Tode- gestorben wate. Besonders zeichnete sich ein Herr Mît Paris mit Namen Andreas au-. Welcher vor Unmuth .geifernd die Mönch- und tzaS Kloster versiuchte. Der Prinz bath daher den Bernard, er mochte doch den Erbitterten zu besänftigen suchen. Bernard erwiderte

, man müsse ihn für jetzt lobe» lassen ; übrigens ft y der Mann fürs Kloster schon gewonnen. ■— Andreas f«f|r fort zu lästern, so daß der gute Prinz den Bernard neuerdings ersuchte, den Lästerer zur Gelassenheit zu stimmen. Doch Bernard versetzte etwas ernsthaft: Hab ich es nicht gesagt, er ist schon gewonnen? Andreas, der dieß hörte, spot tete deS Heiligen, und trat unter vielen Verwün sch unge« die Rückreise an. Allein der folgende Tag war noch.nicht angebrochen, als er in das Kloster Zurückeilte

, und mit vieler Demuth in das selbe ausgenommen zu werden verlangte. Dieses erzählte GaufndnS, der Rotar de- Bernard, zu einer Zeit, da Heinrich und Ans dreaS noch am Leben waren. Die vielen Hupft«, die dieser Heilige a»

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Page 3 of 150
Author: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Place: London
Publisher: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Physical description: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Language: Englisch
Notations: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Location mark: III 83.717/1
Intern ID: 333558
THE PLATES CONTAINED IN VOLUME THE FIRST. PASS OF Tins LITTLE ST. BERNARD. 1. Scene near La Tullio. Title Vignette. 2. Vale of’ Gresivaudan, from t.lve Chateau ' Bayard. 3. The Roclie Blanche. 4. Scene from the Little Saint. Bernard, looking towards the Tarentaise. Colonne do .Ions, and Hospice of the Little Saint. Bernard. d. Mont. Blanc, from the Baths of St. Didier. 7. Mont Blanc, and the Val d’Aosta above Fort. Roc. i 8. Ascent of the Little St. Bernard from the Tarentaise. Bud Vignette

Devil’s Bridge- Title Vignette. 2. Bcllinzona, from Sementina. 3. A irò Io and the Val Levantine. 4. Ponte Tremola. 5 . The Summit of the Pass of the St. Gotbard. fi. Scene in the Valley of the Rcuss, above Gosehenen. 7. Toll’s Chapel, from the Lake of Uri. 8. Toll’s Tower, Alters. End Vignette. 9. Map of the Route from the Lago Mag giore to the Lake of Uri. PASS OF THE GREAT ST. BERNARD. 1. Hospice of the Great Saint Bernard. Title Vignette. 2. The Valley of the Rhone above Mar- tigny. 3. Scene

in the Forest of St. Pierre. 4. Lake of the Great Saint Bernard, from the Hospice. 5. Descent from the Great Saint Bernard on the side of Italy. 6. The Valley and City of Aosta, from the Château Quart.. 7. Château of Saint Germain, from the Defile of Mont, .lovet. 8. Gate of Bourg Saint Pierre. End Vig nette. 9. Map of the Route from Martigny to Ivrea, by the Great Saint Bernard. PASS OF TJIE STELVIO. 1. Galleries in the Wurmscr-loch. Title Vignette. 2. The Vale of Meran, from the old Castle of Tyrol

Geography, Travel guides
Trentino orientale ; P. 2 : Valle media dell'Adige e valle dell'Eisack, valle dell'Avisio, valle del Cismone, Dolomiti trentine.- (Guida del Trentino ; Vol. 1)
Page 299 of 418
Place: Bassano del Grappa
Publisher: Pozzato
Physical description: IV, 401 S. : Ill.. - 2. ed.
Language: Italienisch
Subject heading: g.Trentino ; f.Führer
Location mark: I 101.436/1
Intern ID: 334145
vi. -6. 1 MONTI. ROSEMGARTEN. 285 dello stesso anno salirono pure.da E A. Waelitler.ed E. Nie- gliitsch colle guide Giorgio e Giovanni Bernard. Il giorno .6 Ottobre 1878 salì questa vetta, da solo,' Johann Santner dalla Sella del Principe: questa via.dal versante 0, che è quella ora più comunemente seguita, è da lui dichia rata come'altamente interessante, ina da consigliarsi soltanto ad ascensori esercitati e sicuri (« Mitili. d, D. u. Oe. A.-V. » 1879, p. 34; « Neue D. A.-Ztg. » VII, p, 213

