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Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 303 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
ROUTE 212 . —BREGENZ TO INNSBRUCK. Sect. .2U4? from Gaul, in a fleet constructed on its shores, probably the first that ever navi gated its waters. The Gebhanlsbery, the hill behind the town, surmounted by a church, con taining an image of Grace (Gnadenbild, § 66), commands the most beautiful view of any spot on the shores of the Lake of Constance: it embraces the snow-capped peaks of the Arlberg on the E. ; the glaciers of Appenzell, and the peak of the Sends, on the 8.; and the whole expanse

of the lake to Con stance. There is a delightful public walk, with seats, along the shore of the lake in the direction of Lind an. A family named Aberer, in Bregenz, possesses some of the earliest works of Angelica Kauffmann, who was born near this, at a village called Schwarz- ach, or. Sehwarzberg, not far from Dombirn, through which our road Steamboats navigate the Lake of Constance, 4 times a week, between Bregenz and Lindau, Friedrichshafen, Rorschach, and Constance. Fare to Constance, 1st class

, 2§ fl. Miinz ; time required, 5 hrs, Eilwagen daily to Chur, 11 Germ, m., in 11 hrs. In going by land from Bregenz to Lindau, the Austrian custom-house is reached at the Bregenzerkiause, where there was once a fort, which commanded the pass out of Swabia into Tyrol. The road to Feldkirch is on a level, and passes through orchards nearly the whole way. Dombirn, though only a village of widely-scat tered houses, has 6600 Inhab., —more than either of the three towns of the Vorarlberg. The women find employ

Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 302 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
frontier, a handful of Tyrolese, in 1799, kept 6000 of Massdna’s troops at hay. This road joins the g-plugen road, coming from Ragatz, just where this latter crosses the Rhine, before reaching 34 Coiiie, or Chur. (See Handbook for Switzerland 9 Rtes. 67 and 87.) ROUTE 212. BREGENZ, ON THE LAKE OF CONSTANCE, TO INNSBRUCK, BY THE PASS OF THE ARI.UERG. 2Sf Aust. m. — 1354 Eng. m. Eilwagen daily, at 4 p.ji., communi cating at Landek, every Tuesday and Friday, with a branch coach to Botzen and Verona. (Rtes

side, and Switzerland on the other. Bregenz. — Inns : Goldner Adler (Post), good; Oesterreichischer Hof, near the steamer; Weisses Kreutz. Bre- geuz, the chief town of the Vorarlberg, or country in front (i, c. to the W.) of the Arlberg, has a Pop. of 2300 souls, and is prettily situated on the slope of a hill at the E. extremity of the Lake of Constance. Asa fron tier town of Austria (§ 86, 87), placed between the territories of Bavaria and Switzerland, it is a place of consider able traffic

. It exports a great number of ready-made wooden houses, con structed and fitted by the industrious Tyrolese in the remote valleys. and forests, and brought hither in pieces. It also supplies the vineyards on the shores of the lake with vine-poles. Bregenz is believed to be the Bregan- tium of Strabo and Ptolemy. Near this Tiberius and Drusus Nero fought the Vindelici, having previously car ried a Roman army across the Lake

Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 304 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
ROUTE 212 . BREGENZ TO INNSBRUCK.—ARLBERG migrate annually to neighbouring ooun hies in search of employment; u ’ ake affectionate children, always return to end their days in the spot that g av birth. The young women qum %ir homes at the beginning of winter, hifh a spinning-wheel on their ^c , M repair to Appenzell and Bt. a ’ ^ help the Swiss to spin their flax- Jhe principal place of the valley |chmns, 12 m. from Bludenf. At St pier’s on? road quits the side of the l % and begins to ascend

: Post, noisy and dear; Goldner Adler, good). A Ms is a village of 1000 Inhab., prettily situated on the rt. bank of the Inn, with the Castles of Landek towering above it on the E., and that of Schrofenstein on the N. Three roads meet here—from Milan, by the romantic pass of Finster- mtinz (Me. 213), and the wonderful road over the Stelvio (Rte. 214) ; from Innsbruck ; and from Bregenz. Eilwflfjm daily to Bregenz, Inns-

Geografia, guide
Sight-seeing in Germany and the Tyrol in the autumn of 1855
Pagina 266 di 417
Autore: Forbes, John / by sir John Forbes
Luogo: London
Editore: Smith, Felder and Co.
Descrizione fisica: XIX, 378 S. : Ill., Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Soggetto: g.Deutschland ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Österreich ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1855
Segnatura: II A-23.768
ID interno: 152665
importance, Dornbirn, which bas a population of no lesa tban 8000, tbis being reckoned on thè same principle of inclnding tbe surrounding township. Botb tbese' places contala many factories of all sorts of fabrics, and Dornbirn is by far tbe first place of mannfactnre and trade in tbe Vorarlberg, From Dornbirn tili within a sbort distanee of Bregenz tbe road takes a straigbt conrse through tbe plain, far away from tbe bilia, and consequently fiora all tbat liad bitberto givcn it any cbarm

