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Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 502 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
. The Castle of Burg was long inhabited by Matthias Corvinus. In the Eathhaus some curious old armour is preserved. Huliein 8tat. West of this, about 1 hr.'s drive, lies Kremsier, one of the prettiest towns of Moravia; the sum mer-residence of the Prince Archbp, presented by Ladislaus King of Bo hemia to the burghers, on account, of their bravery on that occasion. 1 hr. W. of li radiseli is the former Cister cian monastery of Wellehrad, formerly the residence of the kings and bishops of Moravia

Gothic Collegiate church, the Piaristerskirche. and the Rathhaus, also deserve notice. It was to K re us sier that the Emp, withdrew and sum moned the parliament during the revo lutionary disturbances at Vienna in 1848. Napajedl Stat., with a fine castle on L hill. Ungrisch-Hradisch Stat. The town It built upon an island formed by the March, and was formerly a fortress, and was besieged bv Matthias Corvimis rf Hungary, 1469-73, without success. In the Rathhaus art. preserved 4 swords, ROUTE 277