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Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 340 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
* to Me ran and Bregens, Mon, and Thurs. $tcttwagen twice a day to Meran, Innsbruck, Trent, &c. Travellers go- inn N- from Botzen will find the road h-f Moran and the Finstennunz (llte, 213) far more interesting than the Brenner, hut the Inns are not good. |The pedestrian intending to de scend the valley of the Adige to Trent should not follow the post-road, but take in preference the cross-road run ning under the base of Sigmundskrone, through the valley of Kaltern, which ram K, parallel with that of the

Adige, but separated from it by an isolated mountain. On the way he will pass the commanding ruins of the castle of ffoch-Eppan, the owners of which, in the Hth centy., formidable rivals of the. counts of Tyrol, looked down from their donjon-keep upon 36 castles, chiefly held by feudal retainers of their Tht? y engaged in a deadly feud with the Bishop of Trent, and from thence may be dated the decay of the family, which became extinct in 1300. The road then passes through the vil lages

of St. Michael and Kaltern, which is the centre of a considerable wine- trade. (There is a difficult bridle-path from Kaltern over the Monte Mendola, into the Valley of Non, Kte. 220. ) The road, a little to the 8. of Kaltern, skirting along the W. shore of a small lake called the Kalterer-See, leads by Kurtatsch and Kurtinig to the river Adige at 8»hitn. This route is about 9 m. longer than the post-road, but far more agreeable, and easily accom plished in one day.] The Eisack runs by the side of the post

-road for a short distance out of Botzen, then turns to the W. to join the Adige (Germ. Etsch; Lat. A thesis). The flat plain forming the bottom of the valley (Thal-sohle) is productive of maize, mulberries for silkworms, and miasmata; indeed, the fevers produced by the latter are so fatal as to gain the name of Leiferer-Tod, from the village of Leifers —the point whence pilgrims ascend out of the vale of the Adige, to visit the celebrated shrine of our Lady of the Weissen stein. At 2 Branzoll the

Adige first becomes navigable for rafts. The porphyry mountains, which line the valley from Botzen, give place to limestone at 2 Neumarkt (Ital, Egna.) (Inn AH’ Angiolo, or Albergo Keale, tolera ble), an unhealthy village, of 1100 In hale, communicating by a bridge over the Adige with a road leading to Kaltern. A road runs E. from this into the very interesting Fleimserthal (Kte. 221), ascending the Trudnerthal, and passing through Montan, Truden (Trodcno), over the Zislonberg to Dajano, and

Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 315 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
. 2 Kyers.— fnn: Post. 11 Sehlnnders. — Inn Post, vines first make their appearance , ...... on the opposite side of the Adige are quarries of a pure white marble, well adapted for statuary, and already em ployed by the sculptors of Munich in preference to that of Carrara. The building now converted into the Lcmdf/ericht at Soli landers was origin ally a Convent of the Teutonic Knights. The upper part of the vale of tic Adige, from its source to Botzen, is called the 1 ' inischgan, from its ancient

inhabitants the Vennonetes. It is much P After passing Schluderns, at Sjondi- nig, a group of hovels about 3 m. from , —- .-*••• - n u Mals, the road to the Stelvio (Rte. 214) deformed at first by the rocky branches off from that to Botzen, cross- " 1 ing the Adige by a long narrow bridge, and proceeds to Prad, Travellers who do not intend to pass into Italy by the Stelvio will be well rewarded for ascend ing to the summit of this extraordinary pass, which is traversed by the loftiest road in Europe, and

even for descend ing as far as the galleries on the oppo site side, and the baths of Bormio. It would take them 2 days to do this; or they may make their way by mule and foot-paths, not very difficult, into the Italian valleys of Camonica, of Iseo, and Mto (Rte. ’231) — all abounding in beauty—-and then re-enter Tyrol by the Lag«' di Garda. The road between Prad and Mals is good: the Adige is here a small stream with a wide bed, and runs through a country much more resembling the Valteline than