, 1 was, for tbe first time since leaving Vienna, reminded of tbose iigly bnt cultivated flats wbicb disfigure so mncb of Prussia, Belgium, and France, Aitbougb, in leaving tbe river 111, we bad left tbe line of tbe greatest slope of tbe watersbed towards tbe west, tbe respective altitudes of tbe different places passed tbrougb in our way to Bregenz still sbow a clecided fall of tbe surface. Tbus wbile Feldkireb bas an altitude of 1460 feet above tbe sea, Höhenems bas only 1416, Dornbirn 1275, and Bregenz

1233, We arrived at Bregenz at balf-past six, too late to allow of any inspection of tbe town. As, however, I did not leave it on tbe following morning tili balf-past six, I bad just time to obtain a general Impression of time cbaraeter of tbe place and its locality. Bregenz is a neat and pleasant town, beantifnlly situated dose on tbe shore of tbe lake of Constane© .òr Bodensee, partly on tbe slope of tbe bill, and partly on tbe levcl leige between it and tbe lake, Tbe lake is so extensive, tbat

it conveys almost tbe same Impres sion to tbe mind as tbe sea itself ; and Bregenz, in ita general aspect and position, inay bear eomparison witb many of thè most at tradire watering-places on tbe sbores of France or England. It is tbe capital of tbe

Geografia, guide
Sight-seeing in Germany and the Tyrol in the autumn of 1855
Pagina 267 di 417
Autore: Forbes, John / by sir John Forbes
Luogo: London
Editore: Smith, Felder and Co.
Descrizione fisica: XIX, 378 S. : Ill., Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Soggetto: g.Deutschland ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Österreich ; f.Reisebericht 1855<br />g.Tirol ; f.Reisebericht 1855
Segnatura: II A-23.768
ID interno: 152665
Vorarlberg,, and contains a population of upwards of 3000. The beauty of its immediate site, its cornai and of this inland sea, and the great attractioris of its hilly vicinity, so convenient for the building of villas, make Bregenz a fashionable place of residence, both in the winter and summcr. The existenee in its vicinity of a mineral, spring (Dinglingsbad), celehrated for its beneficiai effects in gout and rheumatism, is an additional source of attractiori to many. I regretted extremely

not heing ahle to ascend thè bill or mountain called the Gebhardsberg, which closely bounds the town on the east, and rises to the height of 2154 feet above the surface of the lake. The view from this point is said to he one of the fiuest in the Vorarlberg, or in the adjoining districts of Switzerland. Bregenz Stands on thè site of the Roman Brigantium, hut possesses no other relic of the original Settlement but its sligbtly altered name. In the middle ages it was sometimes an independent domain

the Appenzellers were at this time besieging Bregenz. The besiegers had laid a scherno to talee Bregenz by a secret onslaught, on the night of the 13 th January, 1408. This secret came to the know- ledge of a poor beggar-woman of Bregenz, Gutha by name, while pursuing her vocation in Appenzell; and she lost no time in communicating it to her townsfolk.

[ca. 1850]
Views in the Tyrol
Pagina 114 di 121
Autore: Allom, Thomas ; Tombleson, William ; Isser, Johanna ¬von¬ ; Hormayr, Joseph ¬von¬ / from drawings by T. Allom, after original sketches by Johanna v. Isser, geb. Grossrubatscher, with letterpress descriptions, by a companion of Hofer
Luogo: London
Editore: Tomleson
Descrizione fisica: 72 S. : 46 Stahlst., Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Segnatura: 462
ID interno: 529298
of commerce. Der Voralberger Kirschengeist, or cherry brandy, has attained much celebrity. An extensive water trafile exists on the lake of Bregenz for the conveyance of goods in transitu from Trieste and Genoa, througli the Tyrol and thè Grisons. On thè lake of Constance, or Bodensee, which is about forty-five miles long and fifteen broad, are seen, not only trading vessels, but armed ships ; and during Moreau’s advances from the Rhine to the Lech, in 1796 and 1800, a small flotilla was armed

neutrality, blockading the Wiirtemberg flotilla in Frederick’s harbour, and surprising thè city of Constance at the opposite end of the lake. The ports and roads of Bregenz, Wasserburg, Buckhorn, Sernatingen, and Ueberlingen, with the small towns of Fussach, Bäumeie, and Hard, are not of much importance. The most accessible and secure port on the lake, is Lindau , an ancient free town of thè empire, built near the mouth of the Leiblach, upon three small islands, a bridge communicating with thè main land