). Una terza nuova strada per il Kesselkogel fu percorsa, io discesa, il 2 Agosto 1886 da tre valenti alpinisti, Ludwig Purtschelleiy Josef Reichl e Karl Schulz, senza guide, i quali calarono-dalla cima, in direzione .N per indi dirigersi ad altre vette (« Oe. Alpen-Zeitung » 1889, p. 262-273). ..La' stessa via, questa volta in salita, fu tenuta dal dotfc. Ludwig Darmstadter con le guide Johann Stabeler e Luigi Bernard, il 26 Giugno 1889 (« Mitth.-d.- D. u. Oe. A.-V. » 1889, p. 172; « Oe. À.-Ztg

(« Mitth. d, D. u. Oe. A.-V. ». 1885, p, 40). ; Altre ascensioni'à-'me note: ; Gustav Euringer con .Battista Bernard., il 25 Agosto 1884.(«-Mitth. d. D.-u. Oe. A.-V. ».1885, p. 301); Richard Wolf, il ..31 Agosto 1887; Sigmund Zilzer Agosto' 1888; Henry J. T, Wood con Angelo Ne nardi e Johann Reden, il 26 Agosto 1888 (« Oe. A.-Ztg. » 1892, p. 113); il 29 Giugno 1889 L. Darmstadter.colle guide Giovanni Stabeler e-Luigi Bernard; signorina. Antonie Santner - in compagnia del padre e di Rudolf Drasasi

, il 30 Giugno 1889 («Mitth. d. D. u. .Oe.-A.-V. » ISSO, p. 1.60- « Oe.,T.-Ztg. ». 1889, p. 277); Silvio.Dorigoni della 8. .A. T. con. Luigi Bernard, 4M2 Agosto 1389; M.. de Déchv ,e Anton Machacek con. Àlois Ratscìiigier, il 28 Agosto' 1889 {« Oe. A.-Ztg. »■ 1892, p. 113); Otto Nato con Hans Villgratner, lo stesso giorno (« Oe. A.-Ztg. » 1889, p, 246)*' A.-Arz con Giorgio Bernard,, li 8 Settembre 1889; Ph. W. e J. Rosenthal. con- Giorgio Bernard, il 9 Settembre 18-91 (« Oe, A.-Ztg, » 1892, -p. 111-115).

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Page 101 of 150
Author: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Place: London
Publisher: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Physical description: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Language: Englisch
Notations: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Location mark: III 83.717/1
Intern ID: 333558
ROUTE FROM MARTIGNY TO IVREA BY THE PASS OF THE GREAT SAINT BERNARD. There is no passage of the Alps which affords to the traveller greater pleasure, either in the enjoyment or the recollection of his journey to Italy, than that by the Great Saint Bernard; for besides the wildness of this Alpine pass, and the beauty of the valley of Aosta, through which the road to Turin continues after it leaves the mountains, the kind reception which he expe riences from the religious community at the hospice

, on the summit of the Saint Bernard, is remembered as long as he can be grateful for the devotion which induces these excellent men to offer to the traveller their welcome, and spread for him their hospitality in the wilderness. The road which conducts to the Pennine Alps, or the Great Saint Bernard, from the valley of the Rhone, commences near the confluence of this river with the Drance, at Martigny, a town of importance in early history, as Octodurum, the capital of the Veragri, a people of the

Valais, against whom Sergius Galba was sent by Julius Caesar to check the outrages and rob beries which they, together with the Nantuates who inhabited the valley below Saint Maurice, and the Seduni, a people of the Valais between Visp and Sion, committed upon the merchants who, even at this early period, traversed the Pennine Alps*. * It is highly probable that the passage by the Great Saint Bernard was not the only one guarded by Galba, though Octodurum was his head-quarters in commanding the

Pennine Alps; for this name was given to the range of mountains from the Great Saint Bernard to the Simplon, which includes the passes from Italy into the Valais which are above the station of Galba, those of the Simplon and NO. V. L