Switzer land ; but the villages are well built, neat, and white, and they have project- • Below Glnnii a channel of ninsoniy has been formed to‘Serve as ft hod to the Adige. of torrents, which strew the low . .. with rubbish, and afterwards by nume rous unwholesome swamps caused by the floods of the river ; indeed, except ing the view of the Ortler, the villajt® of Latsch, and the castle of Castelbell, a little below it, there are no points-of ! interest. The Adige itself, for a WM- siderable distance

, descends a succession of rapids almost deserving the namedf a cataract. A fine road has been con structed from near the falls of the Adige to Meran on the it. bank of the river. The road crosses the Adige W reach Latsch.—Post, Weisses Ross; Hirsch’ —-both tolerable. In tbe Bpitalklrche are curious old fresco-paintings, un fortunately retouched. The peasants of Latsch are famed as composers and actors of dramatic pieces, Bauern Ko mödien ; one Peter Haas is a volumi nous author in this line (§ 107

Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 343 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
tz. 0 f Koveredo. Dante, when exiled from Florence, and living at the court of the Scaligers, was some time en tertained as a guest 'by the lord of Castellmreo, its owner. It must have of forte, on the site of the oldVene- tian defence of Lu Chiu sa (Berner Klanse), which command not only the road and ravine of the Adige but the plateau of ltivoli opposite. At here that he observed ana nxed m his memory that singular scene of desolation called Slmino di Sun Mnreo y which is traversed by the

™ IH qrià <l& Tr»'nto, Y Artko (i) per tmnnntri, «> per nuutco : Çlie «la cimsv M motile, si mouse ill piano, <• si In ruceia <Iis,'„s-'«'sa. Ch' aknna via «% rl»i s'u fusse. Inf a-7ia, XII. >. 10. 'been during the time of his residence j which lies on a road from the valley of the Adige to the Lago di Garcia, Napoleon gain«! one of his earliest and most decisive victories over the Austrians, 1797. The French set up a monument on the field, which was afterwards destroyed. Incafl,, be yond and S.of Kivol

i , was I he residence of the physician and poet Fracastoro. The olive .first appears near 21 Vnlurtjnc. Beyond here the 'val ley of the Adige widens, and from hen may he said to commence the plain of the Po; the road follows the 1 1. hank of the river, passing a fertile district, by the vi Ponton, leaving the Val Folicella ft Verona {Funs; Due Torn, Torre di l/mdva-, Pavigi), >'or Nurih Italy, lttc. 26.) 2 AU ( Fuji. ; Corona, Post, good and ), a town of . 171)0 Inhab., who are ly weavers of velvet ami silk, here

» flourishing manufacture. Avis and Borghctto are the last places in Tyrol. f,| Peri is the first station in Italy tii« is in the Austrian province, of Hus to-1 ,crtii,hardy. The valley of the Adige is partly separated from thy 1»eo di Garda bV the range of the Monte Iktldo, In of the ravines descending from it, near Bruntino, is the singular sanctuary and hermitage of Mm fauna, dull a G,»*„«„, built | in A cave in the precipitous fare* of a mc-k, approachable from below hv steps , cut in the rock, and from

above In copies 1 :n) nuAres long. The- Adige bursts through a narrow defile above Volargne, f> m. long, flunked by precipices of limestone, rising like "Walls' on both sides, and leaving no fmjfit for the road, which has been psirtly rut through them. At its S. and on the 'declivities above JTE 218. ROVEREOO TO 11V A ON THF, I. A CO D' UAIlPA, .) iiusi. m. 14 Dug. in. daily. A 4 hrs. drive, through a carriage.-road : it crosses the „ n ferry .'1 I "II . below Hover« vori'ta, passes Mori, and

Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 341 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
320 ROUTE 217, —ROTZEN TO VERONA—TRENT. Sect. XXI. temperament and moderate habits, are better able to stand the climate. 2 Salurn {Inn: Krone; dirty, but civil) is surmounted by a most pic turesque Castle in ruins, which once commanded the passage up the Adige, and is still an important military post. Below Salurn the limestone mountains contract the valley into a defile, called Die Schanzc, forming a strong military post in time of war. General Joubert avoided it in 1797, by conducting the

French army up the Fleimser Thai, round to Neumarkt. The valley of Non (Rte, 220) now opens out on the rt, hank of the Adige, which recei ves its tributary the Non opposite the village and convent San Michele. 2 Lavis (no good inn), a small town completely Italian in its charac ter, standing on the dangerous and tur bulent torrent the Avisio, which here flows out of the valley of Fichus and Fassa to join the Adige. The in teresting road up this valley is de scribed in Rte. 221. From Lavis it ascends

on the 1. bank of the Adige. Its numerous towers and spires, sur mounted by the stately Dom, its mar ble palaces and its ruined castles, all included within a circle of embattled walls, have from a distance a very im posing aspect. It has all the character of an Italian city, nearly unaltered. It was the Trkkntnm of the Romans, a place of great antiquity, and rose to high importance and prosperity under the rule of its prince-bishops, from the time that the Emp. Conrad the Salic bestowed upon them

and their suc cessors the temporal rule over the valley of the Adige and the surround ing district. It still continues the see of the Prince- Bishop, the chief place of a circle (Kreisstadt), and contains 13,000 In- hab. It is nearly 5 m. in circumfer- 1 ence. I The finest building, and the chief of its 15 churches, is the Dom, or Cathe dral (dedicated to St. Vigilius), entirely of marble, begun 1048, in the Roman esque style, and is remarkably curious in some portions, especially the porches. The

, and is richly decorated externally with bas-reliefs. The pulpit, of Carrara marble, is finely carved. The Ca.dl.e Bmn Gomiglio was the Episcopal stronghold during the middle ages, but is now falling to ruin; it is an edifice of enormous extent. There is another episcopal castle, also m ruins, outside the town, on the banks of the Adige, called Palazzo degli Albert» The palaces (J olios and Tabm-elli are remarkable for their architecture. The chief produce of the district around Trent is wine and

Geografia, guide
¬The¬ Cornice, the Grimsel and the Gries, the Bernardin and the Splugen, the Brenner, the Tende and the Argentière, and the Simplon.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 2)
Pagina 83 di 164
Autore: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Luogo: London
Editore: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Descrizione fisica: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Segnatura: III 83.717/2
ID interno: 333560
Non, and rises to the glaciers of the Ortler-spitz, the Gavio, and the Tonai. Across the latter of these a difficult path leads to Edolo, in the Val Camonica. Between St. Michael and Lavis the valley of the Adige narrows to a defile, but spreading out again, extends into the beautiful plain of Trent. The city of Trent has been rendered remarkable in history, chiefly by the celebrated council of the church, which was held there from the year 1545 to 1563. The church of St. Mary Maggiore

independence, when not in the hands of the Bavarians or the Austrians. On a hill called Dostrent, anciently Dorsum Tridentum, west of the city, there formerly stood a temple of Neptune, and the ruins of a castle built by the Lombards still remain. Southward of Trent, the German language gives place to the Italian, which is generally spoken. Surrounded by lofty mountains, the situation of Trent is very beautiful: the Adige traverses the plain immediately above it, and waters the walls of the city. In almost

every point of view Trent is picturesque; but from no place is it more striking than from the ascent to Monte Porgine, where the city, and the windings of the river, are seen beneath the observer, with the mountains which bound the plain, extending to the horizon, and closing, in the distance, the valley of the Adige.* From Trent a road leads to Arco and thence to Riva, at the head of the Lago di Guarda. Between Trent and * Plate the fourth.