.” During the sovereignty of Henry IV. and Lewis of Bavaria, the inhabitants of Lindau, purchased their independence from the Counts of Bregenz ; and Rudolph of Habsburg rendered them free of thè empire. Austria’s preponderance in the affairs of the German empire was considerably diminished after the peace of Luneville, in 1802, on the conclusion of the second coalition war, when the ecclesiastical States, and free towns of thè empire were apportioned, as au indemnifieation to the temporal hereditary

Views in the Tyrol
Pagina 165 di 174
Autore: Allom, Thomas ; Tombleson, William ; Isser, Johanna ¬von¬ ; Hormayr, Joseph ¬von¬ / from drawings by T. Allom, after original sketches by Johanna v. Isser, geb. Grossrubatscher, with letterpress descriptions, by a companion of Hofer
Luogo: London
Editore: Tomleson
Descrizione fisica: [1] Bl., 128 S., [1] gef. Bl, [42] Bl. : 42 Ill., 1 Kt.
Lingua: Englisch
Segnatura: II A-5.020
ID interno: 351056
LAKES OF CONSTANCE, BREGENZ. 123 emanates from the grazing and breeding of cattle and the production of Lacticinien, which are excellent kinds of cheese. Wine and corn are also produced, but not in sufficient quantities to meet the consump tion ; though it is gratifying to remark, the country is annually becoming less dependent on the foreign supply of grain ; but at present it derives one-third of its subsistence from South Suabia, Flax and tobacco form another limited branch of commerce

. Der Voralberger Kirschengeist , or cherry brandy , has attained much celebrity. An extensive water traffic exists on the lake of Bregenz for the conveyance of goods in. transitu from Trieste and Genoa, through the Tyrol and the Grisons. On the lake of Constance, or Bodensee , which is about forty-five miles long and fifteen broad, are seen, not only trading vessels, but armed ships ; and during Moreau's advances from the Rhine to the Lech, in 1796 and 1800, a small flotilla was armed by an Englishman named

Williams , which continued to maintain a superiority over a similar armament of the French and Swiss. The ports and roads of Bregenz, Wasserburg, Buchhorn, Sernatingen, and Ueberlingen, with the small towns of Fussach, Baumele, and Hard, are not of much importance. The most accessible and secure port on the lake, is Lindau , an ancient free town of the empire, built near the month of the Leiblach, upon three small islands, a bridge from the largest island communicating with the main land ; and

Geografia, guide
Travelling Sketches : in the North of Italy, the Tyrol, and on the Rhine.- (Heath's picturesque annual ; 1832)
Pagina 302 di 317
Autore: Leitch, Ritchie / Leitch Ritchie
Luogo: London
Editore: Longman [u.a.]
Descrizione fisica: IV, 256 S. : Ill.
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: mit 26 Stahlstichen
Soggetto: g.Oberitalien;f.Reisebericht ; <br>g.Tirol;f.Reisebericht
Segnatura: II 185.432
ID interno: 240277
PROCESSIONS OF WOMEN. 249 the task of grouping a picture for the admiration even of such an idler as ourselves, is better than the work of a man or a horse. As well as the helmet- cap* which still continues in fashion, we observe a flat circle of straw laid upon the head, like a gipsy hat, •with scarcely any crown. With good features beneath, the effect is bewitching. We cross the river Aachen—which, with the Rhine and the Bregenz, flows into Lake Constance— by means of an immense wooden bridge

, completely covered, and fully as long, we should think, as Waterloo Bridge. The Aachan is at present only an inconsiderable stream, and one would be sur prised to find such a structure surmounting it, but for the extensive beds of sand and gravel on either side, which prove that sometimes it must be a great river. We are now in the immediate neighbourhood of Lake Constance, although we rarely catch a glimpse of its broad bosom ; but at last we enter the little town of Bregenz, built on the south-east

shore of the lake. Near Bregenz is the castle of Pfannenberg, situated on a rock, which overlooks the Bregenzer Klause, a defile which communicates between Swabia and the Valley of the Rhine, and has been frequently the scene of sanguinary conflicts. The lake itself is too extensive, and the shores too narrow, to present a very romantic aspect from this point. The Sea of Swabia, as it was called during the middle ages, is an immense sheet of water, the surface of which is broken by only two islands.