Geography, Travel guides
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Page 110 of 150
Author: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Place: London
Publisher: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Physical description: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Language: Englisch
Notations: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Location mark: III 83.717/1
Intern ID: 333558
territories of the Veragri extended to the summit of this pass, which was the barrier between them and the Salassi, a people of the Val d’Aosta. On this mountain, Livy states that the Ve ragri worshipped a god of the Alps, Penninus, or Jupiter Penninus, and one of the earliest names for this passage of the Alps, was Mons Jovis, or Mons Jovis Penninus ; this was gallicised into Mont Joux, by which it was generally known before it acquired that of Saint Bernard. The first foundation 1 of the

hospice has been attributed by some to Louis the Débonnaire, by others to Charlemagne, whose uncle Bernard, an illegitimate son of Charles Martel, led a division of the invading army of Charlemagne over the Great Saint Bernard, when he went to attack Lombardy. The present name of the pass, Saussure supposes, might have been derived from this Bernard ; but there was another of the name, an illegitimate son of Pepin, to whom Charlemagne left the king dom of Italy. To him may rather be attributed the

original establishment of the hospice, from the interest which he would have in preserving the communication with Gaul by this pas sage of the Alps, and with it have given his name, for there is historical evidence that a monastery existed on the Great Saint Bernard before the year 851*; but its history at this period is obscure, because in the year 890 it was devastated by Arnaud, who destroyed the monuments and records. The present hospice was founded in 962, by Bernard, who was bom of a noble family

an earlier abbé of this convent, Vnltgaire, in 832 ; and the annals of Bertin state, that Lothaire the Second, king of Lorraine, in 859, made a treaty with his brother, the emperor, Louis the Second, by which he ceded to him Geneva, Lausanne, and Sion, but reserved particularly l’Mspital du Saint Bernard, which proves, says Saussure, the importance of this passage, and the name which it bore.

Sports, Games
¬Die¬ Grödener Alpen
Page 21 of 93
Author: Schulz, Karl / von Karl Schulz
Place: Berlin
Publisher: Verl. des Dt. und Österr. Alpenvereins
Physical description: 31 S. : Ill.
Language: Deutsch
Notations: Aus: Erschließung der Ostalpen / hrsg. von Dt. und Österr. Alpenverein ; Bd. 3<br />Schulz, Karl: ¬Die¬ Brenta Gruppe / von Karl Schulz - In: ¬Die¬ Grödener Alpen ; 53 S. - Sign.: III 1.190
Subject heading: g.Grödner Tal ; s.Bergsteigen
Location mark: III 1.190
Intern ID: 224604
Einstieg vom Couloir folgt ein Kamin, durch den man in einen grossartigen Fels kessel gelangt. Ein Schneecouloir und zwei Kamine mit dazwischen liegenden steilen Wandpartien leiten zum Gipfel. Campitello wurde nach 3 Stunden auf demselben Wege wieder erreicht. 1 ) Die dritte Besteigung machten Lamberger und L. Bernard am 10. August 1888, 2 ) die vierte Santner und Schmitt am 18. August i8go. 3 ) Ein Versuch, den Zahnkofel zu ersteigen, den Lamberger mit G. Bernard am i 3 . August 1888

auf der Nordwestseite machte, führte nicht zum Ziele. Die Partie musste etwa 100 Meter unter dem Gipfel wegen Brüchigkeit der Felsen umkehren. Auch der begonnene Anstieg auf der Nordostseite musste abgebrochen' werden.' 1 ) Die erste Ersteigung gelang am 28. Juli 1889 Darmstädter mit J. Nieder wies e r und L. Bernard. Vom Plattkofeljoch stiegen sie in die Felsen der Nord westwand, durch mehrere zum Theile sehr schwierige Kamine zu einem kleinen Sattel zwischen zwei Vorzacken, von da über die plattige Westwand

und auf dem Grate zum Gipfel. Der Anstieg vom Joch erforderte z 1 /^ Stunden, der Abstieg dahin 2 Stunden 50 Minuten. 5 6 ) Weitere Besteigungen finden sich erwähnt von Schlesinger mit G. und L. Bernard am 16. Juni 1890, (i ) von Santner und Schmitt am 18. August 1890, 7 ) von Rogers mit G. Bernard am 28. August 1890, s ) von Treptow mit A. Dimai am 1. August i 8 g 3 , 3 ) von Frau Immink mit Josef Innerkofler am 28. August i 8 g 3 . 10 ) Dabei gemachte Abweichungen von dem zuerst eingeschlagenen Wege scheinen