Geografia, guide
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Pagina 127 di 150
Autore: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Luogo: London
Editore: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Descrizione fisica: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Segnatura: III 83.717/1
ID interno: 333558
loosened by frost, or detached by avalanches from the mountains which bound the Pass of the Stelvio, sweep across the zig-zag terraces of the upper part of the road. The scenery throughout the route from Botzen to Milan, which the author now proposes to illustrate, is rich and varied, abounding in the sublime, the beautiful, and the picturesque, from the glaciers of the Ortler-Spitz to the shores of the lake of Como, and through the rich valleys of the Adige and the Adda. Botzen is situated in the

former valley, near the confluence of the Eisach and the Adige, in a little plain of great fertility, where, beneath the shelter of surrounding mountains, the pomegranate ripens, and the fruits of northern Italy abound. In ascending the vale of the Adige to Meran, the richness of the country, and the luxuriant productiveness of the soil, cannot fail to attract the attention of the traveller; and the old castles, so common in the Tyrol, are in no part of it

Geografia, guide
¬The¬ Little Saint Bernard, the Mont Genèvre, the Mont Cenis, the Mont Saint Gothard, the Great Saint Bernard, and the Stelvio.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 1)
Pagina 128 di 150
Autore: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Luogo: London
Editore: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Descrizione fisica: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Segnatura: III 83.717/1
ID interno: 333558
more numerous. Almost every rock which projects into the valley is surmounted with this evidence of the baronial power of the Middle Ages. Meran is delightfully situated on the river Passer, near- to its confluence with the Adige, and seems nooked into the angle which is here formed in the valley of the Adige. Botzen lies 8. S. E. below Meran; whilst the road through the valley above this town is continued nearly west: thus backed on the north and east by lofty mountains, its little territory

is very fine. The ascent of the valley continues with little variety; the scenes are generally beautiful, and the picturesque is often aided by the ruins of feudal castles. The road passes beneath one of these, which frowns immediately over the village of G-astenbellf. A little beyond this castle the route crosses the Adige to its right bank, and, after passing through Latsch, * Plate tlic first. -j- End Vignette. M 2

¬The¬ Land in the mountains : being an account of the past and present of Tyrol, its people and its castles
Pagina 104 di 406
Autore: Baillie-Grohman, William A. ; Landis, Charles [Vorredner] / by W. A. Baillie-Grohman. With an introduction by Charles Landis
Luogo: London
Editore: Naturw.-med. Verein
Descrizione fisica: XXXI, 288 S. : zahlr. Ill.
Lingua: Englisch
Segnatura: II A-1.123
ID interno: 136079
considerable even in the earliest days of Roman supremacy in the Central Alps, for the stations on this road were substantial places. Tricesimum was the first of these settlements after leaving the shores of the Adriatic, Julium Carnicum , the present Zuglio, the second ; Aguntum, or Innichen, the third , and at Sebatum , or Schabs as its modem unmelodious name runs, situated at the foot of the Brenner mountains, just north of Brixen, Caesar’s road joined the highway from the Adige country, which

in subsequent times, when Aquileia began to decline, was destined to ex tinguish its trade so completely. Between Julium Carnicum and Aguntum sprang up a fourth important settlement, namely Loncium or Lonicum , where now stands, in a very beautiful position, the little mediaeva town of Lienz, the gateway to the Gross Glöckner country. Strabo refers to a lake which he thought was the source of the Adige,f and though it would have been but a classic instance of a mistake frequently made down to this day

, amongst others by Goethe, i.e., to confound the head-waters of the Eisack with those of the Adige, he was * How little used this pass is to-day the following incident will illustrate, A few years ago a friend and I rented an extensive range of chamois country comprising the northern face of the Plöcken Pass {the watershed forms the international boundary and the southern slopes are in Italian territory). One day I shot a chamois close to the little custom-house that marks the top of the pass, and the

Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 347 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
326 BOUTE 220. — PASS OF ROCHETTA. Saltivn, where the Val di Non opens out into the Talley of the Adige. An excellent carriage-road ascends the 1. bank of the Noce, as far as Cles and Fondo. Travellers coming from Botzen and the N. must cross the Adige by a bridge a little below the defile of 8a- lurn (p. 320) to Deutschmetz (Meta Teutonica), during the rale of the Lombards in Italy the last post of the Germans, whence its name. It is a village of 1100 Inhah-, on the E. hank of the Noce : its

a little to the W. of it the Castle of Walschmetz , com manding the entrance of Nonsthal, and still inhabited. The German language has long since disappeared, and Italian is spoken in both villages. Travellers coming from Trent turn out of the Brenner road a little above Lavis, at alia Nave , where they cross the Adige by a ferry, and proceed di rect to Walschmetz. The Pass of Eochetta, beyond this, a gorge through which the Noce pene trates, is considered by some little in ferior to the Finstermunz

gulls, and inter spersed with vine-clad slopes and chestnut groves. Cles (Inn , Corona d’Oro), though the chief place of the valley, is a poor village. It lies about 9 in. above Eochetta, and 18 m. from S. Michele on the Adige, at the junction of the Novella with the Noce. Much silk and hemp are cultivated at Cles. Near it stands the castle of the barons of Cles. The view from the hill (Poggio), called Doss di Pez, includes great part of the valley, but is inferior to from the village of Revo

Geografia, guide
¬The¬ Cornice, the Grimsel and the Gries, the Bernardin and the Splugen, the Brenner, the Tende and the Argentière, and the Simplon.- (Illustrations of the passes of the Alps ; Vol. 2)
Pagina 85 di 164
Autore: Brockedon, William / by William Brockedon
Luogo: London
Editore: Print. for the author, sold by Rodwell
Descrizione fisica: Getr. Zählung ; zahlr. Ill.
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Illustrations of the passes of the Alps : by which Italy communicates with France, Switzerland, and Germany
Segnatura: III 83.717/2
ID interno: 333560
The pass of Chiusa is a remarkable, but unpicturesque defile through which the Adige has forced its way, leaving no space’ for a road but what has been artificially obtained, where the rock has been cut away and overhangs the passage. Here there was formerly a fort, which defended the frontiers of the Venetian territories: it has now been dismantled. After passing a short way beneath lofty and perpendicular rocks, the traveller leaves all semblance of hills, and proceeds, through Volargno and

sented on the road up the mountain. Trent is generally an object in these views, and it is seen in the distance, even from the summit of this pass, far beyond the deep defile that lies beneath the road, through which a torrent descends that falls into the Adige, near Trent* After crossing the ridge, the road winds down to a rich valley, in which the pleasant village of Porgine is situated : shortly afterwards, the route skirts the sequestered lakes of Caldonazzo and Levico, which are formed by the

Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 339 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
318 ROUTE 217. — -INNSBRUCK TO VERONA — 'BOTZEN, Sect. XIX, out the lower part of the valley of the. Adige, the dusty and stony roads and fields are hemmed in by high stone W At a little distance off lie several in teresting oh] eels. Xn the angle formed by the bend of the Adige, about 3 m. below Botzen, rises the Castle of 8iy- nv.mdsh'onc , so named from the Arch duke Sigismund of Austria, who built it. It is very conspicuous from its position on a projecting promontory; one tower alone, now

: and streams of pure water are conducted in little canals through the principal thoroughfares, The Parish Church, a Gothic building of the 14th centy., with an elegant little spire (1525), and a curiously carved pulpit within—and the Few Cemetery, on the side of the river, surrounded by ar cades, are worth notice. The Fran ciscan Convent, at the N. end of the town, is said to have been originally I Adige, the house of the Knights Templars, Schloss llunglstcm, a very picturesque and indeed displays

