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Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 303 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
f bai fended by the Austrians, was - twice; by -Massdna in 1799, and, / Molitor in 1800. 2 Feldkirch ( Inn: Krone, a small but active manufacturing of 1600 Inhab., on a stream the 111, which sets in motion the Ö 3 " ehinery of three cotton-mills, niunet ^ oil-mills, smithies, &c., altogether ® less than 40 water-wheels. A The Old Castle , called SchattenW was built by the counts of MonP® p and by collecting settlers aroM»u gave rise to the town; it is now ar rack. The oldest street is the Neust

. partially driven by a turbine siderable power, put up by M. of Zurich. The scenery of gau, everywhere picturesque, , particularly so as it contracts M : near 3 Bludenz (Inns: Post; - Adler, good; Krone), a town ^ '«g ,ß Inhab., with a castle on a - fine position. . Here are 2 cott© 1 *" j^ggr A little beyond this, opposite nery of St. Peter, the Valley I® fan opens out on the rt _(®- y^/tUP is literally dotted over with habitations, and contains 2088 in 2028 houses. It is rem» r »**"- l gpF its bright

Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 501 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
to G rlifenberg, where people re sort to undergo the water-cure, [The post-road runs front Hohenstadt, by If Schönberg, 2| Altstadt, to 3-1 F reiwaldau (Inti : Silberne Krone). Distance to Freiwaldau 7| Germ, tn.,—34| Eng. in, ©räfenberg lies a short distance to the U. of the small town of Frciwaldau, in the N. part of the Austrian portion of the duchy of Silesia, which is now Included in the province of Moravia. Vincent Priessnitz, the Arch-water- doctor, has established a sort of colony here, consisting now

. (Inns Schwarzer Adler ; Schwan ; Goliath ; Krone), one of the strongest fortresses in the Austrian dominions, situated on the March, or Marawa ; it has 12,300 Inhab. It was taken by the Swedes in the Thirty Years’ War* hut Frederick the Great besieged it in vain, in 1758, for seven weeks, and was then com pelled to retreat by Loudon, who cut off his magazines. Lafayette was con fined a prisoner within it in 1794. By the aid of a fellow-prisoner, named Boliman, he managed to escape over the walls

Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 32 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
WuHemherg . route 152 . —essli: Qbertiirkheim Stat. I.]- Essiingen Stat. (Inns: Krone; Adler.) A manufacturing town of about 12,000 Inhab., formerly an Im perial city, and in perpetual fetid with the dukes of Wurteinberg. It was ceded to them at the peace of Liine- ■viile (1802). It retains its old tea Us. Its manufactures are of wool, cotton, hardware, and of a sparkling wine . (Neckar-Scbaumwein) imitating Cham pagne. It has a heaiitiful Gothic church, the Liebfravenkirche, with re liefs over

- staufen. The view from the old castle called Berfried, whose walls descend to the town, is fine, ' 1 i Plochingen Stat. (Inns : Wald- horn • Krone), A town with 2000 Inhab,, at the junction of the Fils with the Neckar, which latter stream is crossed by a curious wooden bridge, constructed in 1 777 by a carpenter of Stuttgart, named Etzel. Here the rail road quits the valley of the Neckar, and follows up that of the Fils as far a ® Geiwdingen, lieichenbach Stat; Eberslmch Stat. Hih ingen Stat