Geografia, guide
¬A¬ handbook for travellers in Southern Germany : being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, ecc., the Austrian and Bavarian Alps, and the Danube from Ulm to the Black Sea
Pagina 342 di 598
Luogo: London
Editore: Murray
Descrizione fisica: XII, 573 S. : Kt.. - 7. ed., corr. and enlarged
Lingua: Englisch
Commenti: Nebent.: Murray's hand-book southern Germany. - Hand -Book southern Germany
Soggetto: g.Süddeutschland ; z.Geschichte 1855 ; f.Führer
Segnatura: I 124.216
ID interno: 37775
this excursion will occupy a day. Another road runs W. from Trent, into the Val Barca, and down it to the Lago di Garda. (Rte. 219.) few miles below Trent, the valley of the Adige, here called Val Lagarina (Lägerthal), contracts and forms the narrow pass of Galliano, so called from a village situated in the jaws of it, at the junction of the Val Folgeren. Here the Venetians were defeated 1487, and their leader, Sauseverino, slain, by the troops of the Archduke .Sigisnnind, who built the church

of the village in gratitude for the victory, Galliano, being an important military post, was also stoutly contested in the campaigns df 1797 and 1809. On the rock above 'Stands the ruined castle of Beseno, While, on the rt. hand, the Costello della Pietro,, overhangs the road, A little lower down upon the moun tain-side, on the opposite bank of the Adige, are the ruins of Casfelbarco, the stionghold of a once powerful family, who held almost all the castles in Val Lagarina. It was captured by the

Venetian^ and converted by them into a ..rontier fortress, from which they re peatedly sallied to attack their Austrian neighbours. Roveredo (German, Rovereith) (Inns : Post, or. Cavalletto ; Corona; Cavallo Bianco, very good), a flourish ing town, of 7614 Inhab., on the 1. bank of the Adige, belonged to the Venetians down to 1509, when it was taken by the Emp. Maximilian. It is remarkable as the centre and seat of the silk-trade of Tyrol. Silk was an object of trade here as far back as 1200 ; the

[ca. 1910]
Hotel "Bristol", "Grifone-Greif", "Laurin" : F. Staffler, prop. , Bolzano, Prov. Bolzano, Italia, Dolomiti
Pagina 6 di 9
Luogo: [o.O.]
Descrizione fisica: 1 Faltbl. : Ill.
Lingua: Deutsch; Englisch; Französisch; Italienisch
Commenti: Text dt., ital, engl. und franz.
Soggetto: k.Hotel Bristol <Bozen> <br />k.Parkhotel Laurin<br />k.Hotel Greif <Bozen>
Segnatura: II A-36.050
ID interno: 511213
Nähe des Bahnhofes und aller wichtigen öffentlichen Ge bäude und der Autostartplätze. Die zu den Hotels gehörige Zentralgarage, ein mit allen Erfordernissen moderner Technik geführter Betrieb, bietet Raum für 70 Wagen. BOLZANO, ihe ancient market town to which the glowing summits of the Dolomites, scene of many fairy tales, lend an impressive character, is the metropolis of the Adige Valley, justly celebrated as one of the finest spots on earth. North and South, alpine and mediterra nean flora

, a gorgeous past and flourishing present, here combine with all their charms and contrasts into « matchless landscape, to visit which has become the desire and the happy achievement of thousands of travellers. Each season in the Adige Valley has its particular beauty. In the mild, sunny days of spring with their wealth of lovely blossoms, Bolzano, with its surrounding mountains slill snow-capped, is most attractive, not only as a stopping place between England and Southern Italy, but for a prolonged stay

scenery to north, east or west, or south to beautiful Lake Garda. Five mountain railways take one rapidly from Bolzano to the highest points in the immediate vicinity whence incredibly magnificent mountain panoramas can be seen. Autumn, the epoch of fruit gathering and of new wine, is considered the finest season in the happy Adige Valley, then tinted in a hundred hues, and is particularly well adapted for a sojourn of some time for the grape and fruit cures. The constant sunny mildness of the climate